Thursday, March 30, 2006

Holy Jiminey Christmas!

As I sit at my desk, doing the "I've really gotta pee but I wanna get this done first" bounce of the leg, I decide I can't wait any longer. I go up stairs to the woman's bathroom that the entire 3 story building shares, and even before I get close enough to insert the key into the lock, I smell the worst bathroom smell ever! Even with how badly I had to pee I was seriously considering waiting until the think molecules of that stench dissipate. But I really had to pee. So in I go, I tried to hurry- but really can you hurry pee? I was a bit thankful that I am a nose breather, cuz I think if I were not I could have tasted that stench. Plus I just lifted the front of my shirt over my nose and smelled the goodness of my lotion, Calogon take me away!

***side note****
I haven't had caffeine in like a week or more, I had a fountain Coke with my lunch and by golly I'm about ready to bounce off the walls. I am like a kid on crack!
Take this test at Tickle

Your TV Mom is Roseanne Connor

Which TV Mom Are You?
Brought to you by Tickle

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Congratulations, Michelle!Your IQ score is 133
This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others. Your Intellectual Type is Word Warrior. This means you have exceptional verbal skills. You can easily make sense of complex issues and take an unusually creative approach to solving problems. Your strengths also make you a visionary. Even without trying you're able to come up with lots of new and creative ideas. And that's just a small part of what we know about you from your test results.

Okay, what is the high/low range of the IQ scores? I have never taken an IQ test before so I have no idea what this score means.

To take the test click here: & pick Classic IQ Test.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Parental Advisory Warning, strong language

Good Gravy!  The drama that happens at my house while I am at work!  Here is an IM conversation Jeff & I had today:

If the F bombs are offensive to you then stop reading right now.  
I said stop reading.  
Okay I warned you.
I will not take responsibility for anyone being offended, you were warned!
Jeff: (Insert adult neighbors’ names here) kids are to never come over here again and our kids are to never go over there again.
Chellfire: what happened?
Jeff: the bitch come over here and got in Beanie’s  shit over the bike I told Beanie that I wanted back
Chellfire: WTF?!  Beanie didn't give (insert child’s name here) that bike, she let her use it.
Jeff : that is what I told Beanie that she could use it but she could not have it so Beanie told (insert child’s name)that I wanted it back so (insert adult female neighbor here) came over but I didnt know what was going on
Jeff : (insert adult female neighbor here) guess yelled at Beanie then threw the bike down on the concrete
Chellfire: How adult of her!
Jeff : I heard the bike hit the concrete but I didnt think about it until Beanie came in the house crying
Chellfire: can I take her?  Should I go over & beat her up when I get home?
Jeff : no you cant take her
Chellfire: I've never seen her before.
Jeff: that is all that family knows is how to fight
Chellfire: I was joking anyway.
Jeff: she is a tough bitch
Chellfire: I never liked our kids playing with them anyway.
Jeff: I hope they move the fuck away and soon
Chellfire: Based on their history, I don't think they will be there for very long.
Jeff: they are fucking problems and I dont want them around
Jeff: nobody else likes them around here either
Chellfire: are you calmed down now?  Is Beanie okay?
Chellfire: Did the bike get broken?
Jeff: yes we are fine
Jeff : I dont think so
Jeff: what a dumb bitch
Chellfire: yes she is.
Jeff: I will not deal with them again
Chellfire: now you know how I felt when the dumb male version came over & bitched at me.

Is it wrong to sleep at work?

Today is just one of those days when you feel like you left half of your brain in bed. And for me today, that would be the productive half of my brain. All I want to do is sleep or eat, and I am not even hungry. Must be PMS cuz I just want chocolate. But the effort it takes to chew does wake me up, a little bit anyway.

I did get all caught up on Friday, at least as caught up as I can get. Now I am just waiting on my boss to get pictures taken so I can finish up. I am so unmotivated today, it isn't even funny. I would curl up into a ball in the back room if I could get away with it. I have done that once, just once. But this is also the girl that has done other naughty stuff at work before too. But let's not go there today.

Okay, am I compulsive or something? I have noticed I always separate my M&M's by color and then line them up by quantity before I eat them. Then, when I eat them I start with the color that has the most and even them out until I have equal numbers of each color left. I most be very tired if this is what I am rambling about!

