Tuesday, September 12, 2006

So I'm not that good about keeping up on blogging, so shoot me.

Everyone has that one car they owned that they just loved. Then one day it is gone, sold, whatever but it's gone. And then you miss it and wonder why you got rid of it. Well I have a car like that. I remember it fondly, I had a lot of good times with that car. Tried to kill someone in that car before, sorry about that Jennifer I really didn't mean it! Here is my "dream" car. I really should not have let my dad sell it. This picture was taken in 1986, shortly after we bought it. For some unknown/unremembered reason we were trying to sell it back then. But we did not sell it. Thank God cuz then I would have never been able to drive it! I loved that car, it is a 1975 VW Beetle, semi automatic (the clutch was in the shifter and Jennifer couldn't work it, so she sat in the drivers seat & I drove from the passenger seat until I turned 16!) My dad sold it in 1994 for $250! I should have never signed over that title. I should have kept the car, restored it and should still have it to this day. That little car got like 30 miles to the gallon! I would drive that thing everyday to work if I still had it! 30 mpg certainly beats the current 17 I get with my Durango!
I put 2 dents in the Bug while it was in my care. The first one was when some friends & I had gone TP-ing. I backed into a tree trying to leave the scene in a hurry, small barely noticable dent under the back bumper. The other dent was in the front passenger side fender. I was backing out of the garage & somehow managed to back into Chinkers back bumper. (there's more to that story but my daughter reads this & she can find out about the rest when she is 30!) Guess I wasn't too good at backing up! I've gotten it stuck a few times too. One of those times was when we had gotten bored at Jennifer's graduation party and decided to take it off-roading. We got stuck in a mud hole in her Dad's back 40. We had to walk back to get some guys to push us out. Oh what fun we had. Another time was in the snow, icy road- turned a corner and ended up doing a 180 and the front end ended up in a big snow drift. 3 guys lifted the front end up out of the snow bank and set her back on the road. They thought they were the shiz cuz they picked up a car. Granted the engine is in the back of the vehicle & they picked up the front of the vehicle and nothing was in the trunk.
I guess I took the Bug off-roading more than once, not by choice mind you. This is the story of when I tried to kill Jennifer. We had gone out to the golf course, where my dad was, cuz we wanted to go see a movie and my Mom said we had to ask my Dad. So off we go. We grab a golf cart (fastest one there) and head off to find my Dad. We are flying around the course, being the totally obnoxious teenage girls that we were, find my Dad- get his permission and then head out. The road that leads to the golf course has a rather sharp curve. Well I was still in "flying" mode from the golf cart (the Bug isn't all that different than a golf cart either by the way) and took the curve a wee bit too fast. We left the road and made our own road into the corn field. It was rather bumpy and I do believe we became airborne more than once. I totally messed up my alignment too. Jennifer hit her wrist on the ceiling of the Bug and bruised it pretty bad- that's the almost killing her part. But we had fun. We were laughing about it for hours. Jennifer, is that the same day that we saw Poison Ivy, the movie we swear my Mom told us to see but afterwards she swears she said for us NOT to see? & was that the same day we took FUBAR to Grand Rapids and that old hag yelled at me while I was driving?
Jennifer, the next time we go see a movie we have to sit next to each other. Watching Navy Seals with you was a trip. When Charlie Sheen said "F* Me" and you replied to him, that is just too much fun. What was it you said? Ok? When? Where? I don't exactly remember.
Okay, gotta stop the trip down memory lane, it's time to get some work done now.


Jennifer said...

Wow! I sure needed this blog today! To FUNNY. I miss that car, I miss FUBAR too. I believe my reply back was something to the effect: okay, when? I cannot believe your mom sent us to that movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I say we duck out of the wedding early, leave the kids with my mil and mom and head out on our own with laur for some girl time -:)

chellfire said...

Sounds good to me. I guess all 3 of my kids are coming with me. I am trying to see if any of them will be going with their dad instead.

Jennifer said...

none of them want to go with their dad? they would rather see, ME?!