Tuesday, December 26, 2006

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!

The X was around for Christmas. He took the kids to his mom's for Christmas Eve. My brother came over & helped me wrap presents, had pie and played with Gomer's present (she got a cell phone). He is in the beginning process of divorce, she filed, they had their first court date- not going as smooth as he would have liked but it never does. She and the kids had gone to her dad's house on Christmas Eve, so my brother came over cuz he was lonely.

During the day on Christmas Eve the X came over and went last minute shopping with me. He has no money and "felt like he contributed something by picking out some of the gifts". More likely he just enjoyed spending my money! He stayed at the house so he could be there in the morning when the kids opened their gifts. Then he napped most of the day away, then he left. The kids and I watched movies most of the day and played with their new stuff. Gomer had fun programming her phone, we both have the same model, the silver Motorola Razr V3. Her's has a pink cover, mine doesn't. We can hook them up to the computer and load ringtones and mp3's. So she had a lot of fun editing songs into ringtones and adding mp3's to hers. The night before she was a bit confused at to why her Uncle said she was going to have a lot of fun with that program, he had installed it while he was over and then showed her how to work it when she got home. I arranged it with her boyfriend for him to call her new phone Christmas morning at 9 am so she would have to open the ringing box. He did call, right at 9- I was impressed. I was all "oh this box is ringing- you'd better open it" She opened it, saw who was calling and answered the phone. She then asked him how much I was paying him to call like that. She is so wierd!

Lil'Man got a remote controled truck. It was fun to play with it and have the dogs chase it around the living room. It should be a source of great entertainment in the future. Just clear out the room and then we have 456 square feet of doggie chasing!

Beanie got a chocolate fountain, she really seems to like it. She got clothes too, she is really into clothes right now- I really hope that changes cuz she is REALLY into clothes and that could end up costing me too much money! I guess it's better that she's into clothes cuz that way she isn't trying to run around naked!

Okay, gotta get back to work.

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