Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I am frustrated! I want some of this in an attempt to ease my frustrations.

I don't have a fireplace, we have to hang the stockings off of the entertainment center. I saw this in a mail order book and I really like it! I don't think I could make one for less then it would cost to purchase.


mt_detroit said...

What are you frustrated from?

chellfire said...

I share some of the same frustrations as you. I stumbled across your page one day by clicking on the "next blog" button. I kind-of got hooked. I've been where you are and it does indeed suck. I have almost read all of your entries now, just need to read a few of the earliest ones yet. If you are interested in hearing anything from me on your situation just let me know. I do want to finish reading the few posts I haven't read yet before I form any thoughts.

Jennifer said...

I think you can make one... we use the tv thingy...... new friend????

mt_detroit said...

Ya I had noticed that you had visited my page a few times. I came here to try to find out who my silent visitor was.

Feel free to comment anytime you like or stay silent if you prefer. It sure has been a journey. I bet you are glad its over! Someday it will be over for me too.

Don't be shy to answer that last post honestly. Do it annon if you need. I have 2 wimpy responses so far... Ya Ya I know there is more than that, but what do you think of that is what I'm asking!

Oh ya, if kids read your site then feel free to delete my comments. I wouldn't want any kids getting to my sight. Its not appropriate for them.

Take care,