Merry Christmas!!!
A few weeks ago I refinanced my house to pay off a bunch of debt. Included in that debt was all my credit cards and my truck. Doesn't it just figure, now that the thing is paid off something goes wrong. I took it in today to the local Dodge dealership to find out what the clunking noise was. I thought it was brake related. Turns out it's the wheel bearings. $554 for them to fix it, and they wouldn't be able to do it until Wednesday- unless they sent someone to go fetch the part from a town about 50 miles away. Funny, seeing how I called a local part store & picked up the part myself for a mere fraction of the cost. The X is replacing it now. In my parking lot at work. I guess there is a reason why I stay nice to him even when he doesn't pay any support.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
Just want to say, I have to give kudos to any man that can climax in a stall in the ladies room at a bar while 2 woman (one of which is the manager, the other is the girlfriend of the bouncer) are banging on the stall door screaming at him that if he doesn't leave the ladies room instantly, security will be called.
Just want to say, I have to give kudos to any man that can climax in a stall in the ladies room at a bar while 2 woman (one of which is the manager, the other is the girlfriend of the bouncer) are banging on the stall door screaming at him that if he doesn't leave the ladies room instantly, security will be called.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
It's a Redneck Holiday!!!!
It's that time of year again around here. The redneck children get a day off of school for a national redneck holiday. It's OPENING DAY OF RIFLE SEASON!! Around these neck of the woods they close school for the event. Some schools are even closing for 2 days this year! The teachers work opening day into their contracts even, it's a big issue- right up there next to health insurance.
The deer population is getting so large around here, they really need to thin the herd. I'm hoping to do my part in that as well. I'm not braking very hard if one were to run out in front of me. I need to get a vehicle that gets better gas mileage and the trade in on my vehicle isn't what I want. The amount I would be paid if it were totaled is what I want, but no dealer will give me that & it would take too long to sell it myself. I found a cute dark green Grand Prix GTP that gets double the gas mileage then my Durango. It gets better gas mileage than the Jetta I was looking at too and parts should be easier to find. So I would go from just over $600 a month in gas to just over $300 a month. That would be much much better.
Two of my kids have birthdays in December, 11 days apart from each other. They have decided to have a joint bday party, but the guest list (including family) is over 70 people! Their dad said he was going to pay for the party. Good thing too, cuz they are having a skating party and the rental of the rink is $175 not including skate rental.
Tonight I am going to go to a bar closer to my home and apply for a job there. I like the bar I work at and the people I work with but things are different now that Tracy is gone. Not really different in a bad way, but I'm just not as happy there now. There is one girl that I love but she is getting kind of pushy. She wants behind the bar so bad, they have put me back there ever other weekend now and she wants one of my nights. This past weekend she wanted one of the tables in my section cuz "her regulars" were sitting there. To me, if someone really wants you to serve them then they will ask you where your section is and then they will sit there. I let her trade me tables cuz I was tired of her asking me & making a big deal out of it. Most of the time that I was there (I left at 11:30 cuz it was slow & I was bored and didn't feel like being there) they were grapping my arm and asking me to get them drinks. Anyways, this weekend is the weekend that I am to be behind the bar, but I'm only back there one night cuz they gave her the other one. I can see why, they want her to be a back up bartender and they need to train her and it should be a slower weekend night so that is why they are doing it. But it kind of bugs me. Then I feel petty for allowing it to bug me. So I'm just going to go apply at a closer, busier bar where I can make more money. Plus I know I will get good references too. Tracy knows the owners and she will give me a great reference and a friend of mine that was married to my cousin that I still consider family is very good friends with the owners and she told me to use her as a reference too. So tonight I am going to go talk to the owner that does the hiring. I am going to offer to work the Wednesday before Thanksgiving as a trial run. They don't even have to pay me, I'll work for tips. How could they refuse free help on the busiest night of the year? I'll keep you posted.
It's that time of year again around here. The redneck children get a day off of school for a national redneck holiday. It's OPENING DAY OF RIFLE SEASON!! Around these neck of the woods they close school for the event. Some schools are even closing for 2 days this year! The teachers work opening day into their contracts even, it's a big issue- right up there next to health insurance.
The deer population is getting so large around here, they really need to thin the herd. I'm hoping to do my part in that as well. I'm not braking very hard if one were to run out in front of me. I need to get a vehicle that gets better gas mileage and the trade in on my vehicle isn't what I want. The amount I would be paid if it were totaled is what I want, but no dealer will give me that & it would take too long to sell it myself. I found a cute dark green Grand Prix GTP that gets double the gas mileage then my Durango. It gets better gas mileage than the Jetta I was looking at too and parts should be easier to find. So I would go from just over $600 a month in gas to just over $300 a month. That would be much much better.
Two of my kids have birthdays in December, 11 days apart from each other. They have decided to have a joint bday party, but the guest list (including family) is over 70 people! Their dad said he was going to pay for the party. Good thing too, cuz they are having a skating party and the rental of the rink is $175 not including skate rental.
Tonight I am going to go to a bar closer to my home and apply for a job there. I like the bar I work at and the people I work with but things are different now that Tracy is gone. Not really different in a bad way, but I'm just not as happy there now. There is one girl that I love but she is getting kind of pushy. She wants behind the bar so bad, they have put me back there ever other weekend now and she wants one of my nights. This past weekend she wanted one of the tables in my section cuz "her regulars" were sitting there. To me, if someone really wants you to serve them then they will ask you where your section is and then they will sit there. I let her trade me tables cuz I was tired of her asking me & making a big deal out of it. Most of the time that I was there (I left at 11:30 cuz it was slow & I was bored and didn't feel like being there) they were grapping my arm and asking me to get them drinks. Anyways, this weekend is the weekend that I am to be behind the bar, but I'm only back there one night cuz they gave her the other one. I can see why, they want her to be a back up bartender and they need to train her and it should be a slower weekend night so that is why they are doing it. But it kind of bugs me. Then I feel petty for allowing it to bug me. So I'm just going to go apply at a closer, busier bar where I can make more money. Plus I know I will get good references too. Tracy knows the owners and she will give me a great reference and a friend of mine that was married to my cousin that I still consider family is very good friends with the owners and she told me to use her as a reference too. So tonight I am going to go talk to the owner that does the hiring. I am going to offer to work the Wednesday before Thanksgiving as a trial run. They don't even have to pay me, I'll work for tips. How could they refuse free help on the busiest night of the year? I'll keep you posted.
Monday, November 05, 2007
My youngest has lost my phone. She has now lost both my cell phone & the home phone. This morning she decided to take my cell upstairs to her room to reset her alarm clock, even after I told her not to take it upstairs. The upstairs is the Bremuda Triangle for cell phones. She took it anyways. I did see it on the dining room table after she came down, but when I got ready to walk out the door, it was gone. I even went to her school and asked her where it was. It was not where she said it was. She is so grounded until that phone is back in my hand.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Okay, the day of my last post my X had called me. I was taking our oldest daughter and her friend to the Cute is What We Aim For/Plain White T's/Gym Class Hero's/Fall Out Boy concert that night, the X was taking the other 2 kids for the night. The kids had a half day of school that day. In the morning I had instructed the younger two that they were to come straight home from school, do any homework, eat lunch and do their chores because their dad was coming to get them. About an hour after they should have been home I get ahold of my oldest (now 14, she had a birthday on Tuesday). My son is with a friend of his at another friend's house, and my youngest never came home from school. Great! I told her to go find them. Then, not even 10 minutes later the X calls me to tell me he is on his way to get the kids and that they had better be ready to go. So I call my oldest back. The kids are not home by the time their dad gets there. So he call me. Like I can wiggle my nose and make them appear! Geeze. We get into it. I simply said that I guess I am going to have to hire a sitter for the kids because they don't listen to me from miles away at work nor do they listen to their older sister. He states that maybe I should just find a different job. Me, find a different job?! To which I reply "Why don't you find A JOB so I don't have to work TWO JOBS! Or why don't you just be there with the kids when they get home from school and make sure they do the stuff they are supposed to?" His reply "I don't have a vehicle...." at this point I hung up on him. Funny how he always has a vehicle to drive whenever he wants one but uses it as an excuse whenever I ask him to do something out of his way for his children. He is so behind on his child support to his other children that the state took away his driver's license and he has 2 warrents for his arrest for the back support. Soon he will have 3 warrents. There is an order for my 3 kids for support, like I ever see a dime of that! He is ordered to pay a whooping $70 a month for all 3 kids. I hate the system, it seems to work in every females advantage except mine. Maybe because I don't work it, I don't know.
I've got to get to work now, but I will post more later. Here are a few things I will blog about: Fall Out Boy Concert, motorboating, the bar job, basketball game.
I've got to get to work now, but I will post more later. Here are a few things I will blog about: Fall Out Boy Concert, motorboating, the bar job, basketball game.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
My good friend and bar manager has put in her 2 week notice. Now I have to decide if I want to stay there without her. I'm a great server, I could get a job most anywhere. Once I learn what goes in all the drinks, I will be a great bartender. I am quick and make few to no mistakes. I like that bar, but I don't know how much I'm going to like it without her there. She called me last night & told me. She also said I might want to consider putting mine in too. I guess I will see who they have replace her and see how it goes. I know I can make better money at another bar and I would be able to make it to another bar a lot closer to my home on time on a Friday night as well. I know I will figure this out, I just hate the waiting.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
I would like to go back to school. Something in the medical field. Either radiology or sports medicine.
When I was in for my ultrasound for my breast issues, I had a strong desire to go into radiology. Which is a field I was going to go to school for between child #1 & child #2. I was even accepted at the local community college, where it is a fulltime 2 year program. Right now I just don't have the time or the money to do that.
Tuesday night when I got to football practice to pick up my boy, there was an injured player. The ambulance was pulling up just as I was walking across the parking lot. As a mother I had that sudden panic come over me until I found the location of the injured player. My boy was about 2 football fields over. The hurt player was a 4th grader, my youngest knows him. He has hurt his neck and they were taking no chances. He was in school the next day, all is fine. When I got over to where my boy was practicing all I wanted to do was devore him in a huge hug. I didn't care that he was with all of his fellow football players. All I could think about was that my son wasn't hurt. Lucky for him, he was out on the field in the middle of a play. He was saved from the ultimate embrassment, the hug from his momma!
I go through the whole sports medicine phase every football season. Everytime a player gets hurt I just think, if I were trained I could help that player. Last night at basketball practice, it was no different. The girls were dorking around & they kept hurting each other or themselves. My daughter somehow managed to fall while she was getting a drink. She hit her little head 3 times on the porclein drinking fountain, all during the same fall! I know, she is so gracefull! I know enough to know to figure out if medical attention is needed or not. Pupils were fine, no double vision, didn't black out etc. She does however have a big bruise on her forehead directly above her left eye. A goose egg appeared immediately, it looked so sore!
