Tuesday, December 26, 2006

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!

The X was around for Christmas. He took the kids to his mom's for Christmas Eve. My brother came over & helped me wrap presents, had pie and played with Gomer's present (she got a cell phone). He is in the beginning process of divorce, she filed, they had their first court date- not going as smooth as he would have liked but it never does. She and the kids had gone to her dad's house on Christmas Eve, so my brother came over cuz he was lonely.

During the day on Christmas Eve the X came over and went last minute shopping with me. He has no money and "felt like he contributed something by picking out some of the gifts". More likely he just enjoyed spending my money! He stayed at the house so he could be there in the morning when the kids opened their gifts. Then he napped most of the day away, then he left. The kids and I watched movies most of the day and played with their new stuff. Gomer had fun programming her phone, we both have the same model, the silver Motorola Razr V3. Her's has a pink cover, mine doesn't. We can hook them up to the computer and load ringtones and mp3's. So she had a lot of fun editing songs into ringtones and adding mp3's to hers. The night before she was a bit confused at to why her Uncle said she was going to have a lot of fun with that program, he had installed it while he was over and then showed her how to work it when she got home. I arranged it with her boyfriend for him to call her new phone Christmas morning at 9 am so she would have to open the ringing box. He did call, right at 9- I was impressed. I was all "oh this box is ringing- you'd better open it" She opened it, saw who was calling and answered the phone. She then asked him how much I was paying him to call like that. She is so wierd!

Lil'Man got a remote controled truck. It was fun to play with it and have the dogs chase it around the living room. It should be a source of great entertainment in the future. Just clear out the room and then we have 456 square feet of doggie chasing!

Beanie got a chocolate fountain, she really seems to like it. She got clothes too, she is really into clothes right now- I really hope that changes cuz she is REALLY into clothes and that could end up costing me too much money! I guess it's better that she's into clothes cuz that way she isn't trying to run around naked!

Okay, gotta get back to work.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Okay, so I am a crappy blogger! I just haven't had the time to blog, and I really don't have the time right now either but I just need to get something off of my chest & I really can't yell at the people that are annoying me! So aren't you lucky, you get to hear all about it. (like anyone really reads this anyway, but it is stress relieving just to be able to type it out!)

First of all, if I tell you that I am too busy to IM with you then that also means I am too busy to be your personal 411 operator! I do want you to contact Friend of the Court because I really do want you to pay child support! I really really do! I took a second job just because you were not paying child support to me, so I really want you to start paying! & I did take a few SECONDS out of my day to find that number for you. Just an FYI, the courts and their friends are found in the blue section of the phonebook, it's even marked- GOVERNMENT LISTINGS! You're not gonna find them in the white pages or even in the yellow! Geez!

Second, Mr Car Dealer. Your client is not my only client. I have many many clients in line waiting for me to get stuff done for them BEFORE your call. I will get you the stuff you are asking for as soon as possible. The more you call me, the slower you make me work!

Another rant directed at the X. Do not get mad at me for asking you to keep the kids overnight so I can go out with my girlfriends. Granted it is not your weekend, but you didn't take them for your last weekend and you are not going to take them this coming weekend either. It is Christmas weekend and I am keeping them for myself. I know that is selfish, but dang it they are my kids and I am keeping them for the holiday! They have a church play that they are all in and I have presents for them to open on Christmas morning.

Okay I am starting to feel better. A little. I am tired, hungry and my ear is feeling plugged from having the phone superglued to it all day.

Oh, BTW, if you read my Myspace blog it will be a repeat of this one.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Thanksgiving day is over and now my kids are with their dad. It is always so strange to be home all by myself. They've been going with their dad for quite a few years but never on a regular basis, so being alone isn't something I do often.

Today, before their dad came to get them, the kids and I raked leaves. It was such a nice day out too. I just can't get over how many leaves I have in my yard. I really should get rid of a few trees, but they provide a ton of shade for the house in the summer. But the yard looks really nice now.

Yesterday my brother, his dog, and some friends of ours and their kids came over for dinner. We had a really nice dinner of turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, stuffing, green bean casserole, rolls, and corn. Renee brought dessert, tons & tons of pie- yummy pies. We had a good time, and after dinner we all sat and watched Grey's.

I'm going to go find something to do now. I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

They're fixing my truck!!!!! I am so happy! I almost started crying yesterday when they told me they might not be able to fix it. The damage is $350 shy of totalling the truck. Needless to say, I am getting a brush guard for it as soon as I can. I think that would have saved a few parts and reduced the damage by about $1500. But on a good note, everything visible on the front of the truck will be new and shiny. New hood, grill, bumper, left fender, headlight assembly, fog lights, raditor, reserve tank- all new!

But until the truck is done I will be driving the loaner vehicle, a teeny tiny Dodge Neon. I really don't like driving a vehicle that I am taller than. The roof comes up to my boobs. I almost have to fold myself in half just to get into it. But it is good on gas. I just put in $16 and got 3/4 of a tank today! I wasn't going to fill it cuz I have to return it with half a tank & I didn't know if I would still have the loaner tomorrow. I do need to go get some things out of my truck though, like my sunglasses.

I was looking on ebay though when I thought I would have to find a new vehicle. I found an 02 Chevy Tahoe, loaded- currently at $1,300. A bit higher on miles but in excellent condition. Now I don't have to worry about it.

Okay, I've got to get back to work. I will be having a 4 day weekend! Everyone have a Great Thanksgiving, that is a lot to be thankful for in the world yet.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Friday night was supposed to be Girls Night In at my house at 7pm. I usually get home just before 6 and that would have given me time to make the "jello" and get stuff set up. But no. I just had to do this to my truck.
I was so mad! I had just crested a hill, doing around 55, and I suddenly saw a streak of brown. I slammed on my brakes, causing a 55 pound bag of dog food to come flying from the very back of my truck and smashing into the back of my seat, which my seatbelt had me firmly secured too. I then see butt and a hoove up in the air leaving my line of vision as the deer is airborn. As I come to a complete stop I look to my left and I see that butt again, only this time it is somersaulting into the ditch. I thought I saw the lower leg (no longer attached) rolling down the bank too. I get out of my truck as the steam is pouring out from under the hood. I don't even want to look. I was so mad, at the deer. I love my truck. That damn deer injured my truck! I was so mad! I jump out of the truck, my keys in one hand, the cell in the other with 911 already in the process of being dialed. Let me tell ya, it took over an hour for the sheriff's duputy to get there. By that time it was dark and cold. The guy driving behind me had stopped too. He had to go into the oncoming traffic lane to avoid hitting me. He saw the deer (it's entire body) hoover over my truck as it was launched towards the ditch. I told ya I was doing about 55, had barely braked when I hit it. The very help man & I went & picked up pieces of my grill out of the road so other cars wouldn't get damaged too. I look over in the ditch and the damn deer was GONE! I couldn't believe it. I couldn't find the hoove that I thought I saw too. I even asked the guy "this is where it would be, isn't? This is where I hit it, right?" He said it was. We figured the deer bound up over the hill on the side of the road and died in the orchard. I couldn't go looking for it cause I had to get my truck to the bottom of the hill so no one would hit it. I was so nervous moving my truck down that hill. There was no anti-freeze in it anymore. My poor baby bleeds green. Once I had the truck parked in a safe spot, I had decided not to go looking for the deer cuz with my luck the sheriff would show up while I was gone looking. One of my girlfriends that was coming over for Girls Night jumped in her car to come get me when I called to tell her I was going to be late. Another friend was coming from Grand Rapids and was also going to come pick me up. Let me tell ya, my friends Rock! Another gentleman stopped while I was waiting and went to look for the deer. I don't think he found it. I was going to have someone take me back to the scene on Saturday but the deer wouldn't be any good by that time. The gall bladder would have been damaged in the accident and the meat would be bile soaked by then. I was very mad that the damn deer damaged my truck and couldn't pay for it by taking up space in my freezer! I think I made about 15 calls while waiting for the sheriff. I called my brother first, after 911. He got me the number for the body shop I wanted to use. Hansen Collision- they rock too, if you ever need any work done to your vehicle, call Hansen. They towed my truck for me too. This whole thing is going to cost me about $165. $100 comprehensive deductible, $110 for towing (insurance covers $50 of it) and about $5.40 for the loaner car. I have to pay sales tax of 90 cents per day and they said it prolly be the 29th before I get my vehicle back. I will be so sad if they total my truck. It's worth about 9k, I owe just under 5k so if it were totaled I would get a check for about 4k. I could get another vehicle with that amount, but not another durango and I love my durango. Have I mentioned, I love my durango!

Saturday night, Giggles and I ended up taking Hot Momma out. She filed this week for divorce. Dirty Dog isn't with the bar slut anymore but he wants to end the marriage anyways. Hot Momma still wants to try to work things out, but he doesn't so she filed. She also hired herself a personal trainer on Saturday. She figures by summer she will be biniki ready and wants to make Dirty Dog think "Damn, why didn't I want to work things out?" Dirty Dog had the kids that weekend. He doesn't have a place to live yet, so he was a their house with the kids and she left for the weekend. Seeing how I am usually the driver and I had no wheels, we visited the bar that is within walking distance to my house. Giggles drove us to the bar, but we did end up walking home. There is a staircase in our route that has like 114 steps to it and the surface is a grate. Let me tell you, it isn't easy to walk up those stairs in 3 inch heeled boots. Hot Momma had on stillitos too, her heels kept getting stuck in the grates. I did find out a little interesting piece of info though while we were out. My x's cousin and cousin's wife are the djs at this bar. Apparently last weekend, when it was the x's weekend w/ our kids, he took his gf bowling with his brother & brother's wife. (guess my oldest was the sitter of my siblings and her cousins.)

