Thursday, October 26, 2006

Okay, I've got a dilemma. I've just been told about a different job. I'm not looking for a different job, but if something better, shinier, newer was thrown at me I just might want that shinier job. The new job is about 20 minutes closer to my home, and it offers extensive benefits. I'm all about extensive benefits seeing how I don't have any currently! So, here's the dilema. Do I send in my resume? Well, that's a no brainer. Of couse I send in my resume. But what do I do when it comes time to interviewing? Or a job offer? Do I just wait to cross that bridge when I get to it? I love my job- for the most part. My boss is great, he gives me lots of freedom and independence. He would have a hard time finding someone else to fill my shoes if I were to leave. I think he would have to find 2 people to do the job I do. I would feel bad leaving too. I don't want him to think that I applied because I don't like my job. I would be applying because I NEED THE MONEY & THE EXTENSIVE BENEFITS! But I also don't want him to think that I am applying just to have him offer me more money to stay with him. Ugh! What does a girl do?! Please tell me what you think, please voice your opinion. Thank you.


Jennifer said...

What comes first is you and your family. You NEED that insurance Michelle! You NEED a pay raise. I admit it will be difficult when you move on but if the opportunity presents - I say grab it. When it comes down to it you need the benefits... hey how much does it pay anyways?! :)

Unknown said...

I think you should at least look into it. You can't worry about your boss - you have a family to take care of and you NEED the benefits. Tell him that it's not to get more money, but you have to explore other options to take care of your family and make sure you have medical coverage for them. I say GO FOR IT! :)