I really wish I had gone back to college. I graduated from High School in 1992, went to college for a year, where I learned how to hang drywall & get pregnant. After my daughter was born in 1993 I was going to go back to school. Then a month later my mother died. By the time the next semester came around I was working to support my child. I've been working full time ever since. I married the father, but he was never reiable enough for me to not work and go to school. So now I just struggle to raise my kids and pay all of my bills.
I know I could go to school part time and still work. Part of my problem with that is I am an impatient person. If it's a 2 year program, I want to be finished in 2 years. If I were to work too, it would take me 4 or 5 years to finish. If I had gone back when I was accepted, I would be finished by now. I would be making more money, have better hours and I would have health insurance.
& I'm trying to win Hannah Montana tickets for my youngest. Anyone know the secret to being the 93rd caller? I've got 2 phones going and all I get is either busy signal or busy circuits! I've registered with 2 different radio stations to win these tickets too. One is having a Mommy Fear Factor contest. I listen to this station everyday. I know the gross stuff they have their interns eat. I would be very worried if I were picked to be in the contest. But she really wants to go tot he show & it is 2 days before her birthday, so I would do it- just for her. Wish me luck.
When I was in for my ultrasound for my breast issues, I had a strong desire to go into radiology. Which is a field I was going to go to school for between child #1 & child #2. I was even accepted at the local community college, where it is a fulltime 2 year program. Right now I just don't have the time or the money to do that.
Tuesday night when I got to football practice to pick up my boy, there was an injured player. The ambulance was pulling up just as I was walking across the parking lot. As a mother I had that sudden panic come over me until I found the location of the injured player. My boy was about 2 football fields over. The hurt player was a 4th grader, my youngest knows him. He has hurt his neck and they were taking no chances. He was in school the next day, all is fine. When I got over to where my boy was practicing all I wanted to do was devore him in a huge hug. I didn't care that he was with all of his fellow football players. All I could think about was that my son wasn't hurt. Lucky for him, he was out on the field in the middle of a play. He was saved from the ultimate embrassment, the hug from his momma!
I go through the whole sports medicine phase every football season. Everytime a player gets hurt I just think, if I were trained I could help that player. Last night at basketball practice, it was no different. The girls were dorking around & they kept hurting each other or themselves. My daughter somehow managed to fall while she was getting a drink. She hit her little head 3 times on the porclein drinking fountain, all during the same fall! I know, she is so gracefull! I know enough to know to figure out if medical attention is needed or not. Pupils were fine, no double vision, didn't black out etc. She does however have a big bruise on her forehead directly above her left eye. A goose egg appeared immediately, it looked so sore!
I really wish I had gone back to college. I graduated from High School in 1992, went to college for a year, where I learned how to hang drywall & get pregnant. After my daughter was born in 1993 I was going to go back to school. Then a month later my mother died. By the time the next semester came around I was working to support my child. I've been working full time ever since. I married the father, but he was never reiable enough for me to not work and go to school. So now I just struggle to raise my kids and pay all of my bills.
I know I could go to school part time and still work. Part of my problem with that is I am an impatient person. If it's a 2 year program, I want to be finished in 2 years. If I were to work too, it would take me 4 or 5 years to finish. If I had gone back when I was accepted, I would be finished by now. I would be making more money, have better hours and I would have health insurance.
& I'm trying to win Hannah Montana tickets for my youngest. Anyone know the secret to being the 93rd caller? I've got 2 phones going and all I get is either busy signal or busy circuits! I've registered with 2 different radio stations to win these tickets too. One is having a Mommy Fear Factor contest. I listen to this station everyday. I know the gross stuff they have their interns eat. I would be very worried if I were picked to be in the contest. But she really wants to go tot he show & it is 2 days before her birthday, so I would do it- just for her. Wish me luck.
Monday, October 08, 2007
I'm in the midst of sports overload. We had our first basketball game on Saturday. The girls did much better than I thought they were going to do. However, we are so working on nothing up layups, passing and dribbling this week! It was interesting playing against my brother's team. 2 of his daughters are on the team too. He gave me some nice pointers for my girls. We play them again on Oct 27th.
After the 9 am basketball game we went back home and did yard work. I powerwashed the house, now it looks so pretty. There is a pine tree next to my house, along with an oak tree & a maple. All of that shade causes moss to grow on the siding. It is not very nice looking, but washing off rather easily. The X had decided to spend the day at my house with the kids so I put him to work in the yard too. He does manuel labor for me as he doesn't pay his child support.
And it was parents night for football/cheerleading. Our first game was at 3 and the next one at 5. The 3rd/4th graders (my daughter cheers for this one) won 50 to 28 and the 5th/6th grade team (my son's team) lost 0-12. They played hard but a few penalties cost them the game.
After the game all 3 of my kids decided they wanted to go with their dad for the night. I didn't have to work. So what did I do? Did I go out? No. I went to bed. How sad am I?
Sandwiched inbetween the basketball game, yard work and the football games, I went to visit my grandparents. Grandpa is back at home after his brief hospital visit. He just looks so depressed all the time. I think he is giving up. He told me that it's hard to stay alive and that he would just like to go to sleep and never wake up. He thinks that it would be easier on everyone if he were to do that. Grandma told me that he had said that he wants to die in the same year as Uncle Jim. It makes me sad. I don't want to lose my Grandpa, he's the only one I had. But I don't want him to suffer anymore either. I just hope he has taken Christ into his life again. The doctors have told Grandma that one day she is going to go wake him up and he will be gone. She doesn't want to find him dead. She's never seen anyone die and doesn't want to watch him die either. She wants him to go in a hospital, not at home. When he goes, I just want him to go peacefully and to not be alone.
Now that I have depressed ya'll, I'll change the subject to my schedule for next Saturday.
8 am football game, 9 am basketball game, another football game at noon, need to get Jordyn ready for the Homecoming dance around 4, then I need to head to work around 5:30. Wonder when I can squeeze a nap in there? My favorite band, Chas Blakemore and the Hillbilly Band, is going to be at the bar this weekend, so come on over and party!
After the 9 am basketball game we went back home and did yard work. I powerwashed the house, now it looks so pretty. There is a pine tree next to my house, along with an oak tree & a maple. All of that shade causes moss to grow on the siding. It is not very nice looking, but washing off rather easily. The X had decided to spend the day at my house with the kids so I put him to work in the yard too. He does manuel labor for me as he doesn't pay his child support.
And it was parents night for football/cheerleading. Our first game was at 3 and the next one at 5. The 3rd/4th graders (my daughter cheers for this one) won 50 to 28 and the 5th/6th grade team (my son's team) lost 0-12. They played hard but a few penalties cost them the game.
After the game all 3 of my kids decided they wanted to go with their dad for the night. I didn't have to work. So what did I do? Did I go out? No. I went to bed. How sad am I?
Sandwiched inbetween the basketball game, yard work and the football games, I went to visit my grandparents. Grandpa is back at home after his brief hospital visit. He just looks so depressed all the time. I think he is giving up. He told me that it's hard to stay alive and that he would just like to go to sleep and never wake up. He thinks that it would be easier on everyone if he were to do that. Grandma told me that he had said that he wants to die in the same year as Uncle Jim. It makes me sad. I don't want to lose my Grandpa, he's the only one I had. But I don't want him to suffer anymore either. I just hope he has taken Christ into his life again. The doctors have told Grandma that one day she is going to go wake him up and he will be gone. She doesn't want to find him dead. She's never seen anyone die and doesn't want to watch him die either. She wants him to go in a hospital, not at home. When he goes, I just want him to go peacefully and to not be alone.
Now that I have depressed ya'll, I'll change the subject to my schedule for next Saturday.
8 am football game, 9 am basketball game, another football game at noon, need to get Jordyn ready for the Homecoming dance around 4, then I need to head to work around 5:30. Wonder when I can squeeze a nap in there? My favorite band, Chas Blakemore and the Hillbilly Band, is going to be at the bar this weekend, so come on over and party!
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Hello everyone. Nothing much new is going on in my life right now. Football is in full swing, my son's team is 2-2. We have our first basketball game this Saturday. I do not think we are ready yet. The girls give me such attitude at practice. I tell them to do something and they tell me no. I never told a coach no before, ever. It simply wasn't done. My own daughter does it to me, so the other girls see it and then they try it. There is a small handful that don't do it. They ran alot yesterday because of their attitudes. I just have to keep telling myself that they are only 4th graders and they are new to basketball. I don't want to make them not like the game but I want them to learn respect and how to play. 6 more weeks and then it's over. There were moments at last nights practice that I was ready to quit. But I'm not a quitter and I don't want to set that kind of example for my kids. I don't allow them to quit an activity part way through. Once they made the commitment, they have to stick it out. So I have to follow that too. Traveling and double dribbling is going to be the death of me!
I tried some yoga on Monday while my kids were at cheer & football practice. I only got to do about 30 minutes though. My body felt wonderful when I had to stop, every ache and pain that I had before I started was gone. They had all traveled north, and settled in the top of my melon. That happens everytime I lay on the floor, I have no idea why but it does. I had the most intense headache for about 20 minutes, then it was gone. The next morning I woke up with a horrible kink inbetween my shoulder blades and I can't get rid of it. Today is day 3 with that kink, it just won't go away. I've tried cracking my back and stretching, doesn't help. It's starting to make me cranky. My oldest tried to rub it out for me yesterday and the neighbor girl about fell over in laughter at the faces I was making so she stopped.
Okay, gotta get to work.
I tried some yoga on Monday while my kids were at cheer & football practice. I only got to do about 30 minutes though. My body felt wonderful when I had to stop, every ache and pain that I had before I started was gone. They had all traveled north, and settled in the top of my melon. That happens everytime I lay on the floor, I have no idea why but it does. I had the most intense headache for about 20 minutes, then it was gone. The next morning I woke up with a horrible kink inbetween my shoulder blades and I can't get rid of it. Today is day 3 with that kink, it just won't go away. I've tried cracking my back and stretching, doesn't help. It's starting to make me cranky. My oldest tried to rub it out for me yesterday and the neighbor girl about fell over in laughter at the faces I was making so she stopped.
Okay, gotta get to work.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
One of my friends posted this on Myspace and I thought I would share it with you. I have great respect for all bikers and it's a shame that everyone doesn't.
Biker family!!
I saw you, hug your purse closer to you in the grocery store line. But, you didn't see me, put an extra $10.00 in the collection plate last Sunday.
I saw you, pull your child closer when we passed each other on the sidewalk. But, you didn't see me, playing Santa at the local mall.
I saw you, change your mind about going into the restaurant.
But, you didn't see me, attending a meeting to raise more money for the hurricane relief.
I saw you, roll up your window and shake your head when I drove by. But, you didn't see me, driving behind you when you flicked your cigarette butt out the car window.
I saw you, frown at me when I smiled at your children.
But, you didn't see me, when I took time off from work to run toys to the homeless.
I saw you, stare at my long hair. But, you didn't see me, and my friends cut ten inches off for Locks of Love.