Sorry for the interuption. I have to go meet someone for lunch. I promise I will finish as soon as I get back. I will just edit this post.

Okay, I'm back now. Yummy lunch w/ the Hansen Collision Goddess (marketing rep that visits me at my office)

Back to the story. Anyway. One of the x's aunts and some of her adult children were at this same bowling alley. She knew that the x & I are not together (but she loves me!) and she also knew why (said gf that he was with that night). She marched up to him and asked him "what the hell do you think you are doing?" He then tells her, get this now- are you ready?, that he broke up with me because I had asked his brother (different one than the one he was bowling with) and wife to have a threesome! The wife in question would be Giggles. She & I are close, she is like my best friend in this state (my altime best friend lives in OK now), but we are not that close! I would NEVER ask anyone for a threesome. I don't share. That is why I have an x cuz I don't share! Granted without my knowledge I did share with half of the county at one point. Surprisingly I didn't get as mad as I should have, I actually found it a bit funny. I did ask one of the cousins "Please tell me your mom didn't believe that?" The reply "No, we laughed our as#es off! (insert X's name here) is a habitual liar. I had someone come up to me once and asked me if I knew him. This guy used to work him, he said if X tells you a story you cut it in half, cut it in half again and then believe about 1/4 of that!" It's pretty bad when your own family doesn't believe what you say. Maybe it didn't make me all that mad because I knew it was false and so did anyone else that matters. Giggle's hubby got pretty mad though, he wanted X's cell number so he could yell at him.

I will also be starting a 2nd job. I will be waitressing at a bar every other weekend Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. They want me to start this wednesday, the biggest bar night of the year! Atleast I will make the money I need to pay for the damage to my truck, and I will make it all in one night! It's really hard raising 3 kids on just my income. I receive zero in child support (I think I might have said that before), so I found that in order for me to pay my bills and keep my kids feed, clothed and in school functions I had to get a 2nd job.

So I hope everyone's weekend was less eventful then mine, or at least no one else played chicken with a deer!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I haven't been updating here like I should be, I've been busy with work and playing with myspace. Shame on me, I know.

Hot Momma has had a bad week or so. Dirty Dog (her husband) has left her. He has been having an affair (no surprise to me) and has decided to leave his wife & 3 kids to be with this nasty bar chick. He spends a lot of time at the bar, more than I actually knew, like 5 nights a week he can be found at the bar. Just on my personal experience, no married man should be in the bar that often unless he is cheating. But hey, that's just my personal experience talking. Anyway, Dirty Dog's belongs somehow found their way out onto the yard and somehow, Hot Momma just isn't quite sure how this happened, but just somehow the halloween pumpkins ended up smashed on top of his stuff. I thought that was pretty easy on him. When my X cheated on me the first time, all of his stuff ended up in garbage bags and his Polo Cologne broke and was soaked up with his clothing. It was pretty stinky! I almost included the baby's pooy diaper in with his stuff, as I was changing the baby at the time I found out. & my X didn't even have the balls to tell me, the mistress' cousin told me, atleast Dirty Dog had the balls to tell Hot Momma herself. Someday Dirty Dog is going to get it in the end. The nasty bar chick is going to realize that he doesn't have as much money as everyone thinks he does and will toss him to the curb. Cuz that is what all nasty bar chicks do. In my opinion.

So wish Hot Momma well. She has a tough road ahead of her. I really feel for her kids, this kind of thing can really mess with a child's innocence. 2 of her kids are the same age as my 2 of my kids and they are in the same classes together, so atleast they have someone to talk to that has been in the same situation as they have, if they decide to talk.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Having a teenaged daughter is going to be the death of me. I will be the first to admit that I was by no means a prefect daughter, but I don't remember giving my mom this much attitude when I was 13. My parents set the rules and I followed them. No dating until I was 16. & then I didn't even have my first real date until I was almost 17, 5 days shy of my 17th birthday. Granted I should have dated more then cuz that first real date, I ended up marrying him. No make-up until I was 16. I didn't even sneak make up to school to put it on there. My mom didn't wear much make up, so I never really had that "hey you need to wear make up every day to be beautiful" atmostphere around me as a child. My mom was beautiful without any make up on and she was told that daily by my dad, so I grew up thinking that I didn't need it either. I still don't wear much make up now. My make up supplies consist of eye shadow, mascara, 1 eye liner pencil and some lip gloss. That's it. That's all it's ever been. So tell me why does my 13 year old think she needs to wear make up? Yeah she has some acne, she inherited her dad's skin type- poor baby! But wearing make up will only make it worse.

She has also discovered boys. All of her girlfriends have boyfriends. One would think that at 13 it would be harmless to allow her to have a boyfriend. It's not like they are going to go out on a date or anything, just stolen kisses inbetween classes and holding hands, right? At 13, I didn't know anyone my age that had already had sex. My daughter knows a girl in her grade that has had sex already! What is this world coming too?! Some of my girlfriends started having sex our freshman year. That is too young. At the time we all thought we were pretty grown up, after all we were freshman. But now that my baby girl is getting close to that age, no. I will transfer her to an all girls school if I have too. Maybe I'll send her to live with her Uncle David for a while. He can straighten her out for me.

She needs to realize that I am telling her what she can and cannot do is for her own good, not just because I am mean. Sometimes I do feel like a hypocrite. She wants to wear some of the same things that I wear. How can I tell her she can't have a thong when I am standing there in mine telling her no? I didn't get my first thong until after I had her. I was 20, she's 13. Big difference! At 13 I wore whatever my mom bought me. I had no real choice in the matter. Atleast she gets to pick out her own undercloths. Okay, enough about my daughters underware.

With 4 years between my girls, I will have to repeat this all over again, 4 years from now. With Beanie though, it might be sooner. She's a girly-girl where Gomer is more of a tomboy. UGhh. Why didn't I have all boys?!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Now it's time for a recap of my weekend.

Friday around 2 I left work (early) to go home to get Gomer & meet Giggles & Blondie. My kids' gma was picking up the younger 2 for the night and my brother was picking up the dog. We were to be in Frankenmuth by 6, it's just over a 2 hour drive (without a detour) and we left my place at quarter to 4. We had decided just to shoot across M46 to Saginaw and then take I75 South to Birch Run. Our hotel was in Birch Run and the girls were staying there while Giggles & I went to my work CSR dinner. Somewhere along M46 we hit a detour and we finally arrived at the hotel about 6:15. We made it to the dinner at 6:45, we missed most of the cocktail hour but made it for the dinner. So I only ended up with 2 free drinks instead of more, but that's good cuz I was driving. After the dinner portion we played a game and our table won. We got $15 gift cards to Bath & Body (which we both have used already). After the dinner and games were over, we headed back to the hotel. Gomer only called me once, I was impressed.

Saturday morning we hit the hotels free breakfast and then head to the Outlet Meca, aka Birch Run Prime Outlet. We shopped from 9:30 til almost 4. Let me tell you, Gomer does not understand the concept of clearance shopping. Most everything she wanted me to buy her was full price. I went there to shop for christmas & birthday presents, not to buy her stuff that I could buy at the mall in GR for the same price. I spent less then $10 on myself and got 2 new shirts and a bunch of lotions from Bath & Body. Lil'Man got a new shirt & a pair of camo pants from Aeropostale, and 2 new shirts from Children's Place. Beanie got a new denium skirt, and a shirt or 2 from the Children's Place and then last night I picked her up another shirt from Meijer. I also got her some stuff from Claires, got me some stuff at Claires too.

Saturday night, after we finally got home, I was to meet up with Hot Momma, it was to be girls night out. I had already picked up the kids from gma's and still had to take Giggles & Blondie home but pick up her little boy on the way to their house & still had to pick up the dog before GNO was to start. GNO was to start around 7, it started around 9 almost 9:30 & I still hadn't picked up the dog. She stayed another night at my brother's. I was the DD for the night, which I am perfectly fine with- I can have fun sober & it's cheaper that way too. We did a little bar hopping, visited 4 local watering holes (local can still mean in 4 different cities right?) We started in White Cloud and then headed south from there to Casnovia, hitting both towns inbetween. We closed the bar at Cas. As we are pulling out of the parking lot, both Giggles & Hot Momma exclaim that they should have used the bathroom before we left. We took back roads, so there are all kinds of apple orchards along the way. I told them I would pull over from them but let me get a little bit down the road to a more secluded area. They got all excited. I can't believe that a 31 year old & a 35 year old had never peed in an orchard before, or cooned apples either. All the way home after that they kept saying how they couldn't wait to get home to tell their husbands that they peed in an orchard and stole apples. They were too funny! Once back in the vehicle and back on the road, we drove past a dirt road that I just had to point out that I had sex on that road while he was driving and the car was still moving(that is not an easy thing to do in a coupe that is also a stick shift!). So that started a whole new topic of strange places that we had had sex in. Hot Momma got all sappy on us on the way home about her hubby, told us all of the hard times they had gone throught (I would not have made it through what they have!) and how great he is. (on a side note, I have seen some of the stuff he does that she doesn't know about and I really hope he changes and becomes more of the great guy she believes him to be, what I will not tell her what I know cuz I've been in that place before and sometimes it is just better to not know.)

Sunday the kids & I went to church and then picked up the dog. She was so happy to see us. She was running all over the yard and then ran right into my niece, knocking her to the ground. She broke her fall on the pavement with her elbow, the one she broke last winter. Luckily she was just a bit sore and not broken!

