Friday, August 18, 2006

Okay, I am in need of suggestions. I think the format/template of this blog is BORING!! I really want to change it but I am having a hard time finding layouts for it. I can find new layouts for myspace or bebo with no problem. Just to let you know, I have let Gomer design my Bebo page, so everything on that page is her design. So if anyone has any suggestions I am open to anything.

I am so glad it is Friday. This week has seemed long. I so want to sleep in tomorrow. However, a local church in Bailey is having a Back to School BBQ from 9-noon and they are giving away free backpacks and school supplies, so I really want to take the kids to that in the morning. The sooner we get there the more likely we are to get the free stuff.

I will admit, when it comes to driving I have a bit of a lead foot. Luckily I only have 1 ticket on my record right now & my insurance company hasn't found it yet (knock on wood!). I firmly believe if they are going to ticket you for going 5 over the limit, then they should really ticket those that are going 5 under the limit. I got stuck behind a truck this morning that was going 45 in a 55, so to me that was going 15 under the limit. (I know, really it was only 10 but when most of the driving population drives 5 over the limit and this clown was driving 10 under, in all reality he was driving 15 under!) Or at the very least he could have pulled over and allowed the line of 6 vehicles that were stuck behind him around. But no! He continued to drive 45 mph (down hill only) and made everyone behind him late for work. What kind of special is it to drive that slow during commuter traffic time? Then when I finally was able to pass, the new clown that had also passed decided that he was going to drive 55 & 55 only! Thank you God he did not take my route to work, I was able to turn.

Okay, I had a very strange dream last night/this morning. It was a normal morning, I was leaving for work. For some reason I was driving a conversion van (this is strange cuz I HATE those vans!) and it was parked in my garage. As I was backing it out of the garage I noticed a strange man was in the van. He kidnapped me! Turns out he was my internet stalker! (is this a combination of watching too much One Live to Live & the conversation I had with Jennifer last night?) He had a video tape that showed all of our IM conversations and also of him talking about what he was going to do. How freaky! He took me to some breakfast joint & I was able to get away. Right after I got away and he was arrested my phone rang. It showed up as a stored number but it wasn't the person I thought it was. When I told him what had happened he was going to come & get me, but not until the next morning. WTF? Even my dreams are messed up! Oh well, maybe my dreams are still better than my reality.

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