Thursday, September 21, 2006

I updated somewhere. Must have been that other site. Oh well. Not a whole lot of new going on in my life. Lil'Man won his game on Saturday 20 to 0, however the week before they lost 26 to 0. They have another big game this weekend, we have to be at the game at 8am and have a 45 minute drive there! No sleeping in for us. Then Beanie has to cheer at 5pm, so it's another day of nothing but football! Good thing I like to watch football, only like to watch it in person- don't like to watch it on tv.

Speaking of TV watching, Grey's Anatomy is on tonight and not another rerun either! I think I am going to have liked it better on Sunday night, it will take a lot to get used to it being on Thursday night for me. I guess it's a good thing Joey didn't come back this year cuz then I would have to decide which show I was going to watch. Apparently I was the only one that watched Joey (spin off from Friends), I thought it was a funny show, I must be a party of one.

I did get one drama taken care of. My office is moving in one week and one day. As of yesterday we didn't have any internet service lined up (& we really need internet too). We were "too far away" for SBC DSL (we are moving three tenths of a mile down the road from where we are now & we currently have SBC DSL- go figure!), Comcast Cable would have had to run a line under the road in order for us to get cable internet (& they were going to charge us the cost of said cable). Dial up is too slow for us to use. But today (thank you Comcast Site Survey Dude for telling us about this place!) I have found internet service! Let the light beams from Heaven shine down on me! We will be getting wireless internet from a place called FreedomNet. I haven't experienced their service yet, but their customer service on the phone is awesome. I will so recommend them to anyone that asks me! They are $39.99 a month with an installation fee of $95 (before the $40 rebate!) Not bad after I have been looking at T1 service for $300-$700 a month!

Gomer's birthday is 25 days away. She is counting. I have no idea what to get her, or what to do for her. I am thinking no parties this year, except for the usual cake/ice cream with the g-parents. I think instead for each kids' bday they can have a friend or two spend the night. I didn't have a party each year. Heck I had a party for my 6th bday and I do believe that is the only one I can remember! It was my "golden" birthday. I had a party for my 30th. A bunch of us met at the bar & had a good ol' time. Similar thing for my 21st too. But my 6th was the only one that someone else planned & did all the work for.

Last Friday (the 15th) was a very rough day for me. It was the 13th anniversary of my Mom's death. I found this year harder for me than past years. I have no idea why it was so much more difficult. I tried to keep myself busy so I didn't have time to dwell on it. I found if I wasn't doing something or had my mind on something else that I would just start crying. Time goes on, but that doesn't mean it makes it any easier or makes me miss her any less.

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