Sunday afternoon we cleaned up the house, stopped to get a birthday present and then went back to my brother's. From there we went to GR to Chuck E Cheese for a birthday party for a 5 year old girl that isn't my niece but still calls me her Aunt. Instead of the 8 of us going in 2 different vehicles, we all just climbed into my Durango to go to the party. After the party we stopped at Meijer and tried to stop at a home improvement store but they were already closed. We got home with some time to spare before Desperate Housewives came on.

Oh, while at Meijer (niece needed snow boots) I picked up some conditioner, or at least I thought it was conditioner. I go to use it this morning after washing my hair, only to discover I was washing my hair again! What a way to start my morning. I am now completely out of conditioner & will need to get some tonight. So now my hair smells like a Mixed Berry Smoothie with a twist of lime.

So that was my busy weeekend, I could have written it better but I'm not feeling all that creative right now.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

When did candy bars get so pricey? Granted it's been a while since my last purchase,but seriously. 85 cents for a regular sized candy bar? Seriously. I was expecting somewhere between 50 & 60 cents, but 85 cents? Seriously! Too me, that alone is enough reason to not purchase any more. I do believe that I was overcharged and the sales woman was overcharging everyone to support her crack habit. Or else she figured anyone coming into the gas station at 1am buying beer & a candy bar needs to be overcharged. I didn't buy the beer, one of my gf's did. It was Girls Night Out.

I will fill in more on that later. It involves peeing in an apple orchard and ending up with a truck full of apples.

Right now I have to get my kids out the door for a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese. I love playing Skeet Ball so secretly I'm trying to get them out the door so I can play!

Friday, November 03, 2006

My morning was no where near as productive as yours was Jenn. Before I left the house all I did (outside of the normal routine) was measure my kids. Beanie is 52", she gets to ride the big rides now! Lil'Man is 4'11.5" (don't forget the all important 1/2 inch there!). Gomer is 5'7". SAME HEIGHT AS I AM! How did that happen? She will soon be taller, she is no where near being done growing, she needs to grow into her big ol' feet yet. I also measured myself. I have a wingspan that is the same as my height and my inseam is 31". Guess I am mostly legs & arms! And no, the wingspan does not include the inches up and down the twins, I just measured across them.

Last night was the sports banquet for Beanie & Lil'Man. In years past they have always gotten trophies so Lil'Man was really looking forward to the banquet. He was all "Mom, by the end of tonight I will have 4 trophies!" Beanie was looking forward to her first one too. Well, they did get disappointed. Atleast Lil'Man was visibly disappointed. The football players got footballs with the name of the league and the year printed on it. The Cheerleaders got a cheap plastic megaphone (50cents each through bulk order) with a sticker slapped on the side with the name of the team and the year. Beanie's is already cracked. Lil'Man had a small melt down after the banquet. I had to take him by the arm and drag him out of the hall. It wasn't pretty. He really needs to learn how to deal with disappointment in a more managable way. Keeping mad and exploding, hitting people or things is the way his Dad deals with stuff so he thinks he can too. This year has been better. This has only been the second time he has exploded so far this school year. But picture this, I'm wearing a denium skirt, knee high black boots pulling my almost 11 year old son by the arm- he is fighting me the entire way- my feet are slipping and sliding on the tile floor. What fun! He was just overloaded. Too much sugar, too much excitement, too many people and to top it all off too disappointed about not getting a real trophy. & I can't get him to buy into the whole trophy football thing. I told him I could get him a tee and we could display it with his other trophies. I even offered to have it bronzed so it would look like a trophy. No luck. Maybe I'll just go to the trophy store myself & get him one. Or would that be just encouraging his bad behavior when he is disappointed?

Ok Jenn, I'm glad you and your dh are doing it but as long as I'm not getting any I really don't wanna hear that you've been gettin some! Just call me jealous or green with envy! Cuz I don't care what people say- batteries are just not the same!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I am frustrated! I want some of this in an attempt to ease my frustrations.

I don't have a fireplace, we have to hang the stockings off of the entertainment center. I saw this in a mail order book and I really like it! I don't think I could make one for less then it would cost to purchase.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Okay, I've got a dilemma. I've just been told about a different job. I'm not looking for a different job, but if something better, shinier, newer was thrown at me I just might want that shinier job. The new job is about 20 minutes closer to my home, and it offers extensive benefits. I'm all about extensive benefits seeing how I don't have any currently! So, here's the dilema. Do I send in my resume? Well, that's a no brainer. Of couse I send in my resume. But what do I do when it comes time to interviewing? Or a job offer? Do I just wait to cross that bridge when I get to it? I love my job- for the most part. My boss is great, he gives me lots of freedom and independence. He would have a hard time finding someone else to fill my shoes if I were to leave. I think he would have to find 2 people to do the job I do. I would feel bad leaving too. I don't want him to think that I applied because I don't like my job. I would be applying because I NEED THE MONEY & THE EXTENSIVE BENEFITS! But I also don't want him to think that I am applying just to have him offer me more money to stay with him. Ugh! What does a girl do?! Please tell me what you think, please voice your opinion. Thank you.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Wow, Football is finally over! I had thought it was over last weekend but I was wrong. This past Saturday was Super Saturday. Lil'Man played at 1pm, we finally got home from the field at 4:30ish- closer to 5 I do believe. They lost, but it was a close game. I sat out in the cold rainy weather to watch my boy play. What a good mommy I am. Beanie had gone with a fellow cheerleader to her gma's house in Irons. Gomer went with her gparents shopping. They bought her an Ipod Nano- it's pink. She LOVES it. She was downloading stuff last night- again. I was in my room with the other 2 watching tv, Gomer yells at me to come to her. She is freaking out! Somehow a few videos I had taken with the digital camera (ones from Jenn's visit to MI in July- which included a video from Jess' shower) ended up on Itunes and where in the process of being downloaded onto her Ipod. She was "I don't want THAT on my Ipod! Look at it Mom! I DON'T WANT THAT ON IT!!!!" The That in question was a giant plastic/latex penis! It was the video from one of the games played at the shower! She then showed me the other 2 videos (both of Nicky playing on the beach) and said "I don't mind having those on my Ipod, but I don't want THAT on my Ipod!" Luckily, they didn't get downloaded. Her Ipod isn't a video one. She can put pictures on it, but no video.

Boss Man is on vaca this week. He won a company trip to Mexico. Must be nice. But while he is gone I can't close the office during the day. I am trying to get into the denist. I have a tooth that has decided it needs to be in multiple pieces and that is not comfortable what so ever! The denist has me on a waiting list to get in. No insurance- kind-of gotta take what I can get for a low price. Anyway. The dentist office called me yesterday, they had an opening for today at 1pm. I can't take it- can't close the office for that long (dentist is in Grant, 30 minutes away from the office). I had to turn it down. Then this morning they called again. Now they have many times available for today, sorry- still can't take it. That must have been a sign. Maybe I was supposed to go today. Oh well. I just hope they call me again next week. I just hope Gomer has enough brace wax to last me until I can get in. I just cover the tooth & it's sharp edges with wax and chew everything on the right side.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

I so need to find a radio station that not only comes in without any static, but one that doesn't play "Hangin' Tough" by New Kids On The Block. How am I ever going to get that tune out of my head now? I wasn't even a fan of theirs back in 1988 when the song was popular. Please oh please let a different song enter the deep dark hiden spots of my brain! Ok, next they are played "Crazy" by Gnarls Barkly. I can live with that one. & now it is "Lucky Star" by Madonna. I've got to get a better radio that can pick up a different station!

Friday, October 13, 2006

It's official. I'm getting old. Or at least that is what the SPAM God believes. This is what I just got in my inbox.

Over 50? Single? If this describes you, then RealMatureSingles is for you.If you are ready to meet "The One" and want to establish a relationship, then pleaseClick This Link to get started right now. Serious Singles only!

There was a picture too, but that didn't copy over. Now I am single, would like to someday met "the one" and want to establish a relationship, but when did I get to be over 50? That would mean my baby is turning atleast 30 on Monday and not 13! Geez where did the time go? Did she have a good high school experience? Who was her prom date? Where did she go to college? Did she have fun? I have seemed to have lost about 20 years of my life, all with 1 email!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Oh I have football & cheer pictures back. I will try to remember to bring them in & scan them in tomorrow.
I have either a head cold or my allergies are really acting up. I'm voting for the allergies. I hate being sick. I hate blowing my nose all the stinkin time. Dayquil isn't working. Advil Cold is kind of working. I think I just wanna go home & relax. But I have too much work to do. The office is moving on Friday and I have to pack it up yet. Internet is being installed on Thursday in the new office and the phones are SUPPOSED to be moved Friday after we close. Notice the big supposed, we haven't had much luck with the good ol phone company on any prior move and I am having a hard time getting ahold of anyone at the phone company to confirm everything for me. I'm trying again.

If this is not a head cold then I have this to look forward to until the first frost. It's this time of year that I pray for the first frost!

Saturday we had football. Our first game was Lil'Man's. It was a 45 minute drive to the game, they had to be there an hour early and kick off was to be at 9am. We left the high school to car pool/caravan over at 7am. 7AM on a SATURDAY! It was a horrible game. The other team was HUGE! They had 7, yes 7, 5 or 6th graders that weighed more than 150 pounds! They were not allowed to carry to ball but they were allowed to tackle the snot out of our little guys, we have 1 boy over the weight limit. & they were allowed to break one of our best running backs! Poor little guy. He suffered a season ending blow. They broke his collar bone. He is in very good spirits however & is still excited about being able to be the waterboy & to help the coaches out. Another boy suffered a blow to the head. He was out for the rest of the game. Lil'Man was surprised when the other team started to push him around. He has never had another football player actually push him back before when he was rushing forward. They pushed him around like a rag doll. It was horrible! But this is amother talking, so of course I thought it was horrible. Atleast Lil'Man didn't get hurt.

