Thursday, July 13, 2006

I know it is Thursday and Thursday is supposed to be Thankful Thursday or Half Nakid Thursday, but I am going to post pictures instead. Some of them could qualify for HNT and I am very thankful that Jennifer came up to visit, so I guess I am covering all bases here.

Here is a picture of Jennifer, Sherry (both standing) and Lauri & I (seated). Lauri & Sherry are the blondes. This was taken Saturday night at Captain Jack's a bar located on the beach in Muskegon. It was a nice bar, not extremely busy but that was nice for us that night. Earlier that night we had a Pure Romance party at Jenn's mom's apartment for Jessica. Jess is getting married in the fall & we had a Bachlorette party of sorts for her. It was a lot of fun. I introduced Jennifer to Jello-Shots. She really seemed to enjoy them. I think she said she had like 14 of them.

This is Crystal and Jessica, guess which one is the bride to be. Yes that is a vibe in her cleavage and yes, that is what you think it is hanging around her neck.

It just seems so weird. I have know these girls for so long. Long before they even knew what "toys" were! Back in the day Crystal had long flowing blonde hair, she looked like a little princess. Princess of the Tomboys! & don't mess w/ Jess cuz she is a sharp shooter in archery. I have decided after hanging out with Jess the few short days we did, that she makes Jennifer look like a prude. Sorry Jenn!

(Image removed by request)

This is Jennifer's reaction to the Appletini. Sorry Diva, she didn't like it. I had to trade her. For some reason she doesn't like the flavor of alcohol, so she has to drink things that you can't taste the "kick". I got her a fuzzy navel.

It was a fun night. A much needed night. It is nice to get together with old girlfriends and have it seem like we have never been apart.

Okay, it's taken me over an hour to finish this. I guess I should get back to work. I'm post more pictures later. I've got a good one of Gomer, she was slimed by Nicky!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

LOL - We had so much fun! My boobs are so tan! :) nana! Wish we could have gotten Lauri's too :) me, a prude???? Geez.. okay. I'm working on it.... truely. Ask my dh. Well, he might not agree.. I'll update my blog soon............... i'm still doing laundry and trying to get Cass ready for camp! :) I already miss you guys!