Friday night I stayed home, Jeff was supposed to stay home too, but the boys kept calling and they needed a driver, so off he went. I have no idea what time he got home cuz I was so soundly sleeping that I barely moved out of the center of the bed to make room for him.
Saturday was baseball drafts for Lil'Man. He did very well. This year none of the "bad" coaches are coaching so we were not as concerned as to which team he ended up on. We were told of one coach that he will be on the team of and we are quite happy with that. Now let’s just hope we were not told wrong. After drafts we went home and got stuff around to go to Travis' to clean up his new yard. He purchased some land w/ a mobile home on it and the yard & home hasn't been worked on in over 3 years. The prior owner lived in the place for 3 years without running water! I can't believe someone would live like that! Gross! We raked and mowed until it was dark. Thank goodness for the riding mower and it's attachments. I still managed to get a blister on my hand, in that one spot between my thumb and my index finger. It hurts and it's a mean, ugly red spot. Oh well, it will go away soon enough.

Sunday was church. It was Potluck Sunday too! Yum Yum. After the potluck was done we went to my brother and SIL's for youth group. We really didn't have a meeting, we just sat around, talked, picked on the kids, etc til 3. Then we went home where I put the little slaves to work. Hey, they messed up the house; the least they could do is clean it up! Gomer set up the trash can outside to be under Lil'Man's window. All he had to do was open his window and toss stuff out. The idea was the trash would land in the trashcan. I don't think she factored in the breeze. There is some trash in my yard now. Guess they have a job to do when they get home today then huh.

I will have some new pictures to post tomorrow. If my boss brings the camera back tomorrow that is. I took the work camera home over the weekend and Gomer got ahold of it. So I have some of her handy work to post.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

It's only Thursday?

Today is one of those days when you just want to tell the people on the other end of the phone “I am only one person, what the hell do you expect?”  I have eleven (yes 11) files in front of me to finish today.  Most of them have more than one policy that needs to be finished.  I understand that the mortgage broker wants the information yesterday, but you just called me yesterday to say you were purchasing a new home, which you are closing on in 5 days.  I can not wave my magic wand and make all of my work finish itself.  I broke my wand trying to get my house to clean itself and trying to get my kids to change to angels!  It’s in the wand repair shop and I don’t think it is ever coming back!  And I can’t twitch my nose to do it either, I bent that all out of shape over the weekend.

The next time you hear from me I WILL have my work caught up.  I hope you hear from me again!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Ive Been Tagged