Beanie's game was at 5:30 in Grant, much closer to home. However it started raining at 5:30 and at the end of the first quarter it started to lighting- so they called a 30 minute weather delay. The cheer coach (who is pregnant for child #5- has all girls & thinks this is another girl) decided it wasn't worth the chance of any of the girls getting sick so she sent all the cheerleaders home. We went to my Dad's, where he filled my kids up with all kinds of junk! We then headed home, where I had homemade chocolate chip cookies, homemade apple muffins, and some other junk-ah- goodies waiting for us. Charlie called me before I got home & asked if he & his 2 kids could come over. So I had extra kids at my house all weekend. Did I forget to mention that KK (a player on Lil'Man's team) was over at 6:40 am to ride with us & didn't leave until after my brother came over? KK came back -this time with his brother- on sunday & stayed the afternoon. I had a migraine all weekend. It finally went away just in time to go to work on Monday.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

I updated somewhere. Must have been that other site. Oh well. Not a whole lot of new going on in my life. Lil'Man won his game on Saturday 20 to 0, however the week before they lost 26 to 0. They have another big game this weekend, we have to be at the game at 8am and have a 45 minute drive there! No sleeping in for us. Then Beanie has to cheer at 5pm, so it's another day of nothing but football! Good thing I like to watch football, only like to watch it in person- don't like to watch it on tv.

Speaking of TV watching, Grey's Anatomy is on tonight and not another rerun either! I think I am going to have liked it better on Sunday night, it will take a lot to get used to it being on Thursday night for me. I guess it's a good thing Joey didn't come back this year cuz then I would have to decide which show I was going to watch. Apparently I was the only one that watched Joey (spin off from Friends), I thought it was a funny show, I must be a party of one.

I did get one drama taken care of. My office is moving in one week and one day. As of yesterday we didn't have any internet service lined up (& we really need internet too). We were "too far away" for SBC DSL (we are moving three tenths of a mile down the road from where we are now & we currently have SBC DSL- go figure!), Comcast Cable would have had to run a line under the road in order for us to get cable internet (& they were going to charge us the cost of said cable). Dial up is too slow for us to use. But today (thank you Comcast Site Survey Dude for telling us about this place!) I have found internet service! Let the light beams from Heaven shine down on me! We will be getting wireless internet from a place called FreedomNet. I haven't experienced their service yet, but their customer service on the phone is awesome. I will so recommend them to anyone that asks me! They are $39.99 a month with an installation fee of $95 (before the $40 rebate!) Not bad after I have been looking at T1 service for $300-$700 a month!

Gomer's birthday is 25 days away. She is counting. I have no idea what to get her, or what to do for her. I am thinking no parties this year, except for the usual cake/ice cream with the g-parents. I think instead for each kids' bday they can have a friend or two spend the night. I didn't have a party each year. Heck I had a party for my 6th bday and I do believe that is the only one I can remember! It was my "golden" birthday. I had a party for my 30th. A bunch of us met at the bar & had a good ol' time. Similar thing for my 21st too. But my 6th was the only one that someone else planned & did all the work for.

Last Friday (the 15th) was a very rough day for me. It was the 13th anniversary of my Mom's death. I found this year harder for me than past years. I have no idea why it was so much more difficult. I tried to keep myself busy so I didn't have time to dwell on it. I found if I wasn't doing something or had my mind on something else that I would just start crying. Time goes on, but that doesn't mean it makes it any easier or makes me miss her any less.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

30 ThingsSubject Survey time!

1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was your first thought? It’s time to do the hair again.

2. When is the next time you will have sex? I wish I knew!

3. What's a word that rhymes with "DUCK"? Muck

4. Favorite planet? Earth, haven’t been anywhere else!

5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your mobile? I would have to say My Youngins.

6. What is your favorite ring on your phone? It’s called “Walkin’ Around” It sounds a bit like some music they play on That 70’s Show.

7. What shirt are you wearing? Short sleeved black velvet t-shirt

8. What were you doing 20 minutes ago? I was actually working, adding a car to a policy.

9. Name the brand of shoes you're currently wearing? Unlisted. (they are black satin slides)

10. Bright or Dark Room? Dark, if I am going to be sleeping or relaxing in it.

11. What do you think about the person who took this survey? I really like her, just like a sister I never had!

12. If you're in a room with two beds, which one do you sleep on? The one without the wet spot, but look at question #2 and then we all know that would be either one!

13. What were you doing at midnight last night? How sad, I was sleeping

14. What did your last text message you received on your mobile say? I don’t text that often, & it was erased, more than likely a reminder to pay my bill.

15. How do you like your eggs? Over easy, with toast.

16. What's a word/phrase that you say a lot? You’ve got to be kiddin’ me!

17. Who told you he/she loved you last? One of my daughters…

18. Last furry thing you touched? The dog, I gave her loves on my way out the door this morning.

19. How many drugs have you done in the last three days? Just ibuprofen

20. How many rolls of film do you need to get developed? Atleast 15. I’m such a slacker!

21. Favorite age you have been so far? Adult age? 21. otherwise it was 18- Mom was still alive & I had NO responsibilities!

22. Your worst enemy? That would be ME.

23. What is your current desktop picture? Azul (came w/ the puter)

24. What was the last thing you said to someone? Yes, have him call me.

25. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to fly which one would you pick? A million bucks

26. Do you like someone? Of course I do. But do I like-like someone?

27. The last song you listened to? Every time I Hear Your Name, Keith Anderson

28. If the last person you spoke to was getting shot at, what would you do? Step aside so a stray bullet doesn’t hit me!

29. If you could punch 1 person in the face who's in your life right now, who would it be? I have no idea. I’m not that violent of a person, but I do have my moments.

30. What is the closest object to your left foot? The desk.

As taken from Jennifer.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

So I'm not that good about keeping up on blogging, so shoot me.

Everyone has that one car they owned that they just loved. Then one day it is gone, sold, whatever but it's gone. And then you miss it and wonder why you got rid of it. Well I have a car like that. I remember it fondly, I had a lot of good times with that car. Tried to kill someone in that car before, sorry about that Jennifer I really didn't mean it! Here is my "dream" car. I really should not have let my dad sell it. This picture was taken in 1986, shortly after we bought it. For some unknown/unremembered reason we were trying to sell it back then. But we did not sell it. Thank God cuz then I would have never been able to drive it! I loved that car, it is a 1975 VW Beetle, semi automatic (the clutch was in the shifter and Jennifer couldn't work it, so she sat in the drivers seat & I drove from the passenger seat until I turned 16!) My dad sold it in 1994 for $250! I should have never signed over that title. I should have kept the car, restored it and should still have it to this day. That little car got like 30 miles to the gallon! I would drive that thing everyday to work if I still had it! 30 mpg certainly beats the current 17 I get with my Durango!
I put 2 dents in the Bug while it was in my care. The first one was when some friends & I had gone TP-ing. I backed into a tree trying to leave the scene in a hurry, small barely noticable dent under the back bumper. The other dent was in the front passenger side fender. I was backing out of the garage & somehow managed to back into Chinkers back bumper. (there's more to that story but my daughter reads this & she can find out about the rest when she is 30!) Guess I wasn't too good at backing up! I've gotten it stuck a few times too. One of those times was when we had gotten bored at Jennifer's graduation party and decided to take it off-roading. We got stuck in a mud hole in her Dad's back 40. We had to walk back to get some guys to push us out. Oh what fun we had. Another time was in the snow, icy road- turned a corner and ended up doing a 180 and the front end ended up in a big snow drift. 3 guys lifted the front end up out of the snow bank and set her back on the road. They thought they were the shiz cuz they picked up a car. Granted the engine is in the back of the vehicle & they picked up the front of the vehicle and nothing was in the trunk.
I guess I took the Bug off-roading more than once, not by choice mind you. This is the story of when I tried to kill Jennifer. We had gone out to the golf course, where my dad was, cuz we wanted to go see a movie and my Mom said we had to ask my Dad. So off we go. We grab a golf cart (fastest one there) and head off to find my Dad. We are flying around the course, being the totally obnoxious teenage girls that we were, find my Dad- get his permission and then head out. The road that leads to the golf course has a rather sharp curve. Well I was still in "flying" mode from the golf cart (the Bug isn't all that different than a golf cart either by the way) and took the curve a wee bit too fast. We left the road and made our own road into the corn field. It was rather bumpy and I do believe we became airborne more than once. I totally messed up my alignment too. Jennifer hit her wrist on the ceiling of the Bug and bruised it pretty bad- that's the almost killing her part. But we had fun. We were laughing about it for hours. Jennifer, is that the same day that we saw Poison Ivy, the movie we swear my Mom told us to see but afterwards she swears she said for us NOT to see? & was that the same day we took FUBAR to Grand Rapids and that old hag yelled at me while I was driving?
Jennifer, the next time we go see a movie we have to sit next to each other. Watching Navy Seals with you was a trip. When Charlie Sheen said "F* Me" and you replied to him, that is just too much fun. What was it you said? Ok? When? Where? I don't exactly remember.
Okay, gotta stop the trip down memory lane, it's time to get some work done now.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Ok, so it's been a while (a week) since my last post. Not a whole lot has happened during that time either. Just been working and running back & forth to football & cheerleading practice. Gomer had decided not to join basketball this year. But then she was on the fence about it because they needed 2 more girls to join the team. I’m not sure where she stands on it now. It’s her decision and I can’t make her join or not join. She prefers volleyball. I just enjoy watching her play, doesn’t matter what the sport is, I just enjoy watching her. The more fun she has the more I enjoy watching her. I love the look she gets on her face when she does something good and she knows it’s good. I should cheer louder for her, but she has asked that we not do that, it’s embarrassing ya know.

