Sunday, August 20, 2006


It's fun to stay at my YMCA
Cuz everything is fun to me
It's fun to stay at my YMCA

Mom, watch my hand language,

It's fun to stay at my YMCA

That was what I got to listen to for the past 20 minutes. Lucky me. OH, now it is continuing!!! I guess that is what being stuck in the waiting room at the local emergency room for 4 hours does to an 8 year old. We went to a birthday party this afternoon for the kids' cousins. It was at a roller rink. Beanie was trying to connect to the "train" her sister was involved in. Another kid grapped hold of Beanie & they went down. Gomer ended up going down too, & she rolled over Beanie's elbow. I ended up carrying Beanie off the floor. She couldn't/wouldn't move her elbow. So I decided to play it safe & take her to the ER for X-rays. After an hour she was finally able to move her elbow, only after they took the X-rays. I think it might have been out of place and it popped back in when they moved it for the X-rays. But we are home now, nothing is broken, everything is fine.

I'm out for the night. Need to eat something (okay, Gomer made spaghetti & she is mad that I am now calling her food "something") and head for bed.

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