Thursday, July 06, 2006

It's now Thursday. My vacation is almost over. We haven't done a whole lot, just recovering from a major sunburn (duh sunscreen was made for a reason- use it!). According to Gomer I have the Mackinaw bridge burned onto my back. It is painful. I am starting to wonder when I can wear a bra again. I had better be able to get one on today, I have to stop at a visitation today. One of my co-workers lost their 18 year old son on the 4th. Quite sad. And I am under the impression that he died alone too, that would tear me up if it were to happen to one of my kids. He had AVM and they had tried several different things but it didn't work. They did donate his organs, if I have any useable organs when I die I want them donated so someone else can benefit from my death. But I am either going to die from cancer or in a horrible car accident, so who knows what will be useable on my body!

Ok, sounds like today's game plan is: stopping at vistation, going to a movie, getting pizza, going to the beach to watch the sunset and then having a bon fire on the beach. How fun! I'm all for going to the beach when the sun is less intense!
Ok, Beanie is trying to make pancakes all by herself, I think I need to go help before my kitchen is set on fire.

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