I love to watch Lil’Man play football too. He gets so pumped up. He loves to play. He loves to tackle is more like it. He doesn’t like to play offense cuz he can’t tackle and he doesn’t want to be tackled. I told him to just run faster then. He wants to play basketball this winter too, that will be a first for that sport. He is still thinking about baseball. He has played it in for the past 2 or 3 years but he was very bored with it this year. His new teacher this year is the JV or Varsity coach for the High School boys and he told him it gets more fun as the kids get better, that he won’t be spending as much time just standing around. I had told him that before, but who am I? Just Mom, that’s all & Mom doesn’t know squat about sports, apparently. Oh well, he gets to decided and he has till spring.

Beanie is cheerleading for the first time this fall. She seems to love it. She is doing cheers all the time, much to her siblings’ disgust. For a first year, she is doing very well. Better than some that have been at it for 2 years or more! I don’t know if she will be interested in basketball this winter if it is offered to her grade. I think that it is and she has said before that she wants to play. We’ll see- if/when info is sent home from school. She is still doing Girl Scouts this year too. Hey, if you need cookies in the spring or nuts in the fall you know how to get ahold of me!

The kids are going with their Dad this Sunday and are spending the night with him. I told him they have to be home by 5pm on Monday. Their first day of school is on Tuesday and I want them fed, bathed, cloths laid out, bags ready, and in bed by 9! I’ve been trying to get them up earlier all of this week, but that is a hard battle. I really hope that Tuesday isn’t WWIII in my house! I will have Sunday afternoon to Monday evening all to my self, what is one to do?

Tonight we are going to be going to help my brother out. They are doing hay tonight. It’s been cut and raked; now it’s baling and hauling. It’s a great workout, but it is murder on your skin if you don’t wear long cloths. I’ve picked hay out of my forearms before for a month after having helped him! But dang it, I’d better lose some weight this time. Last time I didn’t, I was so disappointed.

Oh last weekend my girls and I went into Grant for their festival. Sherry was in the dunk dank. Here’s a picture for your enjoyment.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Feelin' the love!

Yesterday on the way to the JV Football game I was so feeling the love from my 12 yr old, Gomer. She had 2 friends with her and we were all in the truck. She told me I sucked! Can you believe that! I. suck. Gee & I thought I was a cool mom. Atleast some of her friends think I'm cool. Then later when we were heading to one of the friend's house to get her some cloths (she spent the night), Gomer called me by my given name instead of Mom. I thought I'd have a few years before I felt that kind of love from her!

Yesterday was a very stressful day. When they say breaking up is hard to do, they were not lying. But I'm not going to go into that here.

Have a nice day! Mine is going to be busy again. I got barely nothing done yesterday at work. People keep calling and stopping in, what do they think I am? An insurance gal? Oh yeah! I am!

Sunday, August 20, 2006


It's fun to stay at my YMCA
Cuz everything is fun to me
It's fun to stay at my YMCA

Mom, watch my hand language,

It's fun to stay at my YMCA

That was what I got to listen to for the past 20 minutes. Lucky me. OH, now it is continuing!!! I guess that is what being stuck in the waiting room at the local emergency room for 4 hours does to an 8 year old. We went to a birthday party this afternoon for the kids' cousins. It was at a roller rink. Beanie was trying to connect to the "train" her sister was involved in. Another kid grapped hold of Beanie & they went down. Gomer ended up going down too, & she rolled over Beanie's elbow. I ended up carrying Beanie off the floor. She couldn't/wouldn't move her elbow. So I decided to play it safe & take her to the ER for X-rays. After an hour she was finally able to move her elbow, only after they took the X-rays. I think it might have been out of place and it popped back in when they moved it for the X-rays. But we are home now, nothing is broken, everything is fine.

I'm out for the night. Need to eat something (okay, Gomer made spaghetti & she is mad that I am now calling her food "something") and head for bed.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

My 100th Post!~

Guess I could be syndicated now, how exciting! But really. Hey Jenn, know how you are always asking me about gossip from back home? Well I've got some for you. Guess who has cancer? Oh come now, guess? IT'S ME! Yep, my dad's girlfriend was at a shower today and a local salon owner was there and asked her how I was doing. She is so concerned about me. I am way to young to have cancer! Man, I don't even have to go to the doctor to find out I have cancer, just send someone to a shower to find out my health status. I wonder how long I have and what treatment I will be undergoing? Wonder what I have to go to to find that out? Maybe a wedding reception? Or maybe a tailgate party? How about a PTO meeting? My poor Dad. He called me today and asked me if I had heard the latest rumor about myself. All kinds of things were running through my head, wondering what he had heard and if any of it were true. Then he tells me I have cancer. Let me tell you, I was relieved. Honestly I was. I started laughing I was so relieved. I had to tell Gomer & Lil'Man cuz they go to school with said salon owners kids. The last thing I want is for my kids to hear something like that at school and freak out on everyone. I do wonder who would have told her such a thing though. Wonder if I am going to have to run an ad in the local paper to let everyone know that I DO NOT have cancer. Or I could try to milk it for all it's worth. Maybe I could get some free stuff out of it. Nah, that would just be wrong on so many levels. Okay, gotta go & get my cancered butt in to the shower. I am going to a toy party with Darcey to night. Should be lots of fun! TTYL!!

Friday, August 18, 2006

Okay, I am in need of suggestions. I think the format/template of this blog is BORING!! I really want to change it but I am having a hard time finding layouts for it. I can find new layouts for myspace or bebo with no problem. Just to let you know, I have let Gomer design my Bebo page, so everything on that page is her design. So if anyone has any suggestions I am open to anything.

I am so glad it is Friday. This week has seemed long. I so want to sleep in tomorrow. However, a local church in Bailey is having a Back to School BBQ from 9-noon and they are giving away free backpacks and school supplies, so I really want to take the kids to that in the morning. The sooner we get there the more likely we are to get the free stuff.

I will admit, when it comes to driving I have a bit of a lead foot. Luckily I only have 1 ticket on my record right now & my insurance company hasn't found it yet (knock on wood!). I firmly believe if they are going to ticket you for going 5 over the limit, then they should really ticket those that are going 5 under the limit. I got stuck behind a truck this morning that was going 45 in a 55, so to me that was going 15 under the limit. (I know, really it was only 10 but when most of the driving population drives 5 over the limit and this clown was driving 10 under, in all reality he was driving 15 under!) Or at the very least he could have pulled over and allowed the line of 6 vehicles that were stuck behind him around. But no! He continued to drive 45 mph (down hill only) and made everyone behind him late for work. What kind of special is it to drive that slow during commuter traffic time? Then when I finally was able to pass, the new clown that had also passed decided that he was going to drive 55 & 55 only! Thank you God he did not take my route to work, I was able to turn.

Okay, I had a very strange dream last night/this morning. It was a normal morning, I was leaving for work. For some reason I was driving a conversion van (this is strange cuz I HATE those vans!) and it was parked in my garage. As I was backing it out of the garage I noticed a strange man was in the van. He kidnapped me! Turns out he was my internet stalker! (is this a combination of watching too much One Live to Live & the conversation I had with Jennifer last night?) He had a video tape that showed all of our IM conversations and also of him talking about what he was going to do. How freaky! He took me to some breakfast joint & I was able to get away. Right after I got away and he was arrested my phone rang. It showed up as a stored number but it wasn't the person I thought it was. When I told him what had happened he was going to come & get me, but not until the next morning. WTF? Even my dreams are messed up! Oh well, maybe my dreams are still better than my reality.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Does anyone know, at what age does your child's head stop growing? Lil'Man has outgrown his football helmet. I did get 3 years out of the same helmet that I was able to purchase for under $15 (guess I shouldn't complain). When he started playing football I went to a consignment store & was able to get his shoulder pads, helmet, cleats, and pants (with pads) all for $15. We are now onto the 3rd pair of shoulder pads and second pair of pants & helmet. Not too bad I would say. The cleats I do have to get new ones each year, his feet won't stop growing either. This year the league even has a website.

Okay, my allergies are driving me crazy. According to weather.com, the weed pollen count is moderate. So I wonder what has me all stuffed up, itchy, sneezey, and whistling when I breath?

Okay, more later. Work is getting busy.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Rah Rah!!

Beanie is going to be a Rah Rah this year. Now I do believe that competitive cheer is a sport, but pee wee/rocket/youth league football cheerleading is not a sport. It's little girls in short skirts yelling at a crowd that is not listening to them that they are going to run over the other team like a Kawasaki. S0metimes they are even telling the team to tackle that ball when they are playing offense. Yeah, that's right. I think I would be more supportive of this cheer thing if they had actual cheerleaders from the High School there on occasion to teach the girls some real cheers and some formations or something. The moms that are coaching either have never been cheerleaders or it's been 15 years since they wore a lolly and waved their pom poms. Oh, wait, some of them might still do that for their husbands!

Anyway, the Coorindator called me this morning to let me know when her first practice is & what time. I called Beanie at her gma's to let her know. She was so excited. I don't think I have ever heard her that excited! Her little voice got real high & excited, she was gasping for breath. I just started laughing & asked her "Are you so excited you're gonna pee your pants?" I was joking. Her reply "Yes, here talk to Grandma cuz I gotta go use the bathroom!" I was joking! She apparently was not. Her grandma & I laughed about that one while she was gone.

