Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I haven't been updating here like I should be, I've been busy with work and playing with myspace. Shame on me, I know.

Hot Momma has had a bad week or so. Dirty Dog (her husband) has left her. He has been having an affair (no surprise to me) and has decided to leave his wife & 3 kids to be with this nasty bar chick. He spends a lot of time at the bar, more than I actually knew, like 5 nights a week he can be found at the bar. Just on my personal experience, no married man should be in the bar that often unless he is cheating. But hey, that's just my personal experience talking. Anyway, Dirty Dog's belongs somehow found their way out onto the yard and somehow, Hot Momma just isn't quite sure how this happened, but just somehow the halloween pumpkins ended up smashed on top of his stuff. I thought that was pretty easy on him. When my X cheated on me the first time, all of his stuff ended up in garbage bags and his Polo Cologne broke and was soaked up with his clothing. It was pretty stinky! I almost included the baby's pooy diaper in with his stuff, as I was changing the baby at the time I found out. & my X didn't even have the balls to tell me, the mistress' cousin told me, atleast Dirty Dog had the balls to tell Hot Momma herself. Someday Dirty Dog is going to get it in the end. The nasty bar chick is going to realize that he doesn't have as much money as everyone thinks he does and will toss him to the curb. Cuz that is what all nasty bar chicks do. In my opinion.

So wish Hot Momma well. She has a tough road ahead of her. I really feel for her kids, this kind of thing can really mess with a child's innocence. 2 of her kids are the same age as my 2 of my kids and they are in the same classes together, so atleast they have someone to talk to that has been in the same situation as they have, if they decide to talk.


Jennifer said...

good wishes and prayers to hot mama and bad karma his way...

mt_detroit said...

I'm waiting for another update. So what has happened in the last 5 days!