I saw you, roll your eyes at our leather coats and gloves.
But, you didn't see me, and my brothers donate our old coats and gloves to those that had none.
I saw you, look in fright at my tattoos.
But, you didn't see me, cry as my children where born and have their name written over and in my heart.
I saw you, change lanes while rushing off to go somewhere.
But, you didn't see me, going home to be with my family.
I saw you, complain about how loud and noisy our bikes can be.
But, you didn't see me, when you were changing the CD and drifted into my lane.
I saw you, yelling at your kids in the car.
But, you didn't see me, pat my child's hands, knowing he was safe behind me.
I saw you, reading the newspaper or map as you drove down the road. But, you didn't see me, squeeze my wife's leg when she told me to take the next turn.
I saw you, race down the road in the rain.
But, you didn't see me, get soaked to the skin so my son could have the car to go on his date.
I saw you, run the yellow light just to save a few minutes of time.
But, you didn't see me, trying to turn right.
I saw you, cut me off because you needed to be in the lane I was in. But, you didn't see me, leave the road.
I saw you, waiting impatiently for my friends to pass.
But, you didn't see me. I wasn't there.
I saw you, go home to your family. But, you didn't see me.
Because, I died that day you cut me off.
I was just a biker. A person with friends and a family.
But, you didn't see me.
Repost this around in hopes that people will understand the biker community .
If you don't repost this, It sucks to be you. I hope you never lose someone that rides. Have a great week my friends.
Biker family!!
I saw you, hug your purse closer to you in the grocery store line. But, you didn't see me, put an extra $10.00 in the collection plate last Sunday.
I saw you, pull your child closer when we passed each other on the sidewalk. But, you didn't see me, playing Santa at the local mall.
I saw you, change your mind about going into the restaurant.
But, you didn't see me, attending a meeting to raise more money for the hurricane relief.
I saw you, roll up your window and shake your head when I drove by. But, you didn't see me, driving behind you when you flicked your cigarette butt out the car window.
I saw you, frown at me when I smiled at your children.
But, you didn't see me, when I took time off from work to run toys to the homeless.
I saw you, stare at my long hair. But, you didn't see me, and my friends cut ten inches off for Locks of Love.
I saw you, roll your eyes at our leather coats and gloves.
But, you didn't see me, and my brothers donate our old coats and gloves to those that had none.
I saw you, look in fright at my tattoos.
But, you didn't see me, cry as my children where born and have their name written over and in my heart.
I saw you, change lanes while rushing off to go somewhere.
But, you didn't see me, going home to be with my family.
I saw you, complain about how loud and noisy our bikes can be.
But, you didn't see me, when you were changing the CD and drifted into my lane.
I saw you, yelling at your kids in the car.
But, you didn't see me, pat my child's hands, knowing he was safe behind me.
I saw you, reading the newspaper or map as you drove down the road. But, you didn't see me, squeeze my wife's leg when she told me to take the next turn.
I saw you, race down the road in the rain.
But, you didn't see me, get soaked to the skin so my son could have the car to go on his date.
I saw you, run the yellow light just to save a few minutes of time.
But, you didn't see me, trying to turn right.
I saw you, cut me off because you needed to be in the lane I was in. But, you didn't see me, leave the road.
I saw you, waiting impatiently for my friends to pass.
But, you didn't see me. I wasn't there.
I saw you, go home to your family. But, you didn't see me.
Because, I died that day you cut me off.
I was just a biker. A person with friends and a family.
But, you didn't see me.
Repost this around in hopes that people will understand the biker community .
If you don't repost this, It sucks to be you. I hope you never lose someone that rides. Have a great week my friends.
Monday, September 24, 2007
I'm not sure a day could be more Monday than today has been.
It started yesterday with the kids fighting with each other. That is a never ending battle and I want it to stop. I know from experience that it will not stop until they have moved out of my house and they don't see each other on a daily basis. This morning it was because the youngest made that she wasn't woken up early enough (there were tears involved here). I tried at 6:45, Jordyn tried at 7 & 7:20. The dogs got into a fight this morning over their food so Jordyn swatted them across their bums and yelled at them, which made Jenna (my youngest) come running across the house. Once in the living room, she stepped on a skateboard that was on the wood floor so it went rolling causing her to be sprawled across the floor on top of the skateboard. More tears. Then my son about blew a gasket when I asked him to humor his mother and take a sweatshirt with him to school. He ended up throwing a box of full of stuff to be taken to Goodwill and now there are shoes all over my dining room. My son has anger issues that he inherited from his father, such a lovely trait.
Speaking of the X, I had words with him yesterday, after one of my son's fits of rage. That time it was because I decided to get rid of the entertainment center. I had carpet installed in part of my living room yesterday and the entertainment center was unstable on the carpet, so I had the guys take it to the curb. I then put the tv, cable box and dvd player on top of the iguana's house. This house of the iguana's is more sturdy then my house! He is just conceived that the weight of the tv is going to cause it to break and come crashing down on his beloved pet and kill it. After I got my son in his room and calmed down a bit, I called his dad to tell him he had better deal with his son. I am tired of being the only one that acts like the parent. I told him that he has the kids he needs to spend time with them and to stop ditching them at his mom's or his brother's house. I went on to tell him that his cows and his friends should not be more important than his own children, it was at this point that he hung up on me. He called me back later (prolly thinking I needed time to cool off so I would stop yelling at him, but that didn't happen) and I gave it to him again. I really wish I hadn't of had children with someone so dysfunctional and mentally unstable. I love my kids and I do not regret anything about them other than my choice in who their father is. I work that much more to be a better parent for my kids. I try very hard to be a positive upbeat role model for them. I just hope they don't follow in his footsteps.
It started yesterday with the kids fighting with each other. That is a never ending battle and I want it to stop. I know from experience that it will not stop until they have moved out of my house and they don't see each other on a daily basis. This morning it was because the youngest made that she wasn't woken up early enough (there were tears involved here). I tried at 6:45, Jordyn tried at 7 & 7:20. The dogs got into a fight this morning over their food so Jordyn swatted them across their bums and yelled at them, which made Jenna (my youngest) come running across the house. Once in the living room, she stepped on a skateboard that was on the wood floor so it went rolling causing her to be sprawled across the floor on top of the skateboard. More tears. Then my son about blew a gasket when I asked him to humor his mother and take a sweatshirt with him to school. He ended up throwing a box of full of stuff to be taken to Goodwill and now there are shoes all over my dining room. My son has anger issues that he inherited from his father, such a lovely trait.
Speaking of the X, I had words with him yesterday, after one of my son's fits of rage. That time it was because I decided to get rid of the entertainment center. I had carpet installed in part of my living room yesterday and the entertainment center was unstable on the carpet, so I had the guys take it to the curb. I then put the tv, cable box and dvd player on top of the iguana's house. This house of the iguana's is more sturdy then my house! He is just conceived that the weight of the tv is going to cause it to break and come crashing down on his beloved pet and kill it. After I got my son in his room and calmed down a bit, I called his dad to tell him he had better deal with his son. I am tired of being the only one that acts like the parent. I told him that he has the kids he needs to spend time with them and to stop ditching them at his mom's or his brother's house. I went on to tell him that his cows and his friends should not be more important than his own children, it was at this point that he hung up on me. He called me back later (prolly thinking I needed time to cool off so I would stop yelling at him, but that didn't happen) and I gave it to him again. I really wish I hadn't of had children with someone so dysfunctional and mentally unstable. I love my kids and I do not regret anything about them other than my choice in who their father is. I work that much more to be a better parent for my kids. I try very hard to be a positive upbeat role model for them. I just hope they don't follow in his footsteps.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Basketball practice started today. I have 9 girls on the team. After the first practice about all I can say is -- those wall sits kicked my ass! My thighs are like rubber now, holy crap am I out of shape!
Sorry I've been MIA lately. Work has been busy. Last week was stressful, but it is finally over. The bar was steady over the weekend (there were no lap dances to be had this time. Did I tell you about that from last weekend?) and tips were alright. I'm working again this weekend, but the next weekend I have a work dinner in Lansing and then a group of us girls are going to a bar there & we will be riding the bull. That should be interesting and there will be pictures. Maybe I can re-inact my last horse riding experience!
My son's football team is 1-1. They won their first game 12-0, played the same school last week (2 teams for that school) and last in overtime 18-20. They played a hard game, but they could have easily won if they played hard the entire game. Apparently they don't work on defense all that much in practice. Seems like defense would be a good thing to practice to me. I will be the first to admit that I would NOT make a better coach for football, nor would I ever even attempt to coach it or to tell the coaches what to do. The practice more defense, that's just my opinion.
How sad is it that my freshman daughter gets more action than I do? She has a new boyfriend (as of yesterday to be exact). Before he asked her to "date" (she's not allowed to have an actual date until she has her driver's license) they were walking together after school and she thought he went to hug her so she went to give him a hug and he kissed her. She kissed him back until she realized he had Combos in his mouth. I love that I have such a good relationship with my daughter that she would tell me all this! Just to let ya'll know, I've had many many talks with my daughter and I know that she will not do anything more than kissing for quite a long time. She does tell me all the stuff the other girls in her class are doing. High school really hasn't changed all that much in the last 19 years. And the saying, like mother like daughter, it really rings true for some of them!
Well g'nite all. My old behind is tired tonight. I think I rediscovered some muscles I had forgetten about.
Sorry I've been MIA lately. Work has been busy. Last week was stressful, but it is finally over. The bar was steady over the weekend (there were no lap dances to be had this time. Did I tell you about that from last weekend?) and tips were alright. I'm working again this weekend, but the next weekend I have a work dinner in Lansing and then a group of us girls are going to a bar there & we will be riding the bull. That should be interesting and there will be pictures. Maybe I can re-inact my last horse riding experience!
My son's football team is 1-1. They won their first game 12-0, played the same school last week (2 teams for that school) and last in overtime 18-20. They played a hard game, but they could have easily won if they played hard the entire game. Apparently they don't work on defense all that much in practice. Seems like defense would be a good thing to practice to me. I will be the first to admit that I would NOT make a better coach for football, nor would I ever even attempt to coach it or to tell the coaches what to do. The practice more defense, that's just my opinion.
How sad is it that my freshman daughter gets more action than I do? She has a new boyfriend (as of yesterday to be exact). Before he asked her to "date" (she's not allowed to have an actual date until she has her driver's license) they were walking together after school and she thought he went to hug her so she went to give him a hug and he kissed her. She kissed him back until she realized he had Combos in his mouth. I love that I have such a good relationship with my daughter that she would tell me all this! Just to let ya'll know, I've had many many talks with my daughter and I know that she will not do anything more than kissing for quite a long time. She does tell me all the stuff the other girls in her class are doing. High school really hasn't changed all that much in the last 19 years. And the saying, like mother like daughter, it really rings true for some of them!
Well g'nite all. My old behind is tired tonight. I think I rediscovered some muscles I had forgetten about.
Friday, September 14, 2007
My youngest brought this home the other day. This is what it's all about.

