Friday, November 03, 2006

My morning was no where near as productive as yours was Jenn. Before I left the house all I did (outside of the normal routine) was measure my kids. Beanie is 52", she gets to ride the big rides now! Lil'Man is 4'11.5" (don't forget the all important 1/2 inch there!). Gomer is 5'7". SAME HEIGHT AS I AM! How did that happen? She will soon be taller, she is no where near being done growing, she needs to grow into her big ol' feet yet. I also measured myself. I have a wingspan that is the same as my height and my inseam is 31". Guess I am mostly legs & arms! And no, the wingspan does not include the inches up and down the twins, I just measured across them.

Last night was the sports banquet for Beanie & Lil'Man. In years past they have always gotten trophies so Lil'Man was really looking forward to the banquet. He was all "Mom, by the end of tonight I will have 4 trophies!" Beanie was looking forward to her first one too. Well, they did get disappointed. Atleast Lil'Man was visibly disappointed. The football players got footballs with the name of the league and the year printed on it. The Cheerleaders got a cheap plastic megaphone (50cents each through bulk order) with a sticker slapped on the side with the name of the team and the year. Beanie's is already cracked. Lil'Man had a small melt down after the banquet. I had to take him by the arm and drag him out of the hall. It wasn't pretty. He really needs to learn how to deal with disappointment in a more managable way. Keeping mad and exploding, hitting people or things is the way his Dad deals with stuff so he thinks he can too. This year has been better. This has only been the second time he has exploded so far this school year. But picture this, I'm wearing a denium skirt, knee high black boots pulling my almost 11 year old son by the arm- he is fighting me the entire way- my feet are slipping and sliding on the tile floor. What fun! He was just overloaded. Too much sugar, too much excitement, too many people and to top it all off too disappointed about not getting a real trophy. & I can't get him to buy into the whole trophy football thing. I told him I could get him a tee and we could display it with his other trophies. I even offered to have it bronzed so it would look like a trophy. No luck. Maybe I'll just go to the trophy store myself & get him one. Or would that be just encouraging his bad behavior when he is disappointed?

Ok Jenn, I'm glad you and your dh are doing it but as long as I'm not getting any I really don't wanna hear that you've been gettin some! Just call me jealous or green with envy! Cuz I don't care what people say- batteries are just not the same!


Jennifer said...

I'm thinking that you know way too much about me but oh yeah we did the mcnasy last night and it was cnummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do you want to know any details?

chellfire said...

No, I don't want the McDetails! Just tell me you kept it in the house this time & didn't let your neighbors see you- again.

Jennifer said...

LOL. Okay Okay no more mcsex in the mcyard. but hey you know my motto - be mcready.

mt_detroit said...

At least batteries can power a variety McToys.

McRosey is old and stale! She only knows one trick and that trick is worn out!