Thursday, August 30, 2007

Wish me luck!!!

I just volunteered to coach my youngest's basketball team. I will be teaching a bunch of 4th grade girls how to play. Now just where do I fit that into my already busy schedule? She is cheering too, so that is practice on Mondays & Tuesdays with games on Saturdays. I work both jobs on Fridays, so that day is out. Football games will be Saturday too, and once games start for bball- that will be Saturday mornings at 9am. I figured since my son's football coach is also coaching the 5th grade girls that I could coach & still watch Jarratt's games. I might have to miss a game or two of her cheering. It will all work out.

My Grandpa is in the hospital. I guess he took too much of his medication yesterday and then this morning, while already in the hospital, was having chest pains. I was told he will be okay, but will be in the hospital for a few days.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I love my Grandpa, I really do and I wouldn't trade him for anything. But sometimes he opens his mouth and the whole damn shoe factory goes flying in! Last night we stopped by to drop off a pineapple (my grandma loves fresh pineapples) and to say Hi. Grandpa was sleeping and Grandma asked me to go wake him (they are over 80 and not in the best of health). My oldest 2 follow me in there. Once he is awake he looks at me and tells me that I had scared the hell out of them (with the breast cancer scare- that my children know nothing about!) and then started to ask me questions about it. I prolly had a panicked look on my face, cuz my mind was racing on how I could stop him before he spilled the beans to my kids. I did get him off the subject and my kids haven't, yet anyways, asked me about it. I know I need to tell them before they hear it from someone else, but it's nothing for them to worry about cuz nothing is going to happen from it.

The class reunion is over. It went pretty good. I had quite a few people thank me for doing it. One other girl and I did all the prep work (I basically did most of it, she just helped with some of the little things), 3 other girls helped out with a few of the other stuff. We had about 20 or so of our classmates their plus their spouses and children. We used a laulu theme, had hula hoops, limbo, pineapple bowling, snow cones, soft served ice cream and we had 2 inflatable bouncy toys (does anyone remember the Moonwalk?) It was a huge hit! The reunion wrapped up around 9, then children were taken elsewhere and the adults met up in our hometown at the beer tent. There was a live band there that played our class song for us (Garth Brooks- Friends in Low Places). It was a lot of fun. I had too many beers in too short of a time frame, but had a ton of fun. Too bad class reunions only come around once every 5 years.

Sunday my youngest was baptised. Of course I cried. I do stuff like that when my kids do things. I'm a sap. After church we had lunch at my brother's house. He had to go cut hay from someone and while he was gone we (another couple, myself, my kids and a friend of my daughter's) got out the horses. Let me tell you this. Saddle horns are not all soft & squishy. They are hard. Very very hard. I was riding Walker and Ashley (my daughter's friend) was getting on Millie. Well, Mille decided that she needed to kick Walker in the butt with both of her hind feet. This caused Ashley to go flying and me too. I didn't see what exactly happened to Ash as I was trying hard not to hit the ground. I flew forward in my saddle- cuz that is the direction that Walker's rear was going- I ended up grabbing a fistful of mane with one hand and managed to get my other arm around Walker's neck. There I was, upside down clinging to a horse like a strange necklace. I did manage to right myself and get back in the saddle and seated on the horse the way I was supposed to and never once did I hit the ground or need someone to help me up. I was pretty proud of myself there. Now, 3 days later, I have a massive bruise on my left inner thigh from the saddle horn and last night I found another bruise on my side. I've decided that I don't really care for Walker or Millie much now. I'll stick to the other horse.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

I brought my youngest to work with me today. I love her dearly, but she can drive me up a wall. She is being really good for me, but my office can get busy and she likes to ask questions and be the center of attention. Here she is, watching Buffy in the lobby, eating her candy corn from The Grand Rapids Popcorn Factory.