Now I just have to wait to hear from the Football coach to see when Lil'Man's practice is. I'm sure it is on Monday- same day as Beanie's. Last I knew they had 30 kids signed up for his age group. They needed 33 to split the team. I really hope they got the needed 3 kids, one big team is good in some aspects but I would prefer more play time for my son. Guess I am just selfish that way. Did I ever tell you he is a Tackling God?

This fall is going to be busy. Atleast Saturdays are. That is when the football games are. Beanie's games will be first, followed by Lil'Man's games. The problem is that they will not always be at the same fields. So I will end up missing some of one of their games almost every week. I'll keep you posted on how they do and post pictures of both of them.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Have you ever just had a day when you really didn't feel like being at work? Well that is today. I am just in some sort of funk today & don't really know why. Okay, maybe I do know why, sort-of. I need about $300 more every month, at a minimum.

Got my haircut last night. All of us got atleast a trim. I now have longer layers & some framing around my face. Problem is my hair is on the thin side so the framing isn't quite like I wanted but that is not the fault of the hair gal. That would be the fault of my genes.

Lil'Man & I went for a walk last night & took the dog. It was nice to spend that time with just my son. I think he liked it too. I was going to go by myself but he wanted to go too. I really enjoy walking down by the river, it is so pretty & peaceful. I told Lil'Man that my next place was going to be on the water, either a lake or have a creek run through it. He agreed. So according to everything I have told my kids about my next house, it will be in the country w/ acrage, have a pool, a dishwasher w/ disposal built in, atleast 2 bathrooms and a basement that is finished and have some sort of body of water on it that is not a mud puddle.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Nothing much happened this weekend.

I cleaned house. Moved some furniture around (the iguana now has different scenery to look at) and the dining room seems oh so much bigger! We moved the iguana's house under the window in the dining room and moved the table against the wall where the iguana used to be. Can't use as much of the table as before but it does create a lot more space in the room. I moved some furniture in the living room too. It looks a lot bigger, cleaner, and smells better. Oh, that might have something to do with the fact that I tore out the carpet. We are going to live with particle/press board as flooring for a little while. I have real hardwood flooring in my garage waiting for me to install in the living room. I just have to make sure it is enough to cover the floor. The room is quite big, 437 square feet (19ft X 24ft). The wood is older too, I have to make sure it isn't too dry before I try to install it. If worse comes to worse I will just purchase the laminate wood flooring at Sams Club a few boxes at a time until the room is completed. But as of right now, it may not be the prettiest flooring ever but it sure does smell better! (the cat had peed on it and so had my brother's dog & my dog.) Oh, yeah, did I mention that when I moved a lazy boy chair there was green mold growing on the carpet. Apparently someone had spilled some milk on the carpet and didn't clean it up. They just moved the chair to cover it up. That was the thing decided it for me. I had been on the fence about living wi/ subflooring.

That was Saturday. Sunday was a lazy day. We went to Church and then laid around the house. It had cooled off some. Big storm came through during church. Gomer had a friend over Saturday night and I took her home around 6pm on Sunday. Oh & Nikki- again- sorry for the "sights" you saw while Gomer & I were wrestling and having that pillow fight. Guess I kind-of "fell" out. Yikes!

Today the kids are home. Fighting. That totally frustrates me. Why can't they just get along. Why does my youngest have to act like she is the oldest? We are sitting down today when I get home & having a talk. I know that they know what I expect from them but I will be telling them again. and again. and again. Until it finally sinks in. Guess I will be telling them for the rest of my life just like my mom had to tell me.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Beanie (in black) & her cousin. They were scamming on the pickles before the party started.

Here is Lil'Man. Isn't he hansome. His shoes are about 1 size too small but he wanted to wear them anyways. They are brand new shoes too. His gma took him shopping for this outfit. When he told me his shoes were a size 5 I wondered if they would fit. The last shoes I bought him were a size 6 or 6 1/2 and that was at the beginning of the summer.
Here is Gomer & her Dad. I didn't think she would dance with him, but check out the look on her face!
This is Joseph. Isn't he a cutie. He really liked the hat & kept it on! Not so much liking the flowers they made him wear earlier. He kept pulling at them and pulled 3 holes in his shirt. This was taken just before Gomer let him drink some RED punch and he dribbled it down the front of his shirt.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Our power came back on Tuesday night. We were powerless for about 26 hours. I didn't lose too much out of my frig. Guess it was a good thing I had put off going grocery shopping before the storm. Tuesday night the kids & I were going to go the Newaygo Chapel (yes the funeral home) to watch tv, make dinner & I was going to do some laundry. I had just gotten both the baskets in the truck, got in and was about to back out of the driveway when I looked at the house and noticed the outside light was on. So we unpacked and headed in. Much to Gomer disappointment. She turned into A1 Cranky Girl! It's too early to be PMSing time. I'm hoping she was just tired, hot & cranky. She was better in the morning.

Jen & Lauri, I will update on Yahoo360 every now & then too, so don't forget to check there.

Okay, this is going to be short. Gomer wants to download some tunes.


Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The world needs to be purged from dumb people. What kind of special is a person if they don't even know what kind of Jeep they drive? A 5 minute conversation turned into almost a 20 minute conversation just because he didn't know what kind of vehicles he owned. & he had his current insurance policy in front of him. Yes, that is a certain kind of special there folks!

That brings me to wanting to vent my frustrations today. I know Whiny Wednesday is tomorrow, but I am going to vent today. First off, one should get a HUGE traffic ticket for driving 10 mph BELOW the speed limit during commuter traffic while hugging the center line and towing their travel trailer. Use some common sense there people, if there is more than 2 cars behind you on your bumper, pull over and let them pass. Stop for breakfast, go walk the stores, anything- just get your slow sorry behinds off of the road until the commuter traffic is done! Okay, feel better about that issue, now on to the next.

I am living like the Amish again. Huge storms came through last night and now we have no power. No damage to my house, but no power either. It went out about 5ish last night. I've heard rumors that it won't be back on until Thursday and more storms are predicted for Thursday. I guess that is one way to keep the electric bill down. Too bad I don't get a credit on my cable and internet bill, seeing how I can't use them either right now. My food is going to go bad too. That sucks. We went for a ride last night cuz my cell phone was about to die & I needed the alarm on it to wake my sleeply butt up in the morning. While we were out we saw a transformer blow up. It was kind-of cool. Red and white sparks were shooting everywhere. I was just about to turn onto that street when I saw the sparks, I turned the other way instead. There are trees and branches down all over the place. We went to my Grandparents to check on them for a while. Grandpa should have been on his oxygen but can't use it with an open flame in the same room and he didn't want to sit in the dark. He isn't doing very good. He gets dizzy very easily now and Grandma is afraid of him falling. She has a bad hip and would never be able to pick him up if he did fall. He fell once when I was there, the chair slid right out from under him. My SIL & I were there & we picked him up. I worry about my Grandparents. They are in their 80's and are feeling every bit of their age.

Okay, back to the venting. On my way in this morning there was a 2 car pile up. Seriously, 2 sedans were piled- one on top of the other- in the ditch. How they managed that one is beyond me. But that slowed up my drive too. Then I got behind another slow moving truck. They really should move faster than 10 under the limit! Remember yesterday I said I wasn't a patient person, while I wasn't kidding.

Now I am at work. I really wish people would listen to me when I tell them it is best that they schedule an appointment. Why is it that people don't want to schedule, they just want to show up. Then they get mad when they show up & I am busy. Hey, I told them to schedule, so is it my fault I am busy? Maybe I just need a new job. This one is getting on my nerves. But I have a great boss and couldn't leave him in a lurch. Even though he does it to me all the time! It would just be better if I could conceive him that I need some help in this office. Oh well. I've got to get back to the grind stone now. Papers don't process themselves! If they did, I wouldn't have a job!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Sunday we went to see Pirates of the Caribbean Deadman's Chest. I thought it was pretty good. I hate those kind of endings too. I am not a patient person. I hate to wait. I can't even wait through commercials on tv, I start to surf as soon as one comes on. I am usually doing 2 or 3 things at once, that is how impatient I am. I was a little worried about Beanie, thought maybe parts would be too scary for her. At the scariest part she was cuddled on my lap and she starts shaking. I look down at her and she is about ready to fall off of my lap. She was LAUGHING! Such a strange child I have.

Okay, I have been avoiding doing work stuff so I really should get back to work now. Boss is gone, people play. What can I say!
Possium. I have a possium living under my deck. It is eating my cat’s food. The kids saw it last night. Well I should say the dog saw it first. She rushed the slider when she saw something out there that wasn’t supposed to be out there. Then Gomer turned on the outside light and let out a God awful “MMMMAAA!” I came running from the bedroom but by the time I got there it was gone. Gomer was standing there mumbling about it’s big nasty teeth, pointy hair and how ugly it was and that it was under the deck. Lil’Man asked if it came back if he could have his pellet gun back so he could shoot it. I just called my brother & he is going to find me a trap. I live in town, I can’t just shoot it. Someone might turn me in for shooting a firearm in town. I want to get rid of it quick. I can’t let the dog out that dog, they would get in a fight and I am worried about my cat being out there with it too. He (the cat) has a rather high opinion of himself. He truly believes he is the Shiz and nothing or no one is bigger, badder or better then he is. He is a true male!
Conversation from the back seat.

Beanie: Mom, everyone else’s crack is bigger then mine!
Me: Sorry about your luck there.
Beanie: I can pull it down & make it bigger.
Me: Don’t do that, you might break it.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

My weekend, so far.

