Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Well, it's been a few days, so I guess I should update!

Christmas is almost over. We have one more Christmas party to attend and then it is finally over. Santa (AKA Grandma Judy) got the kids a new PS2 this year. Lil'Man wore out the old PS2. He also got some new PS2 games, a few Cabela's games, a Star Wars game, and ATV Offroad Fury 3 (he already has 1 & 2). He also got much needed new cloths & a belt. Gomer got a Sony Walkman MP3 Compatible CD player. She loves it! My brother burned her a CD with 132 songs on it. She also got new cloths, mostly Aeropostale stuff. (Remember the great deals I got back in the first of November?) Beanie got a new Bratz Head, other Bratz dolls, and cloths. They also got Uno Attack. That game is so fun! I got the Miranda Lambert CD too and a pizza cooker. They got a lot of stuff, too much really. They really don't need much except for cloths any more. They rarely play with the toys they do have. Except for the PS2 & computer games.

I kind-of forgot to pay the water bill. Now I have to pay an extra $30 because they shut it off. Have I ever told you how much I hate living in town? I think it is such a crock to have to pay for your water. Water is free, dang it! What are they going to charge us for next? The air we breathe? That is about the only free thing left anymore! I so need to sell my house & move into the country. Taxes are lower outside of the city and the water is free!

Isn't this the cutest baby? She is 8 now! This is Beanie when she was 6 months old. Now she is sassy! In this picture she couldn't talk yet. What happened to those days? I just wanna reach into the picture and squeeze those cheeks! Looking at pictures of the kids as babies almost makes me want to have another one. Thank goodness I closed up that factory! Too bad their Ol'Man will be reproducing until his "woo hoo" falls off!

I so need to get away from everything! I'm really at the point if someone were to offer me a job in another state I would take it. As long as I have housing and can pay my bills each month I'd move. Isn't that sad? I'd hate to uproot my kids but I'd do it. They are friendly, well adjusted kids- they would make new friends quickly.

Well I should get back to work. Incase I don't update before Friday, Happy New Year Everyone! Don't Drink & Drive.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Another birthday at our household! This time it is Lil’Man’s birthday and today he is 10! Where did the time go? I really hope I am doing a good job raising him. I so don’t want him to turn out like his father. I hope I have enough of a positive impact on him to cancel out the negative influence his dad has on him. I so want him to treat women correctly. He will make some woman very happy one day (at least I hope!). He loves to message feet and rub lotion on them. I have no idea where he gets that from, cuz I don’t really like other people’s feet. Anyways, back to his birthday. I made him a Peanut Butter Pie- he is a peanut butter freak!. I will make a giant chocolate chip cookie for the rest of the birthday goers, as I realize not everyone likes Peanut Butter.
I got him Star Wars Episode III w/ the bonus DVD pack for his gift. It’s what he wanted so that
is what he got. He was counting down the days. He knew that I would be getting him the DVD, when he opened it this morning he said that now he has all 6 Star Wars movies. I even wrapped it in Star Wars wrapping paper. I know that as soon as he gets home he will be planting himself in front of the T.V. to watch his new movie. I just hope he does his chores first, after all the Grandparents are coming over to see him- not his underwear lying on the floor!

I can’t wait for it to get colder. I have decided that this year I am going to take the kids to Lake Michigan when it freezes. We live so stickin’ close & I’ve taken them to Lake Michigan twice! My poor kids- they had fun each time and ask to go back. My parents took me when I was in the 3rd grade. It is the coolest sight to see that huge lake frozen as far as the eye can see. And it doesn’t freeze smooth either. The waves freeze, so it looks like frozen mountains. When we went we were able to walk out on the ice and climb some of the mountains. It was so cool! I am hoping that we can do that this year too. However I will not take my kids out on the ice if I think even for a minute that it is not thick enough. I worry about Lil’Man when he goes ice fishing with his Grandpa. After the news report I heard yesterday I don’t know if we will go out on the ice or not. They reported that they found a fishing hole in the ice with some fishing equipment around it, tracks leading up to it and it looked like there had been a struggle around the opening of the ice. I think the fisher dude fell in and couldn’t get out. They had divers going in looking and a special camera because of the tempt of the water the divers couldn’t stay in for very long. I hate it when Lil’Man goes ice fishing, I always worry!