Incase you can't read what it says: "What makes me feel important..." she wrote "My Mom" and then drew a picture of the two of us, me in apparently a blue catsuit with my hair in a ponytail and her in a pink catsuit with her hair in a ponytail.

"Three People I admire and why..." she wrote "dad, because he helps me" and drew a picture of him helping her up off the ground, "Mom, she is here for me" and drew a picture of her standing next to/behind me with someone standing in front of us, and "Sister, cause she is nice to me" and drew a picture of the two of them.

This one is my oldest's favorite. She got a big kick out of the bully kicking her shins.

Incase you can't read what it says: "What makes me feel important..." she wrote "My Mom" and then drew a picture of the two of us, me in apparently a blue catsuit with my hair in a ponytail and her in a pink catsuit with her hair in a ponytail.

"Three People I admire and why..." she wrote "dad, because he helps me" and drew a picture of him helping her up off the ground, "Mom, she is here for me" and drew a picture of her standing next to/behind me with someone standing in front of us, and "Sister, cause she is nice to me" and drew a picture of the two of them.

This one is my oldest's favorite. She got a big kick out of the bully kicking her shins.
I so want this week to be over. I work in insurance. My boss has 3 offices in 3 different cities in 3 different counties. He has told me that when he isn't available, on vacation or whatever, that I am in charge- I am the boss. Well I don't wanna be the boss! He is on vacation this week- again. By years end he will have taken 5 one week long vacations. Must be nice to be the owner. I run the busiest of the 3 locations and until recently I've done it all by myself. I now have someone that comes in 4 days a week to help me out- which I am greatful for. This week has been hell. Major hell. The gal that runs office #1 (mine is office #2) called in sick on monday. No biggie, but she never called me. She called office #1 and left a message on the voice mail. The gal that comes in to help her is new and doesn't really know what to do. So I had to send the gal that works with me there once she was done with her sick kid. Tuesday went pretty smooth. Wednesday the new gal was to be working in office #3 helping out. At about 3pm I find out that she never showed up. She called office #3 to let her know that her kid has strep and she won't be there, but again, no one called me. Yesterday the girl that works with me was scheduled to work at office #3 for the day and that day went smooth. Today. Today is hell. The gal that runs office #1 started her monthly and is in megga pain, so she called in. Then she went on a cigarette run (cuz they are oh so important!) and now her car won't start, I guess she was going to try to come in. Oh yeah, she didn't call me. The gal that works with me had to take her pregnant 17 year old to sign up for adult ed this morning (she's been too sick to go to school) and called to tell me she was going to be late. Then the new gal that's at office #1 called me with questions and told me that Heather was sick today and not coming in. So I called my helper gal and told her to go to office #1 when she was done signing up her kid.
See why I'm stressed! I can't wait for my boss to get back. I so want to tell him I want 2 weeks of vacation a year now instead of just 1 and that I get 1 mental health day for each week he is gone on vacation.
Tonight at the bar prolly won't be much better either. Basicly everyone asked for this weekend off but not everyone got it. So I'm worried that the ones that didn't get it will be pissy and complaining and that's not fun to work with. And the manager had to call in a gal that used to work there, well she stood around there and complained all the time, to work/stand this weekend. I'm supposed to bartend on Saturday too. I'm looking forward to that, which means I'll prolly get pulled to wait tables instead seeing how she is 1 short on the wait staff for Saturday.
I'm sorry, I'm usually a glass half full kind of gal and this post has been very negative. But it is helping me, being able to vent and all. Thanks!
See why I'm stressed! I can't wait for my boss to get back. I so want to tell him I want 2 weeks of vacation a year now instead of just 1 and that I get 1 mental health day for each week he is gone on vacation.
Tonight at the bar prolly won't be much better either. Basicly everyone asked for this weekend off but not everyone got it. So I'm worried that the ones that didn't get it will be pissy and complaining and that's not fun to work with. And the manager had to call in a gal that used to work there, well she stood around there and complained all the time, to work/stand this weekend. I'm supposed to bartend on Saturday too. I'm looking forward to that, which means I'll prolly get pulled to wait tables instead seeing how she is 1 short on the wait staff for Saturday.
I'm sorry, I'm usually a glass half full kind of gal and this post has been very negative. But it is helping me, being able to vent and all. Thanks!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
The headache went away, guess I needed to eat. Funny how that works sometimes.
I had to, and I mean HAD TO, go get 2 new tires today. I put it off cuz I hate to sit in the waiting room at the tire place while they take longer than they tell me to change and rotate my tires. Today they told me an hour. It took about an hour 15. Not too bad. They almost broke my truck however in the process. One of the lugnuts was "frozen" in place and they thought the stud was going to break off in the process. But apparently it did not. I'm not sure who the shorty was that drove my truck from their garage bay to the front of the store, but I really think they could avoid moving the seat while they drive the truck a whole whopping 100 feet. His legs have to be about 20 inchs long! I know mine are long- 33 inch inseam- but really. Did he really need to move the seat forward about 12 inches? I couldn't even fold my legs up to get into my truck! But, boy- does she drive nice now! No more rattling and vibrations (although one could say the vibrations are a cheap thrill if you sit just right!)
I had to, and I mean HAD TO, go get 2 new tires today. I put it off cuz I hate to sit in the waiting room at the tire place while they take longer than they tell me to change and rotate my tires. Today they told me an hour. It took about an hour 15. Not too bad. They almost broke my truck however in the process. One of the lugnuts was "frozen" in place and they thought the stud was going to break off in the process. But apparently it did not. I'm not sure who the shorty was that drove my truck from their garage bay to the front of the store, but I really think they could avoid moving the seat while they drive the truck a whole whopping 100 feet. His legs have to be about 20 inchs long! I know mine are long- 33 inch inseam- but really. Did he really need to move the seat forward about 12 inches? I couldn't even fold my legs up to get into my truck! But, boy- does she drive nice now! No more rattling and vibrations (although one could say the vibrations are a cheap thrill if you sit just right!)
Monday, September 10, 2007
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
The other night we were working on the house, painting the floor (to seal the smells out) for the carpet can be installed. I asked my oldest to go get me the painting stuff, it is kept in the stairway to the basement on the shelves that are built in under the stairs to the upstairs. She opens the door, walks down a few steps and then starts screaming. The Blue Heeler (dog) comes running, cuz after all her Jordyn is in trouble! This is what was in my basement, it's been living there for a few weeks.

When I was having the hardwood floors installed in the dining room, the access panel to the bathtub was removed. My youngest brought this frog into the house to show her brother, well, it hopped out of her hand and down into the basement through the access space.
Kotta, the blue heeler-
started chasing the frog around the basement. She would touch it with her nose and it would jump away from her. She would chase it and paw at it when it would land and she would catch it in her mouth when it would jump. Apparently it tasted nasty cuz she kept spitting it out. It was really funny to watch! But she severly injured it in the process. The frog now has a nice little stone surrounded grave in my front yard.
Kotta 1/ Frog 0. R.I.P Frog!