I’ve Been Tagged! Thanks Duchess!
I am sharing the glory with:
Jenn A

Place an X by all the things you've done, remove the x from the ones you have not, then send it to all of your friends (including me). A bit of fun...This is for your entire life:
( ) Smoked a cigarette..
( ) Crashed a friend's car
(X) Stolen a car? (Duchess, I think you forgot about a certain day at my house!)
(X) Been in love
(X) Been dumped
(X) Shoplifted - not intentionally the cashier didn’t ring it up and put it in my bag.
(X) Been in a fist fight
(X) Snuck out of your parent's house.
(X) Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back
( ) Gone on a blind date
(X) Lied to a friend
(x) Skipped school
(X) Seen someone die
(x) Been to Canada
( ) Been to Mexico
(x) Been on a plane
( ) Purposely set a part of yourself on fire? It was an accident!!!!
( ) Eaten sushi
(X) Been skiing
(x) Met someone from the internet?
(x) Been at a concert
(x) Taken pain-killers
(X) Love someone or miss someone right now
(x) Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by
(x) Made a snow angel
(X) Had a tea party
(X) Flown a kite
(x) Built a sand castle
(x) Gone puddle jumping
(x) Played dress up
(X) Jumped into a pile of leaves
(X) Gone sledding
(X) Cheated while playing a game
(X) Been lonely
(X) Fallen asleep at work/school
(x) Used a fake ID Yep, the Duchess gave it to me!
(x) Watched the sun set
( ) Felt an earthquake
(x) Slept beneath the stars
(X) Been tickled
(X) Been robbed
(X) Been misunderstood
(X) Petted a reindeer/goat/kangaroo OR jackalope
(x) Won a contest
(x) Run a red light/stop sign.
( ) Been suspended from school
(x) Been in a car crash?
(X) Had braces
(X) Felt like an outcast/third person- Hey I am the third child! Does that count?
(X) Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
(X) Had deja vu
(x) Danced in the moonlight
(X) Liked the way you looked
(X) Witnessed a crime
(X) Questioned your heart
( ) Been obsessed with post-it notes
(X) Squished mud through your bare feet
(X) Been lost
(x) Been on the opposite side of the country- As far as Wyoming!
(X) Swam in the ocean
(X) Felt like dying
(X) Cried yourself to sleep
(x) Played cops and robbers (and cowboys and indians & ended up sending my brother to ER!)
(X) Recently colored with crayons
( ) Sang karaoke
(X) Paid for a meal with only coins
(x) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't
(x) Made prank phone calls....a LONG time ago!
(x) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
(x) Caught a snowflake on your tongue
(x) Danced in the rain
(x) Written a letter to Santa Claus
(x) Been kissed under the mistletoe
(X) Watched the sun rise with someone you care about
(X) Blown bubbles
( ) Made a bonfire on the beach
( ) Crashed a party
(X) Gone roller-skating—Just 2 weekends ago!
(X) Had a wish come true
(X) jumped off a bridge- maybe a little foot bridge!
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :D :D :D :D :D ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
1. What time is it? 9:57am
2. What is your name? Michelle
3. Any nicknames? Chelle
4. Mothers name? Carolyn
5. What is your favorite drink? Water
6. Tattoos? yes
7. Body piercing? Just in ears
8. How much do you love your job? Depends on the day!
9. Birthplace: Fremont, Michigan
10. Favorite vacation spot? Anywhere away from the noise & stress of home!
11. Ever been to Africa? No, just Epcot's version.
12. Ever steal any traffic signs? No
13. A, B, C, D, DD cup size? DD
14. 2 Door or 4 Door? 4
15. Salad dressing? Ranch or Blue Cheese
16. Favorite pie? Chocolate crème or Peanut butter
17. Favorite number? 3? How does a number become a favorite?
18. Favorite movie? Can’t think of one right now
19. Favorite holiday? 4th of July
20. Favorite food? Pot roast- having it tonight for dinner!
21. Favorite day of the week? It’s a tie between Sunday & Saturday
22. Favorite brand of body soap? Bath & Body Works or VS
23. Favorite TV show? Grey's Anatomy
25. Favorite smell? Lilac, Yankee Candle’s Clean Cotton
26. What do you do to relax? sex, sleep, take a hot bath
27. Message to your friends reading this? HI! Send this back!
28. How do you see yourself in 10 years? Watching my youngest child graduate from HS!
29. What do you do when you are bored? Watch TV
30. What do you enjoy receiving? Back rubs
31. Furthest place you will send this message? OK
32. Who will respond the fastest? Jenn A
33. Least likely to respond? Sherry, she is very busy!
34. What time is it now? 10:09am, had to take a few phone calls.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Last night Mel, Sherry & I went to Jenn's spa party. It was fun, relaxing, I booked another party. After the party, which we were 30 minutes late for and Jenn wasn't too happy about but at this point in time I really don't care, once you read about the rest of my night Jenn's state of happiness with me is the least of my concerns.

We left Jenn's around 10pm, Sherry changed her cloths in the front seat of the Durango, her thonged glory was sitting in my leather seats while we pasted a semi truck. I don't think the driver was paying any atttention to us cuz he didn't speed up at all. I changed my shirt while driving too, so for a little while I was driving in my bra. Thank goodness we didn't get pulled over! How do you explain to the police why you are driving to the bar in your bra? We meet up with Jeff, Travis & Duke at one bar and then drove together to another one. We had a really good time. Duke paid for all of our drinks and Jeff was our driver. I had quite a few to drink as evident by the fact that I retrieved a quarter from Sherry's cleavage. She was a driver too so she was stone cold sober! Please keep in mind that I am writing this on 2 1/2 hours of sleep and I have a horrible pain that starts between my shoulder blades and works its way up my neck and shoots straight across my head to my forehead. I don't think I would call it a hang over cuz you would have to be sober to have a hangover and I think I would still at this point fail the breath test. I might get lucky and pass but I am keeping my butt home for a while. Anyway, back to the retelling of last night. All was hunky doory, all was having a blast, we left the bar at closing time and headed back to Newaygo to another car. Sherry then drove Mel home in my truck- as planned, however not planned was that the guys Duke & Travis were still in the truck. Jeff was supposed to drive them home. We got back to my house just before 3 am and that is when the bi-polar express crashed in my living room and the good times left skid marks on my carpet. We fought, he got tackled, a few things got broken (like my mothers tea pot and my drywall and we still can't find the battery to one of the cell phones) but all is better now. Things were talked over, tempers calmed, sex was had and all things are much better. However it was 6:30 by the time all of that had happened. I was awoken this morning by my ringing cell phone and couldn't find it, but now am awake and can not go back to sleep. My game plan is after youth group I am going to take a much needed nap before my shows come one. This morning we still have to go to Fremont to get our kids and then to Grant to get my truck. I let Sherry take it home last night. I think it is going to be awhile before Dan lets Sherry go out with us again. He left a not very nice message on my cell last night around 2 am. She never does anything wrong, she is quite funny when a guy tries to hit on her, she dances around in a circle and tries to hide behind one of us. She might not be able to go out with me again until you get here Jenn. By the way, I need dates of when you are going to be here, in our neck of the woods. I know you said the first 2 weeks of July, but when are you going to be in the Grant area?