Friday night Mel & I picked up Travis & we all went to a bar in Howard City to see Jason Eller perform. He is good, we had a good time. I know Jason and he knew I was coming to the show. His girlfriend was there too, along w/ a friend of their's, Joel. Mel & Trav were the dd (designated drinkers) & I was the dwd/d (designated water drinker/driver). There was a table with 3 females (they certainly were not ladies, and I am working on watching my language, so we will just use females) and 1 guy, they were heckling Jason most of the night. In my opinion, if you don't care for the music why stay at that bar- there was another bar across the street. But as the even wore on, I realized that one of the females must have been barred from the other bar. She was horrible. She was threating to beat Sara. Sara is very sweet, she has never been in a fight & would have ended up hurt. Mel was sitting next to Sara & could hear it all, I was on the other side of the table, away from the females & couldn't hear any of it. Mel told Sara that she had her back (that I heard & then asked what was going on). After I was told, I too told Sara I would have her back. I have been in one bar fight my entire life, I ended up with a broken nose (she threw two punches), she ended up w/ a broken jaw (I threw one punch). In defense of the females, only 1 of them was threating Sara- the other two were trying to get their friend to leave. They did end up leaving during intermission, while Mel & I went to get Mel another beer out of the car. (serive wasn't very good- found out later the waitress was busy flashing the kitchen staff her boobs). After the bar we ended up going to Trav's for a while, shooting the bull around his table. Mel & I went back to her house, super foggy out could barely see 4 feet in front of me all the way home- to find the child lock was locked on her front door & in order to wake up her husband we would have waked everyone up. So we went on a mission around the house to find an unlocked door or an open window. We finally found an open window, Mel climbed through & then opened the door for me. It was like 4am by this time & she didn't want her dh to know how late it really was.

Saturday I had to work for a few hours. I had to travel to Muskegon for a 30 minute meeting. My drive there was about an hour- one way. Good thing my boss knows how much I do for him (after I got back from my vaca he informed me that he is giving me another raise!). My kids went to J & R's in Grant while I went to Muskegon. They went swimming, how lucky! It was hot, not Oklahoma hot but Michigan hot & humid. (I don't know how you survive in Oklahoma hot weather, I would never leave the a/c comfort of a building if I were to live there!) After my meeting I ended up hitting Fashion Bug ,they were having a sale on summer tops & I wanted a new one. I ended up getting myself one new top, Gomer a new one & then 2 necklaces for us to share. I saved over $27 on the stuff I got, but still spent like $33. I then headed home to pick up Gomer and then we were headed to J & R's for dinner with my brother & his kids and Ty & Amy. After dinner we all went back to the lake & swam then we all headed to Ty & Amy's to play cards. My brother's wife met us at Ty & Amy's too. I ended up leaving there close to 11:30, I was tired and have figured out I must be borderline lactose intolerant. I had ice cream 3 times that day & I didn't feel well by the time I got home. No more ice cream for me for quite a while! Oh, get this. On the way from the lake to Ty & Amy's all of the kids except Gomer & Brina rode in my truck. So I had Lil'Man, Beanie of mine, my niece & nephew & Dev. My nephew informs everyone in the truck that Dork (my kids daddy) is living at these other people's home. Now keep in mind these other people he was referring to are Dork's xgf's parents & said xgf still lives wi/ her parents. My kids were pissed. So I ask my nephew who told him this, he tells me it was his uncle- xgf's brother. Nice. When we got to Ty & Amy's I tell my brother what was said, as I am telling him his wife walks up & is trying to listen to what we are talking about. I didn't want to tell her cuz anything I was to her always ends up getting back to those other people. But I was trapped, she asked what we were talking about and when I didn't reply she askes if it is something she isn't supposed to know. Well not wanting to make things worse I ended up telling her. She gets this wierd smurk on her face and doesn't say anything. Not sure how to read that. Later she tells me that her sis (married to xgf's brother) has told her that Dork & other person is where Dork told me he has been. (I know this is tough to follow & if you have any questions, IM or email me.)

Then this morning, Dork calls me. After I tell him what was said last night he suddenly has to get off of the phone. His remarks to the whole thing was a "really". Gomer wants to pack up all of his stuff and boot him out. Pretty bad when your own kids wants you gone.

Oh, Gomer has a boyfriend. I was going to make her wait until she is 16, but 4 years early is only acceptable because he lives in a different state.

Okay, more later. It is starting to get too hot in my house. I have no idea what we will do today to get away from the heat. Maybe I'll take my kids to a movie. That would be atleast 2 hours of ac heaven!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

I know it is Thursday and Thursday is supposed to be Thankful Thursday or Half Nakid Thursday, but I am going to post pictures instead. Some of them could qualify for HNT and I am very thankful that Jennifer came up to visit, so I guess I am covering all bases here.

Here is a picture of Jennifer, Sherry (both standing) and Lauri & I (seated). Lauri & Sherry are the blondes. This was taken Saturday night at Captain Jack's a bar located on the beach in Muskegon. It was a nice bar, not extremely busy but that was nice for us that night. Earlier that night we had a Pure Romance party at Jenn's mom's apartment for Jessica. Jess is getting married in the fall & we had a Bachlorette party of sorts for her. It was a lot of fun. I introduced Jennifer to Jello-Shots. She really seemed to enjoy them. I think she said she had like 14 of them.

This is Crystal and Jessica, guess which one is the bride to be. Yes that is a vibe in her cleavage and yes, that is what you think it is hanging around her neck.

It just seems so weird. I have know these girls for so long. Long before they even knew what "toys" were! Back in the day Crystal had long flowing blonde hair, she looked like a little princess. Princess of the Tomboys! & don't mess w/ Jess cuz she is a sharp shooter in archery. I have decided after hanging out with Jess the few short days we did, that she makes Jennifer look like a prude. Sorry Jenn!

(Image removed by request)

This is Jennifer's reaction to the Appletini. Sorry Diva, she didn't like it. I had to trade her. For some reason she doesn't like the flavor of alcohol, so she has to drink things that you can't taste the "kick". I got her a fuzzy navel.

It was a fun night. A much needed night. It is nice to get together with old girlfriends and have it seem like we have never been apart.

Okay, it's taken me over an hour to finish this. I guess I should get back to work. I'm post more pictures later. I've got a good one of Gomer, she was slimed by Nicky!

Monday, July 10, 2006

I just had to post this picture. This is true redneck horse shoe throwin'! They were in the parade too, only in the parade they were on roller blades/skates and the one in the biniki bottoms also had on a coconut shell bra on! Too funny! The old ladies at the American Legion Beer tent had a riot looking at and laughing at this guy. But some old fart had to go ruin their fun and made him put his shorts back on. Biniki guy's brother (not pictured) was wearing a mullet wig w/ his daisy dukes, knee high tube socks and wife beater shirt. The parade was at noon and they had 2 kegs on their float that were both already tapped!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

It's now Thursday. My vacation is almost over. We haven't done a whole lot, just recovering from a major sunburn (duh sunscreen was made for a reason- use it!). According to Gomer I have the Mackinaw bridge burned onto my back. It is painful. I am starting to wonder when I can wear a bra again. I had better be able to get one on today, I have to stop at a visitation today. One of my co-workers lost their 18 year old son on the 4th. Quite sad. And I am under the impression that he died alone too, that would tear me up if it were to happen to one of my kids. He had AVM and they had tried several different things but it didn't work. They did donate his organs, if I have any useable organs when I die I want them donated so someone else can benefit from my death. But I am either going to die from cancer or in a horrible car accident, so who knows what will be useable on my body!

Ok, sounds like today's game plan is: stopping at vistation, going to a movie, getting pizza, going to the beach to watch the sunset and then having a bon fire on the beach. How fun! I'm all for going to the beach when the sun is less intense!
Ok, Beanie is trying to make pancakes all by herself, I think I need to go help before my kitchen is set on fire.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Okay, just a quickie. Well I gotta get one somewhere!

I have a ton of stuff I have to get done before I leave on Friday. I am taking all of next week off of work. The Headquarters for the company I work for is moving over the weekend and the system is going to be down from 5pm on Friday til sometime on wednesday. So we have to have EVERYTHING uploaded before we leave on friday or else it will be late & I will be on vacation so it will be very late. This is the longest vacation I will have taken at this job. I am kind of worried I will come back to a boat load of work to finish!

I don't think I will be updating while on vacation either. Seeing how the 2 people that read this are going to be with me, why update?

My future sil is having a bridal shower on saturday the 8th. Yep, same day as the one we have planned for Jessica. I was just told about this other shower yesterday. NICE. I'm going to the one that I already said I was going to. Besides, I don't want to witness the possible drama that could happen at the other one. It's dork's brother that is getting married and his step gma is having the shower. I do not get along wi/ one of the step aunts. But that is a different story for a different day.

Gotta go.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

I found the most awsome new toliet paper for the "Asshats" of the world. I have ordered a case to give out as presents for Asshat Day. Let me know if you want any. I'll even gift wrap it for you.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Ok, Yahoo is down today and it is driving me crazy. I can't chat w/ Duchess today. I could chat w/ another service but that is on a different computer and I don't like that monitor. Guess I just need to suck it up and use that smaller monitor & crappy mouse so I can chat w/ her.

Hey, we need to get some details worked out for Jess' party. Do you want me to call your mom & get her address & stuff and work out the details on my own? I am calling the consultant now to make sure she is available for Saturday instead of Friday. Okay, done with that call. All is set for Saturday. We just need to nail down a concrete time & I need to get her a location address.