When I was having the hardwood floors installed in the dining room, the access panel to the bathtub was removed. My youngest brought this frog into the house to show her brother, well, it hopped out of her hand and down into the basement through the access space.
Kotta, the blue heeler-

started chasing the frog around the basement. She would touch it with her nose and it would jump away from her. She would chase it and paw at it when it would land and she would catch it in her mouth when it would jump. Apparently it tasted nasty cuz she kept spitting it out. It was really funny to watch! But she severly injured it in the process. The frog now has a nice little stone surrounded grave in my front yard.
Kotta 1/ Frog 0. R.I.P Frog!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Wish me luck!!!
I just volunteered to coach my youngest's basketball team. I will be teaching a bunch of 4th grade girls how to play. Now just where do I fit that into my already busy schedule? She is cheering too, so that is practice on Mondays & Tuesdays with games on Saturdays. I work both jobs on Fridays, so that day is out. Football games will be Saturday too, and once games start for bball- that will be Saturday mornings at 9am. I figured since my son's football coach is also coaching the 5th grade girls that I could coach & still watch Jarratt's games. I might have to miss a game or two of her cheering. It will all work out.
My Grandpa is in the hospital. I guess he took too much of his medication yesterday and then this morning, while already in the hospital, was having chest pains. I was told he will be okay, but will be in the hospital for a few days.
I just volunteered to coach my youngest's basketball team. I will be teaching a bunch of 4th grade girls how to play. Now just where do I fit that into my already busy schedule? She is cheering too, so that is practice on Mondays & Tuesdays with games on Saturdays. I work both jobs on Fridays, so that day is out. Football games will be Saturday too, and once games start for bball- that will be Saturday mornings at 9am. I figured since my son's football coach is also coaching the 5th grade girls that I could coach & still watch Jarratt's games. I might have to miss a game or two of her cheering. It will all work out.
My Grandpa is in the hospital. I guess he took too much of his medication yesterday and then this morning, while already in the hospital, was having chest pains. I was told he will be okay, but will be in the hospital for a few days.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
I love my Grandpa, I really do and I wouldn't trade him for anything. But sometimes he opens his mouth and the whole damn shoe factory goes flying in! Last night we stopped by to drop off a pineapple (my grandma loves fresh pineapples) and to say Hi. Grandpa was sleeping and Grandma asked me to go wake him (they are over 80 and not in the best of health). My oldest 2 follow me in there. Once he is awake he looks at me and tells me that I had scared the hell out of them (with the breast cancer scare- that my children know nothing about!) and then started to ask me questions about it. I prolly had a panicked look on my face, cuz my mind was racing on how I could stop him before he spilled the beans to my kids. I did get him off the subject and my kids haven't, yet anyways, asked me about it. I know I need to tell them before they hear it from someone else, but it's nothing for them to worry about cuz nothing is going to happen from it.
The class reunion is over. It went pretty good. I had quite a few people thank me for doing it. One other girl and I did all the prep work (I basically did most of it, she just helped with some of the little things), 3 other girls helped out with a few of the other stuff. We had about 20 or so of our classmates their plus their spouses and children. We used a laulu theme, had hula hoops, limbo, pineapple bowling, snow cones, soft served ice cream and we had 2 inflatable bouncy toys (does anyone remember the Moonwalk?) It was a huge hit! The reunion wrapped up around 9, then children were taken elsewhere and the adults met up in our hometown at the beer tent. There was a live band there that played our class song for us (Garth Brooks- Friends in Low Places). It was a lot of fun. I had too many beers in too short of a time frame, but had a ton of fun. Too bad class reunions only come around once every 5 years.
Sunday my youngest was baptised. Of course I cried. I do stuff like that when my kids do things. I'm a sap. After church we had lunch at my brother's house. He had to go cut hay from someone and while he was gone we (another couple, myself, my kids and a friend of my daughter's) got out the horses. Let me tell you this. Saddle horns are not all soft & squishy. They are hard. Very very hard. I was riding Walker and Ashley (my daughter's friend) was getting on Millie. Well, Mille decided that she needed to kick Walker in the butt with both of her hind feet. This caused Ashley to go flying and me too. I didn't see what exactly happened to Ash as I was trying hard not to hit the ground. I flew forward in my saddle- cuz that is the direction that Walker's rear was going- I ended up grabbing a fistful of mane with one hand and managed to get my other arm around Walker's neck. There I was, upside down clinging to a horse like a strange necklace. I did manage to right myself and get back in the saddle and seated on the horse the way I was supposed to and never once did I hit the ground or need someone to help me up. I was pretty proud of myself there. Now, 3 days later, I have a massive bruise on my left inner thigh from the saddle horn and last night I found another bruise on my side. I've decided that I don't really care for Walker or Millie much now. I'll stick to the other horse.
The class reunion is over. It went pretty good. I had quite a few people thank me for doing it. One other girl and I did all the prep work (I basically did most of it, she just helped with some of the little things), 3 other girls helped out with a few of the other stuff. We had about 20 or so of our classmates their plus their spouses and children. We used a laulu theme, had hula hoops, limbo, pineapple bowling, snow cones, soft served ice cream and we had 2 inflatable bouncy toys (does anyone remember the Moonwalk?) It was a huge hit! The reunion wrapped up around 9, then children were taken elsewhere and the adults met up in our hometown at the beer tent. There was a live band there that played our class song for us (Garth Brooks- Friends in Low Places). It was a lot of fun. I had too many beers in too short of a time frame, but had a ton of fun. Too bad class reunions only come around once every 5 years.
Sunday my youngest was baptised. Of course I cried. I do stuff like that when my kids do things. I'm a sap. After church we had lunch at my brother's house. He had to go cut hay from someone and while he was gone we (another couple, myself, my kids and a friend of my daughter's) got out the horses. Let me tell you this. Saddle horns are not all soft & squishy. They are hard. Very very hard. I was riding Walker and Ashley (my daughter's friend) was getting on Millie. Well, Mille decided that she needed to kick Walker in the butt with both of her hind feet. This caused Ashley to go flying and me too. I didn't see what exactly happened to Ash as I was trying hard not to hit the ground. I flew forward in my saddle- cuz that is the direction that Walker's rear was going- I ended up grabbing a fistful of mane with one hand and managed to get my other arm around Walker's neck. There I was, upside down clinging to a horse like a strange necklace. I did manage to right myself and get back in the saddle and seated on the horse the way I was supposed to and never once did I hit the ground or need someone to help me up. I was pretty proud of myself there. Now, 3 days later, I have a massive bruise on my left inner thigh from the saddle horn and last night I found another bruise on my side. I've decided that I don't really care for Walker or Millie much now. I'll stick to the other horse.
Thursday, August 23, 2007