Okay, I gotta go. My dog is driving me crazy. She is whining like she needs to go outside but when I let her out all she does is sniff around and then lay down in the sun. Crazy dog!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Welcome Alexis Lynn!!!!

There’s a new baby in town!

Cassie had her baby Monday morning around 9:30. She showed no signs of labor at the shower, not a one. She was rubbing her belly saying she had 25 days at the most left, she was due in 11 days and her doctor wouldn’t let her go more than 2 weeks over. Little did we know she had less than 24 hours! Welcome Alexis Lynn! She is bound to be a beautiful individual. Her momma is very beautiful, both on the outside and on the inside. It’s rare to find a person like that anymore. I’ve never met the daddy, but I have seen his picture, he isn’t bad to look at either. Alexis is destined to have dark hair and olive coloring. Lucky baby! I can’t wait to see her, I love babies. They are so nice to hold and to smell. What I love the most now is that I can hand them back when they get fussy or stinky! I make an awesome aunt! But an even better mom, to my own children. Go here: and then click on the 13th, then select ALEXIS L to see a picture of the newest little one in the family.

We went to Gomer’s volleyball game last night. It had been rescheduled due to Grant no having school on Monday. It rained so much in such a short amount of time that some of the road in the school district were washed out, so they cancelled school. My niece plays for Grant’s 8th grade team, so we stayed after Gomer’s game to watch her. She didn’t really look like she really wanted to be playing. If the ball came to her & she didn’t have to move her feet to get it, then she would hit the ball. When she hit it, she did a good job. Gomer did a good job, she really likes volleyball. There is a league she could enter after this season is done, I am thinking of signing her up. But she hasn’t told me she wants to play yet. I think it would be a great opportunity for her; it would really help her polish her skills and learn new ones. But if she doesn’t want to join the league I can’t force her.

Lil’Man will be playing baseball soon. I can’t wait for it to start, that means I can cut his hair again! He hates getting his hair cut, so I was letting him grow it out for the winter. His head sweats so much it’s gross. He would wake up in the morning during the summer with a dripping head before I gave him a buzz cut. Now with the shaggy style that is oh so popular with the boys now, he wants to grow it out. I think it is an excuse to not have the clippers touch his head.

Beanie has joined Awana’s at a local church with one of her school friends. I’m all for her learning more about God and going to church. We go every Sunday. But this Awana thing costs money. After visiting for 3 times she is a “member” and has to purchase a vest and a book. That was $16. Then she came home with a paper about some games that they will be doing. This really is a competition with other churches; they are on Saturdays for the next 2 months from 9 to noon thirty. If she were to participate, we would have to give up a lot of things we would otherwise be doing on Saturday mornings. Like the school carnival, being able to go to OK for Spring Break (if I have the money which doesn’t’ look good), going to Gomer’s volleyball invitational, etc..

Oh great…. I just realized that the volleyball invitational and the school carnival are on the same day at the same time. How am I going to do that?

Well I should get back to work.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Did I have time to relax?

Here’s the rundown for my weekend.

Gomer was gone from Friday early evening til Sunday afternoon at a church event.  We traded her for 2 of my brother’s dogs.  That means I had 3 dogs in my house this weekend!  That is a lot of dog!

Friday Night, didn’t do a darn thing other than watched tv, took dogs outside to pee, and cleaned up my house after the kids destroyed it all day during their day off of school.