I do want to go to the beach while you are here. Did you have a day for that in your game plan? Dork went to the casino last night w/ $6 & left w/ an extra $100. He just left my office a little while ago and gave me $50! I can get gas now & make it to work for the rest of the week. I was a little worried there. Seriously worried. I'm at a 1/4 tank now and only get 17 mpg. Ya know I drive an SUV so that is pretty good gas mileage. Dork going to the casino was another gripe until he gave me $50. He told me he was going to go visit some friends and he didn't come home last night either. I was a bit ticked at that. He will not be going camping w/ us by the way. He told me he wouldn't go so there would be no problems.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I love this song, it just seems to fit my life right now.

Story of My Life
(S. Harwell, M. Gerrard, R. Nevil)
I get to the party, but I’m too late
and I got stood up on my very first date
I listen to country and everybody goes rock
I get to the dance floor, that’s when the music stops
it doesn’t matter what I do, I just can’t seem to win
but here I go again... and I say
hey that’s the story of my life
I had a good plan but it didn’t go right
oh no I’m overdrawn
I check my account and the money’s all gone
why me i don’t know what to think
I finally get aboard and the whole boat sinks
seems to be the story of my life
I pick a slot machine and lose it all again
but when I walk away, someone else always wins
she finally calls me, I forgot my phone
and when I’m starving, you know the kitchen’s closed
it doesn’t matter what I try, it all ends the same
and here i go again... and I say
hey that’s the story of my life
I had a good plan but it didn’t go right
oh no I’m overdrawn
I check my account and the money’s all gone
why me i don’t know what to think
I finally get aboard and the whole boat sinks
seems to be the story of my life
just when it seems like it’s turnin around for me
there’s always something that ends up happening
I found my car but I can’t find my keys
I get to the party a little too late
and once again the music starts to play
So, Dork said he would be home yesterday. Guess who wasn't home yesterday. Yep, you guessed it. He said he had to be near Detroit at 6am, then coming back to the GR area, then had to go to Buchanan (near IN/MI line) then he would be home & at some point he would stop by my office. Guess who was never seen or heard from yesterday. Right again! What makes me mad is that he told Beanie he would be home yesterday. Lying to me is one thing, but to lie to your child- that is low. He thinks he is hiding stuff from me, like I was born yesterday. I know all of his tricks. I know exactly what he is doing.

I need nail polish remover. My nails are chipping and look horrible today. Of course I didn't notice the chips until I was in the truck on my way to work.

Another night of interupted sleep. Some parents need to enforce curfews on their children. There is NOTHING to do in my town for anyone under the age of 21 after midnight except cause trouble. There were 4 teens over at the school playground last night at 12:45am. The playground closes at dusk. Not a problem if they were not screaming and squealing. It was 3 guys and a girl & the girl was squealing and screaming. This drives my dog nuts! She was barking and trying to go through the window to go save this girl from whatever horrible fate she was squealing from. This caused the nasty neighbor's dog to start barking too, which caused two other dogs on the other side of the block to start barking. The city police office showed up and escorted the girl home in the back of the squad car, the boys drove away. When they were walking back to their cars I could hear them saying something about the house across the street. Hey, that would be my house! My good neighbors had called the police on someone at the playground once and a few days later their garage was set on fire. I don't need my garage set on fire! I laid there awake for quite a while, listening to every noise. I ended up going upstairs and letting the dog out of Gomer's room so she could listen to the noises and wake me up if she heard anything bark-worthy. So now today I have a headache. That's what I get when I don't get enough sleep.

I am so ready for a vacation. I want to relax and veg for a while. I can't wait for Jenn & crew to get here! It's going to be so nice to see everyone again. Beanie is so excited, Gomer is excited, Lil'Man isn't as excited cuz he doesn't want to clean his room for ANYONE!

Friday, June 16, 2006

Okay, I will update but I might have to do it in sections. Still at work and pretty busy.

Gomer is having Niki spend the night again tonight. Gomer just called & asked if Lil'Man was going anywhere tonight. According to Gomer, Lil'Man stares at Niki and goes "boing" when he is around her. Can 10 year olds do that? I don't think he does that. But hey, I'm the mom and think my kids are perfect. They are model citizens. Yeah, citizens of San Quentin!

So yesterday all 3 kids came to my work. Their Gma dropped them off at 2:30 & they stayed with me until 5. That was the mosted stressed out 2 1/2 hours of my entire week! My office is small, like 300 square feet small. That's less than 100 square feet for each kid & I need atleast another 100 square feet of buffer space between them and me. They are loud and it makes it hard to hear the people on the other end of the phone. I so admire those that can work with children (other people's children) on a daily basis and remain sane. I know that isn't the job for me and I totally admire those that have the talent and ability to perform that job and that do it well.

Gomer got a new bra & panty set. I haven't seen it yet, but she told me it is black and pink. Those are her current favorite colors. She wants to redo her bedroom to those colors. I just might do it too. We'll see. Anyway, she was trying to tell me what they looked like and she used the word hooker in her discription. I then told her I had to see these panties before she would be allowed to wear them, that I just might have to exchange them for some grannie drawers!

Okay, got to go get food. am getting weak. can't even use the shift key. so weak.

Monday, June 12, 2006

As Promised, Pictures from Friday Night!

(picture to the left)
This is Beanie (in pink) and the leader's daughter Lindsay. Beanie couldn't find her sash.

Here is Beanie and Morgan(pictured below) they are close friends as you can tell! Neither of them are as evil as the red eyes would lead you to believe.

Here are Gomer, Niki (gf#2), and Kayla (gf#1). Niki has been in Girl Scouts for 8 years.

& here is Lil'Man. He wasn't too thrilled to be spending his Friday night at a Girl Scout cermony. He was looking forward to the desserts!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Okay, just to let ya know the bad mood lifted as soon as I left work. By the time I got home I was in a great mood. I had just enough time to change my cloths and get ready to go to Beanie's Girl Scout Bridging Cermony. They had a Movie Star theme, it was pretty nice. I did take some pictures and as soon as I get back to work I will post some. I would download the stuff to post now but I only have 20 minutes before we have to leave for a surprise graduation party. After the cermony we came home, Gomer had 2 girlfriends spending the night and while we were waiting for one of them to come over we were outside playing volleyball. Beanie ended up going to one of her friends for the night and Mel called & wanted me to go out w/ her. So while we waited for gf#2 & Mel to get there, the rest of us (Lil'Man, Gomer, gf#1 & I) played volleyball in the yard and turned cartwheels. Yes, I was able to get my old body to do cartwheels. I was pretty impressed! So it turned into a "Hey look what I can still do!" event, which of course I had to show Mel & her daughter when they got there. Mel & I had to take her daughter to her dad's house before we went out and then we didnt' stay out very long. I was home by 11ish. The girls had put the tent up to sleep in and shortly after I got home they came in. They said there were to many noises outside that they didn't want to hear. Apparently one of the neighbors were having loud sex. It must have been really loud cuz the closest neighbor is like 80 years old! I think it was the nasty neighbors across the street. So the girls decided to move their camp out to Gomer's room. I don't blame them, I would have too!

Okay, gotta get the kids in & cleaned so we can go.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Just in a really bad mood today!

I am so ready for today to be over and it's not even noon yet! I started my morning frosting cookies I stayed up late making. Beanie has her Girl Scout Bridging thing tonight and we have to bring a dessert to pass. I decided to make Peanut Butter Cup cookies. (They are just PB cookies made in a mini muffin tin so they are cups and then I pipe in chocolate frosting, but they are yummy.) I had a 9am appointment coming in and I got to work at 9:01! We walked in together. Then during this appointment the computer system goes down (they said it would be down for 10 minutes- 30 later I was able to get back on). So now I have to call the guy back and give him the rest of the information on his home. Then I get phone call after phone call of cranky people wanting to know if they really have to pay the bill they just got in the mail. Well yeah, if you want car insurance you do! One of them had given me their credit card info & I forgot to process the payment, oops. It's done now, but they were the wrong people to do that to. I then had to explain to them what I still needed on one of their antique autos and why, I think he finally understood cuz I finally have everything. I did find out that I sent in the wrong picture with the stuff (he has 2 antiques and I had them confused). He showed me a picture when he was here writing one of them so I just figured he was showing me a picture of the one we were writing. How was I to know? I'm not a car expert! I know what I drive and that is good enough for me.

~Last night Dork showed up at Lil'Man's baseball game. Everyone was surprised. Lil'Man's team won by 9. They did a great job, much better than Monday's game. They didn't even play like the same team. It was amazing. Anyway, back to Dork. After the game he came back to the house. He just hung around for a little while in the bedroom, the rest of us were in the kitchen and dining room. No one really paid much attention to him. I did send him to the store to get some stuff for the cookies. At one point he came into the kitchen and said he was going to go, that he didn't feel like he belonged there. Gee go figure, what does he expect? Does he expect us to stop our lives just because he has graced us with his presence? I don’t think so. Gomer was cleaning her room, Lil'Man was looking for his report card, Beanie was looking for her GS sash (still can't find it) and I was making dinner & cookies at the same time. And besides, I listened to everything he had to say during 6 innings of baseball, that was plenty. Duchess, get in touch with me & I will fill you in on what was said during the game. Can't blog about it however. He ended up leaving around 10 or so, he had to drive to Toledo yet. Don't believe that he was doing that drive last night but oh well. The drive there is like 2, 2.5 hours and the guy he was to meet said he is usually up till 11 or so. I don't think he was meeting with him last night. I need to just sit down with him and say, "listen this isn't working- here's what's going to happen- either deal with it or not but here it is." Okay, I've got to get back to work. I really want to go home, or at least get out of here for the day!