I brought my youngest to work with me today. I love her dearly, but she can drive me up a wall. She is being really good for me, but my office can get busy and she likes to ask questions and be the center of attention. Here she is, watching Buffy in the lobby, eating her candy corn from The Grand Rapids Popcorn Factory.
Yesterday after cheerleading practice, she somehow managed to shut her finger in the car door and it latched. We ended up spending an hour and a half in ER last night. There was a bad storm that came through as we were driving there and it knocked the power out throughout the entire town. We were not able to get x-rays done, so they just decided to treat her finger as if it were broken. She was in hystrics until after they numbed her finger. Then she was calm for like a second, looked at her finger and shouted "It's FAT!!!" She had us all rolling! Today it is much better, she can bend it now and use it like nothing happened. She is my accident prone child. Just 2 days ago she was getting something out of the freezer, a package of frozen steak fell out and landed on her head. Now she has a real pretty bruise on the side of her face. It looks like I beat the child!
Okay, it's 5 o'clock and I'm outta here!
Friday, August 17, 2007
Official Word!!!!
It's official. I have cysts, a cluster of cysts in the upper right quadrant of my right breast. At this time nothing is needed to be done, but at some point I could consider having them drained. I do have to go back to see the doctor in 3 months for a follow up. Seeing how caffeine affects them I am going to try to remove caffeine from my diet. I know that means no coke, no chocolate, no tea & no more yummy UV Bombs!
Wish me luck! I'm gonna need it.
It's official. I have cysts, a cluster of cysts in the upper right quadrant of my right breast. At this time nothing is needed to be done, but at some point I could consider having them drained. I do have to go back to see the doctor in 3 months for a follow up. Seeing how caffeine affects them I am going to try to remove caffeine from my diet. I know that means no coke, no chocolate, no tea & no more yummy UV Bombs!
Wish me luck! I'm gonna need it.
Adult Funnies
Happy Friday!
Q. What do you call a virgin on a waterbed?
A: A cherry float.
Q: What's the fluid capacity of Monica Lewinsky's mouth?
A: 1 US leader
Q: What did the sign on the door of the whorehouse say?
A: Beat it - we're closed.
Q: Why do walruses go to Tupperware parties?
A: To find a tight seal.
Q: What's the difference between sin and shame?
A: It is a sin to put it in, but it's a shame to pull it out.
Q: What's the speed limit of sex?
A: 68; at 69 you have to turn around.
Q: Why did Raggedy Ann get thrown out of the toy box?
A: She kept sitting on Pinocchio's face, and moaning, "Lie tome!"
Q: Why is air a lot like sex?
A: Because it's no big deal unless you're not getting any.
Q: What's another name for pickled bread?
A: Dill-dough.
Q : Why are Monica Lewinsky's cheeks so puffy?
A: She's withholding evidence.
Q: What's the difference between light and hard?
A: You can sleep with a light on.
Q: Why is sex like a bridge game?
A: You don't need a partner if you have a good hand.
Q: What's the definition of macho?
A: Jogging home from your own vasectomy.
Q: What do a Christmas tree and a priest have in common?
A: Their balls are just for decoration
Happy Friday!
Q. What do you call a virgin on a waterbed?
A: A cherry float.
Q: What's the fluid capacity of Monica Lewinsky's mouth?
A: 1 US leader
Q: What did the sign on the door of the whorehouse say?
A: Beat it - we're closed.
Q: Why do walruses go to Tupperware parties?
A: To find a tight seal.
Q: What's the difference between sin and shame?
A: It is a sin to put it in, but it's a shame to pull it out.
Q: What's the speed limit of sex?
A: 68; at 69 you have to turn around.
Q: Why did Raggedy Ann get thrown out of the toy box?
A: She kept sitting on Pinocchio's face, and moaning, "Lie tome!"
Q: Why is air a lot like sex?
A: Because it's no big deal unless you're not getting any.
Q: What's another name for pickled bread?
A: Dill-dough.
Q : Why are Monica Lewinsky's cheeks so puffy?
A: She's withholding evidence.
Q: What's the difference between light and hard?
A: You can sleep with a light on.
Q: Why is sex like a bridge game?
A: You don't need a partner if you have a good hand.
Q: What's the definition of macho?
A: Jogging home from your own vasectomy.
Q: What do a Christmas tree and a priest have in common?
A: Their balls are just for decoration
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Tomorrow I should get the official word on the lumps in my breast. Today they are a bit sore and I have been laying off the caffeine, I can feel where the cysts are without touching them.
We are in full swing for the class reunion now. Only 10 days away. I've heard from others that some think the price is too much. $40 a family for a pig roast. We are having a laulu theme and will be having inflatable jumping toys (like the moom walk, big toys you climb into and jump around on). No one has to bring a dish to pass, table serve or even a beverage! We will have it all there. I guess I just don't see why people are complaining. I just have to remember that we will never please everyone.
This past weekend we lost our first classmate. He was in a single car crash, hit a tree and had fatal injuries. We are 33 now, I guess that's a long run to have not lost someone. A donation, in the name of our class, will be made to help cover funeral expenses.
I will post again tomorrow to update you on my appointment.
We are in full swing for the class reunion now. Only 10 days away. I've heard from others that some think the price is too much. $40 a family for a pig roast. We are having a laulu theme and will be having inflatable jumping toys (like the moom walk, big toys you climb into and jump around on). No one has to bring a dish to pass, table serve or even a beverage! We will have it all there. I guess I just don't see why people are complaining. I just have to remember that we will never please everyone.
This past weekend we lost our first classmate. He was in a single car crash, hit a tree and had fatal injuries. We are 33 now, I guess that's a long run to have not lost someone. A donation, in the name of our class, will be made to help cover funeral expenses.
I will post again tomorrow to update you on my appointment.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
I just had my diagonistic mammogram and ultrasound done. The ultrasound tech told me she wasn't supposed to tell me but black spots on the ultrasound show cystic areas. That's a good thing! She even looked for stuff on the left side even though there were no orders to do so. She didn't find anything signifacated on the left. So everything sounds like it will be alright. I just am going to end up paying over $300 to find out I have cyst filled boobies. Maybe that is why they are so big!
(don't get me wrong, I would rather pay over $300 to find out I don't have cancer then to have it.)
(don't get me wrong, I would rather pay over $300 to find out I don't have cancer then to have it.)
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
I went to my dr appt yesterday. When my other dr had called me & told me that I had to have more tests done and see this other dr and they told me that they would have it all set up for me, I thought that my appt yesterday was for the tests. Guess that is what I get for thinking. In all reality, I paid $48.75 for this dr to feel me up. Now I have to go back tomorrow for a diagnogist mammogram and an ultrasound. Then I have to go back to yesterday's dr the following Friday to find out the results. So far my total for this is about $121 and that is just yesterday's feel up & for some guy to read my original mammogram. I still haven't gotten my bill for the mammogram yet. I really hope this turns out to be nothing other than another cyst. I now know where the nodule is located, it is in the same place as the cysts that they found 2 years ago. I'm not as worried now. I am a bit frustrated that my Dad told my grandparents though. I really didn't want an bunch of people to know. My grandparents just buried one of their son's a few months ago. The last thing they need is to worry about their granddaughter. Plus, the fewer people that know, the less chance there is of my children finding out. If it is cancer then of course I will tell my children. But they don't need to worry about their mom, they just need to be kids and have fun. My oldest already tells her little sis to stop stressing me out cuz she doens't want me to end up with cancer and dying, she doesn't want to live with her dad. My son already has anger issues and this would only make it worse. My youngest is so soft hearted, she would cry every time she would look at me. Or then again, they might just start calling dibs on all of my stuff!
Yesterday my son calls me and tells me he hurt his foot being stupid. (those were his words, not mine.) He was with a friend at the lake and jumped out of a tree and into the water. The water was not as deep as he thought it was and now his foot is sore. Not the ankle, but the foot- from bottom to top. I really hope he didn't break any of the small bones in there. Football starts on Monday and he LOVES football! His dad is supposed to call him today to see how it is, if his foot is still sore & he still won't put any weight on it, then his dad is supposed to take him to the doctor. We'll see if he follows through on that. But just to be safe, I am scheduling him an appointment myself.
Yesterday my son calls me and tells me he hurt his foot being stupid. (those were his words, not mine.) He was with a friend at the lake and jumped out of a tree and into the water. The water was not as deep as he thought it was and now his foot is sore. Not the ankle, but the foot- from bottom to top. I really hope he didn't break any of the small bones in there. Football starts on Monday and he LOVES football! His dad is supposed to call him today to see how it is, if his foot is still sore & he still won't put any weight on it, then his dad is supposed to take him to the doctor. We'll see if he follows through on that. But just to be safe, I am scheduling him an appointment myself.
Monday, August 06, 2007

My oldest girl showed a draft horse at the county fair yesterday. This is the first time she has ever done anything like that. 2 years ago we could barely get her on one of my brothers horses (that are much smaller than this one) and now she is showing a huge draft horse! She took first place in showmanship and 4th place in western riding. I am so proud of her! This picture was taken right after she won 1st place. I'm not sure why she doesn't look any happier, cuz she was excited.
My doctor's appointment is tomorrow. I'm a little scaried. I'll keep you posted.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
I am very angry right now.
I will forwarn you that the rest of this post may not make much sense but I am very angry and may not be able to put coherent words together.
A little background info to start:
My X has 6 kids. 3 of them are mine, numbers 2, 3 & 4. We got married in 95, I filed for divorce in 01 after he had moved out to live with a crack whore. (she really was a crackwhore in the very meaning of the word.) The divorce was final in 02. By this time he was no longer with the crack whore but had moved on to another girl. And then yet another. He got girl #3 pregnant and then left her cuz I was ready to give him another chance. She was very ticked and has since made his life none to easy. He had also cheated on girl #2 with girl #1 and got girl #1 pregnant. Girl #1 aka crackwhore, didn't go after him for child support until the kid was like 2, by this time he was already knee deep in child support with girl #3. Meanwhile I was not receiving any support cuz while we were trying to work things out the friend of the court lowered his obligation to zero for me & my 3 kids cuz he lived with us. Now he doesn't hold down a job, doesn't pay either of the other 2 girls any of the support he is ordered pay, nor does he pay what he is ordered to pay on my 3 kids. Now he has a warrent for his arrest for being a dead beat dad and in Michigan they will revoke your drivers license for not paying. Which they have done as well. Now he is asking me to come pick up our youngest daughter (she has been spending the week with him while her brother is at camp and her sister is getting ready for the 4H fair) before he does something that he doesn't want her to see. He will not tell me what this something is. It might be better if I don't know. He just pisses me off! Sometimes i just want to scream at him "look buddy, you couldn't keep your dick in your pants, you couldn't wrap it up, so you deserve the crap you have set yourself up for! You made the kids, now pay for them!" but he doesn't see it that way. he is so stupid! What did I ever see in him? I feel horrible that I cursed my children with him as a father. He never follows through on anything he says he is going to do so I'm not worried that he is going to kill himself or anything like that. I think he is just trying to get attention. Either way I have to rearrange my schedule, I either have to get someone else to pick up my son from camp or else I have to have my manager find someone else to work for me Friday night. I really miss my son & want to go pick him up, but at the same time I need to go to work at the bar so I can pay for him to play football this year. I know I will get it all worked out so I'm not too worried about it.
I just wanted to vent & now I feel a little bit better.
I will forwarn you that the rest of this post may not make much sense but I am very angry and may not be able to put coherent words together.
A little background info to start:
My X has 6 kids. 3 of them are mine, numbers 2, 3 & 4. We got married in 95, I filed for divorce in 01 after he had moved out to live with a crack whore. (she really was a crackwhore in the very meaning of the word.) The divorce was final in 02. By this time he was no longer with the crack whore but had moved on to another girl. And then yet another. He got girl #3 pregnant and then left her cuz I was ready to give him another chance. She was very ticked and has since made his life none to easy. He had also cheated on girl #2 with girl #1 and got girl #1 pregnant. Girl #1 aka crackwhore, didn't go after him for child support until the kid was like 2, by this time he was already knee deep in child support with girl #3. Meanwhile I was not receiving any support cuz while we were trying to work things out the friend of the court lowered his obligation to zero for me & my 3 kids cuz he lived with us. Now he doesn't hold down a job, doesn't pay either of the other 2 girls any of the support he is ordered pay, nor does he pay what he is ordered to pay on my 3 kids. Now he has a warrent for his arrest for being a dead beat dad and in Michigan they will revoke your drivers license for not paying. Which they have done as well. Now he is asking me to come pick up our youngest daughter (she has been spending the week with him while her brother is at camp and her sister is getting ready for the 4H fair) before he does something that he doesn't want her to see. He will not tell me what this something is. It might be better if I don't know. He just pisses me off! Sometimes i just want to scream at him "look buddy, you couldn't keep your dick in your pants, you couldn't wrap it up, so you deserve the crap you have set yourself up for! You made the kids, now pay for them!" but he doesn't see it that way. he is so stupid! What did I ever see in him? I feel horrible that I cursed my children with him as a father. He never follows through on anything he says he is going to do so I'm not worried that he is going to kill himself or anything like that. I think he is just trying to get attention. Either way I have to rearrange my schedule, I either have to get someone else to pick up my son from camp or else I have to have my manager find someone else to work for me Friday night. I really miss my son & want to go pick him up, but at the same time I need to go to work at the bar so I can pay for him to play football this year. I know I will get it all worked out so I'm not too worried about it.
I just wanted to vent & now I feel a little bit better.
Monday, July 30, 2007
I got a letter from the hospital that did my mammogram. In the letter is says that the right side needs to be looked at by ultrasound. I went in cuz I found a lump and am sore on the left side. I talked to the doctor this morning, apparently they didn't find anything out of the ordinary on the left side but did find the nodule on the right side. For some reason I am not as worried now. I know that I have cysts on the right side. I wonder if I should call the doctor and ask if the nodule is in the same spot as the cysts are? With my family history I should just buck up, pay the money & get the ultrasound done. Then I will know for certain that they are just cysts and nothing more. I just hope that they can tell me on the 7th when I have it done.
There is major drama going on at the bar job. One of the other servers was fired on Friday night- about 2 hours into her shift! She was bitching about the sections and the manager was in a very bad mood and sent her home. On her way out the door she called the manager a "F-ing B!" and flipped her off. (granted she used the actual words- I'm just trying to keep this PG.) So the manager then calls her a bit later and tells her that she wasn't fired when she was sent home, but now that she said that & flipped her off, well, now she fired. [side note: this server has been skating on thin ice to start with so it was more than just the bad mood of the manager and the sections] The worst thing is that I had been called up to the office with the manager just before this all happened, so I was standing right behind the manager when they started agrueing with each other. It so looked like I said something to the manager to get this girl in trouble. But I didn't say anything. I didn't want to see anyone get fired or sent home. The manager & I were upstairs in the office talking, but not about her. See we (the manager & I) have been friends for a long time, she was a bridesmaid in my wedding a million years ago (just 12 but it feels like a million!) and other boys are great friends. We were talking about how she wanted the bar to run the next night (she had the night off and was worried) and we were talking about my breast health problems. This server that was fired, she also did our web page (even though someone else had been asked to do it, she took it upon herself to do it) and now she changed the password and won't let anyone else do it. The owners of the bar have given her 2 days to give it up. I don't know what they will do if she doesn't give it up. It's one of those public "friend" type pages that you use your email address as your login and you have a password.
I just don't like all the drama and for some reason I am feeling responsible for some of it. I am really considering changing jobs. I like the bar I work at, I like the manager and most of the staff. I would hate to leave, but I really don't like the drama nor do I need it in my life. Guess I had better think long & hard about it and I think I will even speak to my manager about it.
There is major drama going on at the bar job. One of the other servers was fired on Friday night- about 2 hours into her shift! She was bitching about the sections and the manager was in a very bad mood and sent her home. On her way out the door she called the manager a "F-ing B!" and flipped her off. (granted she used the actual words- I'm just trying to keep this PG.) So the manager then calls her a bit later and tells her that she wasn't fired when she was sent home, but now that she said that & flipped her off, well, now she fired. [side note: this server has been skating on thin ice to start with so it was more than just the bad mood of the manager and the sections] The worst thing is that I had been called up to the office with the manager just before this all happened, so I was standing right behind the manager when they started agrueing with each other. It so looked like I said something to the manager to get this girl in trouble. But I didn't say anything. I didn't want to see anyone get fired or sent home. The manager & I were upstairs in the office talking, but not about her. See we (the manager & I) have been friends for a long time, she was a bridesmaid in my wedding a million years ago (just 12 but it feels like a million!) and other boys are great friends. We were talking about how she wanted the bar to run the next night (she had the night off and was worried) and we were talking about my breast health problems. This server that was fired, she also did our web page (even though someone else had been asked to do it, she took it upon herself to do it) and now she changed the password and won't let anyone else do it. The owners of the bar have given her 2 days to give it up. I don't know what they will do if she doesn't give it up. It's one of those public "friend" type pages that you use your email address as your login and you have a password.
I just don't like all the drama and for some reason I am feeling responsible for some of it. I am really considering changing jobs. I like the bar I work at, I like the manager and most of the staff. I would hate to leave, but I really don't like the drama nor do I need it in my life. Guess I had better think long & hard about it and I think I will even speak to my manager about it.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Last night my oldest daughter, a friend of hers & I went to the store. while wondering through the cd area my daughter tells me how her grandma was all mad at her now. Her grandparents got her an ipod for her 13th birthday, even after I told them not to cuz a teeny tiny $200 ipod for a 13 year old is just asking to get lost or stolen- but they got it for her anyways. Well, one of my daughter's "friends" stolen her ipod in May, now her G-ma found out and she is mad. She is mad that I didn't get involved and try to get it back. She thinks that if I had paid for it then I would have gotten involved. I told my daughter when she got it that if it ever comes up missing/stolen/lost whatever that she would be out an ipod & I would not be replacing it. It is her responsibility to keep it safe. When she told me that last night she also told me that she told her gma that I work 2 jobs just to support them so she had better back off. One of the reasons I am not getting involved in this situation is because I know the family of the "friend" and I am not going to mess with them. I've already had my run ins with them cuz of my son and I don't want to go there again.