Saturday AM:
Started my morning out around 7:30 or so when Beanie got up.  She is a bit loud in the morning & doesn’t like to be the only one up.  I got up to get Lil’Man up for baseball camp, he wanted to take a shower before hand.  (The boy hates to take showers so when he asked me to wake him up at 6:30 so he could shower I had to check him for a fever!)  Seeing how his camp didn’t start until 9, I didn’t see why he couldn’t sleep til atleast 8 before he showered.  When he got up, his feet where sore (he has eczema on his feet).  I told him to soak his feet for I could treat them.   While he was getting out the 18 quart foot basin and filling it with warm water, I got the cloths out of the dryer (keep in mind that someone else put these cloths in the washer & then in the dryer).  Apparently someone had forgotten to check their pockets before sending their cloths to get washed.  A blue and a green crayon were left in a pocket.  The inside of my dryer had streaks of green all over it!   I was ticked!  The inside of the dryer was still hot, to that made clean up very easy.  However, the cloths were not as easy to clean.  Most of the stuff ruined was mine, of course.  Gomer did have a nice teal sleeveless ruffled shirt that got the most of the green crayon on the front of it.  My satin lounge pants out the rest of the green crayon.  I wasn’t happy at all!  I quickly got on-line to find a way to get it out.  I found a site that had many people raving about 20 Mule Team Borax and how it got the melted crayon out of their cloths, so I decided to try it.  I had to go to WalMart anyways, might as well pick some of that stuff up.  Well, as I was dealing with the dryer, Lil’Man was trying to get the almost all the way full basin of water down to the living room so he could soak while he watched cartoons.  He sit it on the step to get better hold of it, but he wouldn’t take his eyes off of the tv.  Whoosh!  18 quarts of warm water all over my carpet!  No one could move fast enough to even try to clean up that much water before it settled into the (not so clean) carpet.  Hey, it doesn’t matter if you vacuum everyday, no one has dirtless carpet!  It even was on the spot that the Kirby salesgirl had spent 30 minutes vacuuming just 4 days earlier.   I got out the Little Green Clean Machine, it doesn’t suck very well, to try to get the extra water out.  Now that the water is dried, I have a brown water stain in my oatmeal berber carpet.    Hopefully the carpet will be gone by the end of the week and it will be replaced by hardwood.  

Okay, we’ll skip ahead to 9 am.  Drop Lil’Man off at baseball camp at the high school.  (Let me tell you, the coach- yum yum- I’m wiping the drool from my chin just thinking about him!)  Beanie & I head off to WalMart to get a few things, like a birthday present for my niece, a few little things for my 2nd cousin’s baby shower and some 20 Mule Team Borax to remove the crayons.  I am in need of gas for my truck but figure Fremont always  have cheaper gas than Newaygo so I would fill up there.  Well according to my truck I was 11 mile to empty and Fremont is 10 miles from Newaygo.  I got about 2 miles to Fremont & my truck says I have 0 miles to empty.  I did make it to the gas station only to find that it is 8 cents more per gallon than Newaygo.  Geez!  Hey 8 cents is 8 cents, multiply by 20 gallons.  So I put in $5 and got a whole whopping 2 gallons, but that got me about 20 miles so I filled up in Newaygo when I got home.  I know, I am cheap.   When back in Newaygo we stopped at a friend’s hair salon to say HI and to see if any of my bath salts had sold.  I picked up a few of the salts to add to the baby shower gift and got some money for the ones that did sell.  Then we (Beanie & I) head back home.  We had about an hour before Lil’Man was done with camp.  We got home just in time to see Jeff getting into  Travis’ car to go let the horses out.  (We were also taking care of my brother’s horses while they were gone).  So Beanie & I went with him.  We delivered some gs cookies too.  We got back just in time to pick up Lil’Man and got home to his Grandma waiting for him in the drive.  He and his cousin Nick were going to the Monster Trucks w/ their Uncle Jer.  Beanie & I had just enough time to get changed and go pick up Alex & Ali for the birthday party in Ravenna from 1-4.  The party was fun, my feet and legs were sore by the time we left.  Someone had to skate with the little ones!  

We had Family Fun night at church at 6.  Not very many showed up, a lot of people were out of town this weekend.  We left there around 9ish.  Beanie took a friend with her.