My kids have asked me already if we could go to Oklahoma for Spring Break. Geez, most kids would ask for someplace like Florida- but not my kids. They had fun when we were there before & they want to go back to visit Aunt Jenn, Uncle David and the Ducklings. Gomer does want to bring a friend this time. I might be able to swing a trip to St Louis, if Aunt Jenn & crew want to meet us half way. I think driving all the way to Miami & getting a room might be cheaper then staying in St Louis. I first have to figure out how much money I will have by that time. Spring Break is March 31- April 9th this year. I know that Jenn’s kids might not have break at the same time. We’ll just have to see.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Bag-Balm & Vet Wrap

My son has finally done it.  I’ve told him & told him to stop it before something gets broke.  & what happens?  He breaks his cousin.  Let me explain.  Sunday night at youth group Lil’Man and his cousin Mr. Politian (he tries to talk his way into doing what he wants- quite annoying!) were wrestling upstairs while the adults were talking in the living room.  Apparently Mr. Politian was going in for a body punch and Lil’Man decided to block it with his foot.  Well foot made contact with finger (ring man on the right hand) and the finger lost.  Surprisingly Mr. Politian didn’t shed a tear.  He came downstairs holding his bad finger in his other hand and made a few wincing sounds.  His mom (my sil) asked him what was wrong- she had just gotten back from driving other kids home & had JUST sat down for the first time in hours.    Mr. Politian promptly says, “Lil’Man kicked my finger”.  This statement made me look up from the Sunday Ad Flyers!  Lil’Man can have quite the temper sometimes- takes after his dad.  Mr. Politian quickly adds ” it was an accident we were wrestling”, he didn’t want Lil’Man to get in trouble.  So Mr. Politian brings his sore hand over to his mom for a look-see.  Yep- definitely broken, no doubt about it.  So then he has to show his dad (my oldest brother), who pushes & pokes at it.  Then he shows me.  I ask him if he can make a fist.  He tells me that Lil’Man already asked him that & he could not do it.    Hmm, guess Lil’Man was trying to cover his butt before everyone knew that he broke his cousin!   So off to the ER goes Mr. Politian and his mom, it’s about 8pm at this time; they got home around 10:30pm.  Not bad for a trip to the ER that included X-rays.   A cousin of Ol’Man’s (The Horse Shoer) was there too, he fixes everything with Bag-balm & vet wrap.  He offered to tape up Mr. Politian’s finger to the good ones.  But for some reason, they all wanted his finger to heal straight so the declined the offer!    Poor Mrs Horse Shoer, if they ever have kids she just might come home one day to find her little one covered in vet-wrap and Bag-balm!  

Monday, December 12, 2005

My baby is sick

My baby is sick.  She came home on Thursday (yes on her birthday) complaining of a sore throat.  Friday morning she woke up with a fever.   She stayed home with her daddy while I went to work.  I made a doctors appointment for her, got her in at 4:15- so I got to leave work early.  She has all the symptoms of strep throat just no visible signs of it yet.  They did a throat culture and put her on some meds.  Friday night was a very long night.  Her daddy was gone late; I let her sleep with me.  At midnight she sat straight up in bed and started screaming.  Screaming at the top of her lungs, screaming for her Daddy and then for her sister.  She had such a look of terror in her eyes it was scary!   I got her calmed down and back to sleep.  Shortly after that is when her daddy decided to show up.  At sometime between 2:30 and 3 she had another nightmare.  After this one she was too scared to go back to sleep.  She didn’t go back to sleep until after 6 o’clock that night!    Fever induced nightmares are the worst!   Saturday was supposed to be her birthday party with her little girlfriends.  We had to postpone that.  Today she is still running a fever.  I really hope this fever goes away soon.  She is going to end up missing a lot of school.  The doctor’s office called this morning & yep, its strep throat.  I think they should remove her tonsils.  She is so prone to strep throat.   Plus I really hate seeing her without her normal energy.

Well, my day has now slipped away from me & it is now time for me to log out of the computer & go home.  I fill you in on the rest tomorrow.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

It's your birthday, gonna party like it's your birthday!

I can’t believe my baby is 8 today!  She is getting to be such the little adult.  She will tell her older siblings what to do & how to do it-  all the while saying “Mom says…” & I didn’t say a thing!  I just have to chuckle a little under my breath.    Last night she was telling me what she wanted Santa to bring her.  She wants a boy Bratz doll.  I asked her what else she wanted.  Her reply “You said Santa was only bringing one gift this year.”  Yes, I did say that.  So I asked her what her back-up item was- a girl Bratz doll.  Well this morning when she opened her birthday gifts she got a boy & a girl Bratz doll.  Now Santa has to figure out what to get her.  I think anything Bratz will fit the bill.  Tonight we are having cake & ice cream with the Grandparents.  Beanie picked out banana cake- a favorite of everyone in my household!  I can’t wait for cake!  We are making our own pizza’s for dinner too.  I can’t wait to get home to chow!