This is my oldest. Doesn't she look older than almost 14?

I like this picture better. She makes me feel less old in this one.
Last night I had the strangest dream. I dreamt that I had gained like 100 punds in just a few days. But it wasn't jiggly fat gain, it was like I had swallowed all of Lake Michigan and was retaining all of it! My breast were the size of basketballs, I couldn't wear any of my cloths and I was so upset. My skin was stretched beyond belief and all of my blood vessels were big red angry lines on my yellow hued skin. The skin of my breast, where they met with my chest, was all twisted- like that of a balloon animal. I don't usually remember my dreams for very long, but this one is really sticking with me. I had a hard time sleeping last night too. My son woke me up around 1:30 cuz he had a bad dream, for the next 2 hours I had a very hard time going back to sleep. I just couldn't get comfortable and I hurt. I have this spot inbetween my shoulder blades that just needs to be stretched out and I can never do it. Sometimes doing a "bridge" (ya know where you lay on your back put your palms next to your head on the floor, feet flat and then push yourself up) will help me get that spot and there I was at 2:30 in the morning, doing a bridge in the middle of my queen sized bed. It did help a little. It just gets so frustrating, I am so exhusted yet can't sleep through the night. Any ideas?

This is my oldest. Doesn't she look older than almost 14?

I like this picture better. She makes me feel less old in this one.
Last night I had the strangest dream. I dreamt that I had gained like 100 punds in just a few days. But it wasn't jiggly fat gain, it was like I had swallowed all of Lake Michigan and was retaining all of it! My breast were the size of basketballs, I couldn't wear any of my cloths and I was so upset. My skin was stretched beyond belief and all of my blood vessels were big red angry lines on my yellow hued skin. The skin of my breast, where they met with my chest, was all twisted- like that of a balloon animal. I don't usually remember my dreams for very long, but this one is really sticking with me. I had a hard time sleeping last night too. My son woke me up around 1:30 cuz he had a bad dream, for the next 2 hours I had a very hard time going back to sleep. I just couldn't get comfortable and I hurt. I have this spot inbetween my shoulder blades that just needs to be stretched out and I can never do it. Sometimes doing a "bridge" (ya know where you lay on your back put your palms next to your head on the floor, feet flat and then push yourself up) will help me get that spot and there I was at 2:30 in the morning, doing a bridge in the middle of my queen sized bed. It did help a little. It just gets so frustrating, I am so exhusted yet can't sleep through the night. Any ideas?
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
I got the test results back on the mammogram. Now they are calling it a nodule and they are sending me for a surgury consult. That appointment is Tuesday August 7th, so more waiting. So I guess in the mean time I will just get busy planning my class reunion.
I will try to blog more tomorrow, I should have left work about 45 minutes ago but I wanted to let you know what I found out.
I will try to blog more tomorrow, I should have left work about 45 minutes ago but I wanted to let you know what I found out.
Friday, July 20, 2007
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This is my friend (also my bar manager)'s son. He is good friends with my boy. I was painting my and my youngest daughter's nails and he wanted his done too. Keep in mind this is an 11 year old- going into 6th grade football playing boy.

This is my boy. He had to have his done too. They both wanted black & hot pink but I couldn't find the black. I guess it's in my oldest girl's purse. The boys said they want to keep the polish on until football season starts. Brave, Brave boys.

& when did this happen? When did my baby get so grown up?
I had my mammogram yesterday. Now it is just a waiting game. The tech said the radiologist was to read them either that same day or first thing this morning, then my doctor should get the results in about 2-3 days, then I should get a letter by day 7. That's 7 days of waiting. I am not a patient person. When I want something I want it now. NOW DAMNIT! GIVE IT TO ME RIGHT NOW! Hey, did I mention that I have zero patience? I'll keep you informed.

This is my friend (also my bar manager)'s son. He is good friends with my boy. I was painting my and my youngest daughter's nails and he wanted his done too. Keep in mind this is an 11 year old- going into 6th grade football playing boy.

This is my boy. He had to have his done too. They both wanted black & hot pink but I couldn't find the black. I guess it's in my oldest girl's purse. The boys said they want to keep the polish on until football season starts. Brave, Brave boys.