AM church til noon.  Beanie had a gs cookie sale from 12:30-2:30, we had a baby shower at 2.  My grandma picked me up at 1:30, we went & picked up Beanie from the sale then headed to cousin Brenda’s for the shower.  Hey Jenn, guess what baby I got to hold?  She was making eyes at me from across the room, she is so cute!  Little Macy is getting big!  The shower was fun.  Lauri, Kerri, and Angie were there too (dur- that’s how Macy was there!)  I hadn’t seen Joyce in like forever, same with Grandma Coleen.  Aunt JoAnne was there (she is after all the Great Grandma to be!)  It was nice to see everyone again.  We got home around 5, Gomer was dropped off at Brenda’s for me.  I had time to clean my house and finish laundry before my shows started at 7.  So from 7 til I fell asleep it was nothing but relaxing.

I’m hoping to get more time to relax this weekend.  I have a spa party to go to on Saturday and then we are going out afterwards, but otherwise I have nothing planned.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Ive been tagged!

I’ve been tagged.  Here are my answers, what are yours?
        Six jobs I have had in my life:
(this covers a 15 year span!)
1.    Run Insurance office
2.  Insurance Agent for a big national company
3.  TicketsPLUS, Now called StarTicketsPLUS
4.  Target
5.  waitressed
6. Michigan Adventure Amusement Park, best summer job to ever have!
Four movies I would watch over and over:
1.      Sweet Home Alabama 
2.   Gone with the Wind
3.   10 Things I Hate About You
4.   National Treasure
5.   Grease
6.   Heathers
Four places I have lived:
   1.      Newaygo, Michigan
   2.   Croton, Michigan  (part of Newaygo, I had to stretch to  
        make 4 places!)
3    Big Rapids, Michigan (just for a few months during college)
4.   Grant, Michigan
Four TV shows I love to watch:
1.  Greys Anatomy
2.  Sex in the City
3.    General Hospital
4.  Desperate Housewives

Four places I have been on vacation:
1.      Miami Oklahoma
2.  Orlando Florida
3.  Somewhere in Canada
4.  Mackinac Island, Michigan

Four websites I visit daily:
Four of my favorite foods:
1.      Chinese
2.    Pizza
3.    Cheesecake
4.    A good burger w/ swiss, sautéed onions and mushrooms
Four places I would rather be right now:
1.       Somewhere warm & sunny
2.   In an office with a window
3.   Home
4    With Jennifer in Oklahoma
Four of my all time favorite Bands/Artists
1. Miranda Lambert
2. Keith Anderson
3. Big & Rich
4. Violent Femmes
Six Friends I am sending this too that will respond
1. Jenn
2. Darcey
3. Sherry
4. Jordyn
5. Katie
6. Tiffany

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Pre-Whiny Wednesday

I know it’s not Whiny Wednesday yet I NEED a release!  I am going to spend the next minute bitching about my job.  This is not pointed to anyone just general bitching.

I am up to my navel in files.  I left 1.5 hours early yesterday and returned to a mess on my desk.  I now have a ton more to do then when I left yesterday and I took work home with me last night too.  I have a new client that wants things yesterday and I won’t have it until tomorrow at the earliest.  I have 14 new client files that all need something done to them.  I am in need of 8 pictures of new houses that we are now insuring and I am waiting on my boss to get those done.  I have quotes sitting on my desk that need to be done and then call the people back.  I have another appointment for another new client this afternoon, so that is going to add another file to my pile.  It would be very nice if my phone would stop ringing long enough for me to get something done.  I have sales reps stopping in my office all the time, there is only 1 of them that I actually like (Dana) & when she stops in we chat for at least an hour!  Katie, Dana & I are going to have a girls night sometime, soon I hope!   I have the computer guy calling me bitching because he hasn’t been paid yet.  He did the work on the 1st, it’s now the 7th.  BIG DEAL!  I waited over a week for him to come and install the crap and we are still waiting on him to fix his mess up at the other office.  Boss Guy said he would have the check waiting for him at the other office.  Geez, you try to help a friend out by sending work his way and you get crapped on for it.  As soon as this work is done we are finding a new computer guy.  I vote throwing a dart at an open phone book might get us someone better!  Phone’s ringing again. Ok, I’m back- now client file #14 has another policy to be added.  Does my work ever end?!  