Yesterday after cheerleading practice, she somehow managed to shut her finger in the car door and it latched. We ended up spending an hour and a half in ER last night. There was a bad storm that came through as we were driving there and it knocked the power out throughout the entire town. We were not able to get x-rays done, so they just decided to treat her finger as if it were broken. She was in hystrics until after they numbed her finger. Then she was calm for like a second, looked at her finger and shouted "It's FAT!!!" She had us all rolling! Today it is much better, she can bend it now and use it like nothing happened. She is my accident prone child. Just 2 days ago she was getting something out of the freezer, a package of frozen steak fell out and landed on her head. Now she has a real pretty bruise on the side of her face. It looks like I beat the child!

Okay, it's 5 o'clock and I'm outta here!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Official Word!!!!

It's official. I have cysts, a cluster of cysts in the upper right quadrant of my right breast. At this time nothing is needed to be done, but at some point I could consider having them drained. I do have to go back to see the doctor in 3 months for a follow up. Seeing how caffeine affects them I am going to try to remove caffeine from my diet. I know that means no coke, no chocolate, no tea & no more yummy UV Bombs!

Wish me luck! I'm gonna need it.
Adult Funnies

Happy Friday!

Q. What do you call a virgin on a waterbed?
A: A cherry float.

Q: What's the fluid capacity of Monica Lewinsky's mouth?
A: 1 US leader

Q: What did the sign on the door of the whorehouse say?
A: Beat it - we're closed.

Q: Why do walruses go to Tupperware parties?
A: To find a tight seal.

Q: What's the difference between sin and shame?
A: It is a sin to put it in, but it's a shame to pull it out.

Q: What's the speed limit of sex?
A: 68; at 69 you have to turn around.

Q: Why did Raggedy Ann get thrown out of the toy box?
A: She kept sitting on Pinocchio's face, and moaning, "Lie tome!"

Q: Why is air a lot like sex?
A: Because it's no big deal unless you're not getting any.

Q: What's another name for pickled bread?
A: Dill-dough.

Q : Why are Monica Lewinsky's cheeks so puffy?
A: She's withholding evidence.

Q: What's the difference between light and hard?
A: You can sleep with a light on.

Q: Why is sex like a bridge game?
A: You don't need a partner if you have a good hand.

Q: What's the definition of macho?
A: Jogging home from your own vasectomy.

Q: What do a Christmas tree and a priest have in common?
A: Their balls are just for decoration

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Tomorrow I should get the official word on the lumps in my breast. Today they are a bit sore and I have been laying off the caffeine, I can feel where the cysts are without touching them.

We are in full swing for the class reunion now. Only 10 days away. I've heard from others that some think the price is too much. $40 a family for a pig roast. We are having a laulu theme and will be having inflatable jumping toys (like the moom walk, big toys you climb into and jump around on). No one has to bring a dish to pass, table serve or even a beverage! We will have it all there. I guess I just don't see why people are complaining. I just have to remember that we will never please everyone.

This past weekend we lost our first classmate. He was in a single car crash, hit a tree and had fatal injuries. We are 33 now, I guess that's a long run to have not lost someone. A donation, in the name of our class, will be made to help cover funeral expenses.

I will post again tomorrow to update you on my appointment.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

I just had my diagonistic mammogram and ultrasound done. The ultrasound tech told me she wasn't supposed to tell me but black spots on the ultrasound show cystic areas. That's a good thing! She even looked for stuff on the left side even though there were no orders to do so. She didn't find anything signifacated on the left. So everything sounds like it will be alright. I just am going to end up paying over $300 to find out I have cyst filled boobies. Maybe that is why they are so big!
(don't get me wrong, I would rather pay over $300 to find out I don't have cancer then to have it.)