I guess I will have to finish later.  I am too busy today to finish now.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Here are the results

Here are the results from that little test:

Rather ExperiencedYou are 58% pure!

I was really worried there for a moment! I thought it was going to come back and say “You did WHAT!!! You sick, sick twisted person!” But I guess there are many, many people out there that are sicker and more twisted that I look pretty darn pure!

Friday, March 03, 2006

If you opened this, FILL IT OUT! Learn 50 things about your friends, and let them learn 50 things about you!

1. How tall are you barefoot?
5' 7.5"

2. Have you ever smoked heroin?
No way

3. Do you own a gun?

4. Rehab?

5. Do you get nervous before "meeting the parents"?
Not really, but I haven't had to do that in a long time!

6. What do you think of hot dogs?
That they are gross! I don't like to eat unidentifiable filler meat!

7. What's your favorite Christmas song?
I don't have just one favorite

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
Ice cold water or Coca Cola

9. Do you do push-ups?
Just with my bra!

10. Have you ever done ecstasy?

11. Are you vegan?
Are you kidding! I love meat, cheese, dairy, I wouldn't make it as a vegan. Besides God made us to eat other animals and their products, that's what the other animals are here for.

12. Do you like pain-killers?
When in pain, I LOVE them!

13. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?
My boobs or my legs, no wait- it's my stellar personality, whit & charm that gets ‘em!

14. Do you own a knife?
Yes Ma'am & I ain’t afraid to use chop up some veggies or cut up some meat!

15. Do you have A.D.D?

16. Date of birth?

17. Top 3 thoughts at this exact moment:
1. I am really thirsty right now.
2. It's too cold outside & too hot in my office
3. I really want to win the lottery so I can buy a 2nd house in OK

18. Name the last 3 things you have bought:
1. lunch yesterday
2. groceries
3. another quarter percentage of my house (I paid a house payment- I figure I own about 14% of my house, so I own 227 square feet!)

19. Name five drinks you regularly drink:
a. water
b. water
c. water
d. coke
e. something with alcohol in it

20. What time did you wake up today?
woke up at 5:58 but didn't get out of bed then

21. Current hair?

22. Current worry?

23. Current hate?
People who lie and hide things

24. Favorite places to be?
in a nice quiet place where there is no fighting

25. Least favorite places to be?
in a loud noise place where there is fighting

26. Where would you like to go?
Okalahoma, Mexico, Europe, Florida,

27. Do you own slippers?

28. Where do you think you'll be in 10 yrs?
getting ready to watch my youngest graduate from high school (what a scary thought!)

29. Do you burn or tan?
burn then tan

30. Last thing you ate?
English muffin

31. Would you be a pirate?
What kind of question is this? Are we talking a Pittsburg Pirate? Then no, but I would like to have their paycheck. Are we talking a pirate out on the ocean? I don't think so either, you never see a bathroom in one of those ships!

32. Last time you had an alcoholic drink?
1 week ago to the day. Mel & I went to the bar and some guy was hitting on me & bought me 3 drinks (of course I had 2 of the most expensive drinks there!)

33. What songs do you sing in the shower?
I don't sing in the shower, I'm still half asleep.

34. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child?
I don't remember fearing something was going to get me, I do remember fearing that my bedroom floor was going to fall during the night.

35. What's in your pockets right now?

36. Last thing that made you laugh?
I don't remember, I think it was something one of my kids said.

37. Best bed sheets you had as a child?
The clean kind

38. Worst injury you've ever had?
I've been pretty lucky. It had to of been the time I ran a boy over with my bike & I flew over the handlebars and hit my head on the asphalt.

40. How many TVs do you have in your house?

41. Who is your loudest friend?
Jennifer, either one- take your pick!

42. Who is your most silent friend?

43. Does someone have a crush on you?
If I knew then I wouldn't tell you!

44. Do you wish on stars?

45. What are your favorite books?
Harry Potter. That is the only series I have read lately.

46. What is your favorite candy?
Runts or a Whatyamacallit

47. What song do/did you want played at your wedding?
I don't remember, I just remember it wasn't the one I wanted.

48. What song do you want played at your funeral?
I don't really care, just as long as it isn't "The Wicked Witch is Dead" from the Wizard of Oz!

49. What were you doing 12AM last night?
Sleeping, alone.

50. Do you love the pain a tattoo brings?
no, I didn't love the feel of a thousand bees stinging me all at the same time!