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

I went to my dr appt yesterday. When my other dr had called me & told me that I had to have more tests done and see this other dr and they told me that they would have it all set up for me, I thought that my appt yesterday was for the tests. Guess that is what I get for thinking. In all reality, I paid $48.75 for this dr to feel me up. Now I have to go back tomorrow for a diagnogist mammogram and an ultrasound. Then I have to go back to yesterday's dr the following Friday to find out the results. So far my total for this is about $121 and that is just yesterday's feel up & for some guy to read my original mammogram. I still haven't gotten my bill for the mammogram yet. I really hope this turns out to be nothing other than another cyst. I now know where the nodule is located, it is in the same place as the cysts that they found 2 years ago. I'm not as worried now. I am a bit frustrated that my Dad told my grandparents though. I really didn't want an bunch of people to know. My grandparents just buried one of their son's a few months ago. The last thing they need is to worry about their granddaughter. Plus, the fewer people that know, the less chance there is of my children finding out. If it is cancer then of course I will tell my children. But they don't need to worry about their mom, they just need to be kids and have fun. My oldest already tells her little sis to stop stressing me out cuz she doens't want me to end up with cancer and dying, she doesn't want to live with her dad. My son already has anger issues and this would only make it worse. My youngest is so soft hearted, she would cry every time she would look at me. Or then again, they might just start calling dibs on all of my stuff!

Yesterday my son calls me and tells me he hurt his foot being stupid. (those were his words, not mine.) He was with a friend at the lake and jumped out of a tree and into the water. The water was not as deep as he thought it was and now his foot is sore. Not the ankle, but the foot- from bottom to top. I really hope he didn't break any of the small bones in there. Football starts on Monday and he LOVES football! His dad is supposed to call him today to see how it is, if his foot is still sore & he still won't put any weight on it, then his dad is supposed to take him to the doctor. We'll see if he follows through on that. But just to be safe, I am scheduling him an appointment myself.

Monday, August 06, 2007

My oldest girl showed a draft horse at the county fair yesterday. This is the first time she has ever done anything like that. 2 years ago we could barely get her on one of my brothers horses (that are much smaller than this one) and now she is showing a huge draft horse! She took first place in showmanship and 4th place in western riding. I am so proud of her! This picture was taken right after she won 1st place. I'm not sure why she doesn't look any happier, cuz she was excited.

My doctor's appointment is tomorrow. I'm a little scaried. I'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

I am very angry right now.

I will forwarn you that the rest of this post may not make much sense but I am very angry and may not be able to put coherent words together.

A little background info to start:
My X has 6 kids. 3 of them are mine, numbers 2, 3 & 4. We got married in 95, I filed for divorce in 01 after he had moved out to live with a crack whore. (she really was a crackwhore in the very meaning of the word.) The divorce was final in 02. By this time he was no longer with the crack whore but had moved on to another girl. And then yet another. He got girl #3 pregnant and then left her cuz I was ready to give him another chance. She was very ticked and has since made his life none to easy. He had also cheated on girl #2 with girl #1 and got girl #1 pregnant. Girl #1 aka crackwhore, didn't go after him for child support until the kid was like 2, by this time he was already knee deep in child support with girl #3. Meanwhile I was not receiving any support cuz while we were trying to work things out the friend of the court lowered his obligation to zero for me & my 3 kids cuz he lived with us. Now he doesn't hold down a job, doesn't pay either of the other 2 girls any of the support he is ordered pay, nor does he pay what he is ordered to pay on my 3 kids. Now he has a warrent for his arrest for being a dead beat dad and in Michigan they will revoke your drivers license for not paying. Which they have done as well. Now he is asking me to come pick up our youngest daughter (she has been spending the week with him while her brother is at camp and her sister is getting ready for the 4H fair) before he does something that he doesn't want her to see. He will not tell me what this something is. It might be better if I don't know. He just pisses me off! Sometimes i just want to scream at him "look buddy, you couldn't keep your dick in your pants, you couldn't wrap it up, so you deserve the crap you have set yourself up for! You made the kids, now pay for them!" but he doesn't see it that way. he is so stupid! What did I ever see in him? I feel horrible that I cursed my children with him as a father. He never follows through on anything he says he is going to do so I'm not worried that he is going to kill himself or anything like that. I think he is just trying to get attention. Either way I have to rearrange my schedule, I either have to get someone else to pick up my son from camp or else I have to have my manager find someone else to work for me Friday night. I really miss my son & want to go pick him up, but at the same time I need to go to work at the bar so I can pay for him to play football this year. I know I will get it all worked out so I'm not too worried about it.

I just wanted to vent & now I feel a little bit better.