& when did this happen? When did my baby get so grown up?
I had my mammogram yesterday. Now it is just a waiting game. The tech said the radiologist was to read them either that same day or first thing this morning, then my doctor should get the results in about 2-3 days, then I should get a letter by day 7. That's 7 days of waiting. I am not a patient person. When I want something I want it now. NOW DAMNIT! GIVE IT TO ME RIGHT NOW! Hey, did I mention that I have zero patience? I'll keep you informed.
Monday, July 16, 2007
I had my dr appointment. He did a manual breast exam, much like the ones I always do in the shower. He would feel an area & ask me if that hurt. It was very tender, but with a high pain tolerance it didn't really hurt, but was very uncomfortable. The look that came over his face while he was doing the exam didn't fill me with good feelings, the looks kind of made me scared. He had a lot of concern showing on his face. So if you play poker, play against him- he shows everything in his expressions. He said I have a mass in my left breast, but doesn't think it's a tumor. I have to go on Thursday for a mammogram. I thought I was having that done that day, but guess I thought wrong. I hate mammograms. They really hurt. If you want to know what they feel like, stick your boob in the window and then try to shut the window. Yeah. They hurt. My breast have been tender non stop since my last appointment. I have a bruise on it now, right where the "mass" is. I'm not sure if the bruise is from the underwire on my bra, the exam he did, from the fight at the bar I work at on Saturday night, or a combination of all 3.
I had prayed that if I am going to have breast issues (i.e cancer) that the Lord would provide me with a way to pay for everything- like win the lotto so I could pay off my house and all my debt so I would not have to worry about those things while I was fighting the cancer. Friday night at the bar I made more in tips then I have ever made there. One guy gave me a $100 tip! In this dutch community that is pretty unheard of. It is very common for someone to order a bottle of beer at $3.75, give you a $5 to pay and they want their dollar back, but tell you with a smile "Oh, you can keep the coin Sweetie". Gee thanks. Maybe after your next round I can make a phone call. Saturday night was a decent night too, it was on the high side for tips then normal but about half of what I had made the night before. That was even after the big ol' brawl that one of my tables started. I guess I really surprised some of the people I work with. They all see me as this sweet innocent thing, not someone that would pick up the drunk fighting girl, throw her over my shoulder and start taking her out to the parking lot.
If you have any questions that you would like to ask me, feel free to ask. I usually don't know what to type cuz I really have no idea who reads this anymore. So let me know what you want to know & I will answer.
I had prayed that if I am going to have breast issues (i.e cancer) that the Lord would provide me with a way to pay for everything- like win the lotto so I could pay off my house and all my debt so I would not have to worry about those things while I was fighting the cancer. Friday night at the bar I made more in tips then I have ever made there. One guy gave me a $100 tip! In this dutch community that is pretty unheard of. It is very common for someone to order a bottle of beer at $3.75, give you a $5 to pay and they want their dollar back, but tell you with a smile "Oh, you can keep the coin Sweetie". Gee thanks. Maybe after your next round I can make a phone call. Saturday night was a decent night too, it was on the high side for tips then normal but about half of what I had made the night before. That was even after the big ol' brawl that one of my tables started. I guess I really surprised some of the people I work with. They all see me as this sweet innocent thing, not someone that would pick up the drunk fighting girl, throw her over my shoulder and start taking her out to the parking lot.
If you have any questions that you would like to ask me, feel free to ask. I usually don't know what to type cuz I really have no idea who reads this anymore. So let me know what you want to know & I will answer.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
It's been a while, I know. I'm sorry. I really haven't had much time to post anything. The X decided he couldn't hack it out of state, so he's back in the area again. Still no income for him coming in so that means no child support. That sucks. He does do what he can for me though. The water pump on my truck exploded the other day & he did replace it for me, along with the brake pads, rotators & shocks. I of course paid for the parts, he did the hard dirty work. I just hope I made it clear enought to him that there is no way in hell I will be taking him back into my life the way he wants me to. Been there, done that, NEVER again.
I have to go in for a mammogram next week. I'm 33 and going in for my 2nd mammogram. That really sucks. Breast cancer has been the killer of every female that has died on my mom's side of the family except for one. That one would be my mom and she died from another form of cancer involving the lymph nodes. I have a swollen lymph node and found a lump- both in the left breast area. 2 years ago I had a baseline mammogram done and they found some questionable lumps. Turns out they were just cysts but it was still a scary process. The waiting & not knowing is what really freaks me out. I have 3 kids that really need me. They love their dad & all but they know who to turn to when they really need something other than a good time. To top it all off, I don't have any health insurance. I found the lump a month ago and has been putting it off. I really don't want to find out I have something and then if/when I can get insurance they won't cover it because it is a pre-existing condition. That would really suck.
I have to go in for a mammogram next week. I'm 33 and going in for my 2nd mammogram. That really sucks. Breast cancer has been the killer of every female that has died on my mom's side of the family except for one. That one would be my mom and she died from another form of cancer involving the lymph nodes. I have a swollen lymph node and found a lump- both in the left breast area. 2 years ago I had a baseline mammogram done and they found some questionable lumps. Turns out they were just cysts but it was still a scary process. The waiting & not knowing is what really freaks me out. I have 3 kids that really need me. They love their dad & all but they know who to turn to when they really need something other than a good time. To top it all off, I don't have any health insurance. I found the lump a month ago and has been putting it off. I really don't want to find out I have something and then if/when I can get insurance they won't cover it because it is a pre-existing condition. That would really suck.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Had lunch today with a vender, he took a few gals from another office & I to an italian chain resterant. The food, as always, was very good. On our way out I saw this woman with her mother & her child having lunch. I so wanted to tell this woman that the g-string sticking out the top of the jeans had gone out of style about 80 pounds ago. But I didn't. I was nice- kind of. I had to point it out to one of the other gals though. I figure, if I have to see something nasty then so does someone else. Aren't I nice? The other gals were to busy talking about how the belt on my skirt was longer than my actual skirt & the male vender was busy talking about how "you've got legs".
I'm done painting my living room now, just need to get a few spots touched up. Next is the carpet, hopefully it will be installed this week yet. I still have to go get some tile for in front of the slider & the entryway and I need another bucket of mud so I can finish texturing the dining room walls. I just can't wait until it's all done. It is going to look so nice!
My 15 year class reunion is coming up this summer too and I am busy planning that too. So between my 40+ hour a week day job, 16 hour a weekend night job, fixing up my house and raising my 3 kids I also am squeezing in the class reunion planning. That might give you an idea of why my posts are so few & far between.
The X is living out of state now, like 6 states away. He still thinks that I need to drop everything I am doing to talk to him whenever he calls or I-M's me. I don't think so buddy. I might have more motivation to be nicer to him if he would actually pay some support. $100 in the past 3 months for 3 kids just doesn't cut it.
Ok, gotta get back to work now. Bye.
I'm done painting my living room now, just need to get a few spots touched up. Next is the carpet, hopefully it will be installed this week yet. I still have to go get some tile for in front of the slider & the entryway and I need another bucket of mud so I can finish texturing the dining room walls. I just can't wait until it's all done. It is going to look so nice!
My 15 year class reunion is coming up this summer too and I am busy planning that too. So between my 40+ hour a week day job, 16 hour a weekend night job, fixing up my house and raising my 3 kids I also am squeezing in the class reunion planning. That might give you an idea of why my posts are so few & far between.
The X is living out of state now, like 6 states away. He still thinks that I need to drop everything I am doing to talk to him whenever he calls or I-M's me. I don't think so buddy. I might have more motivation to be nicer to him if he would actually pay some support. $100 in the past 3 months for 3 kids just doesn't cut it.
Ok, gotta get back to work now. Bye.
Monday, April 30, 2007
So I guess I am averaging one new post about every three weeks. Sorry about that.
Lots have been going on but nothing is going on all at the same time. I've been working alot, took one day off of the bar job last week due to a major headache/headcold. I've been training a new girl at the day job for the past 2 weeks. I'm glad that is done but for a while it was nice to not be the only one in my office and to have someone else tell me how busy my office is and how I need a second person there all the time. She thinks I am super woman for being able to get everything done. Little does she know that I feel like I am barely scrapping by!
My house is torn up right now too. I am in a very slow process of having hardwood flooring installed in my dining room. I've removed the carpet and moved the hardwood pieces in from the garage. So to date I have a few piles of wood in my dining room yet can't use my dining room. I have carpet waiting to be installed in my living room but don't want that done until the hardwood is done. I also have a new to me bedroom suite on its way, the dining room set that I inherited from my mother and a piano coming. I want my floors done first! I am so tired of having my house torn up too it isn't even funny!
On a happy note, my Dad married the second most wonderful woman he could ever be married to. The first most wonderful he was already married to (my mom) and had 26 wonderful years together before she passed away. All I can say about his wedding is that it's about fricking time! They were dating for 6 years. They got married in a very private cermony on Saturday.
Now on a sad note, my uncle (my dad's oldest brother) died yesterday. He was 65. He had cancer. I hate cancer. Cancer sucks. My grandparents are not doing well. They are in their mid 80's and are not in good health. I am just afraid that losing their child is going to be a huge strain on them. I'm afraid that I will be losing them too before the year is up.
Okay, gotta go before I make myself into a sobbing mess.
Lots have been going on but nothing is going on all at the same time. I've been working alot, took one day off of the bar job last week due to a major headache/headcold. I've been training a new girl at the day job for the past 2 weeks. I'm glad that is done but for a while it was nice to not be the only one in my office and to have someone else tell me how busy my office is and how I need a second person there all the time. She thinks I am super woman for being able to get everything done. Little does she know that I feel like I am barely scrapping by!
My house is torn up right now too. I am in a very slow process of having hardwood flooring installed in my dining room. I've removed the carpet and moved the hardwood pieces in from the garage. So to date I have a few piles of wood in my dining room yet can't use my dining room. I have carpet waiting to be installed in my living room but don't want that done until the hardwood is done. I also have a new to me bedroom suite on its way, the dining room set that I inherited from my mother and a piano coming. I want my floors done first! I am so tired of having my house torn up too it isn't even funny!
On a happy note, my Dad married the second most wonderful woman he could ever be married to. The first most wonderful he was already married to (my mom) and had 26 wonderful years together before she passed away. All I can say about his wedding is that it's about fricking time! They were dating for 6 years. They got married in a very private cermony on Saturday.
Now on a sad note, my uncle (my dad's oldest brother) died yesterday. He was 65. He had cancer. I hate cancer. Cancer sucks. My grandparents are not doing well. They are in their mid 80's and are not in good health. I am just afraid that losing their child is going to be a huge strain on them. I'm afraid that I will be losing them too before the year is up.
Okay, gotta go before I make myself into a sobbing mess.
Friday, April 06, 2007
I'm back from my vacation and back to work. It was a nice vacation, it's always good to get away. I have, however, now found myself in a bit of a funk. I think I know why but don't really want to go there. Kind-of that if you don't say it, it really doesn't exist kind of thing. I know, De-Nial is a river in Egypt. But hey, it's working for me right now so I'm going with it. It will hit me later, more than likely when I am home alone at night, or more embrassingly when I am at church with both my brothers and end up sobbing like a baby. I really have no one I can talk to about it and could pour everything out here cuz I don't really think anyone reads this. Maybe that is what I will do, but not today.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
There is so much to do before I leave on my vacation!
I have to:
1 Get my truck fixed
2 Renew the tabs on my license plate
3 Find homes for 4 puppies (1 female & 3 males) and a home for the Momma too
4 I have an appointment with the city on Monday regarding my property assessment
(they more than doubled it this time!)
5 I need to rip out the carpet in my dining room but before I do that I have to
make sure I have enough hardwood flooring to cover my dining room.
6 I also have a couch I need to drag to the curb for the garage man to take away.
I have already upgraded my cell service so I won't get roaming charges while I am goine. & I have found homes for 4 of the puppies to date. I also have a dog sitter lined up for Kotta while we are gone- Thank you Charlie!- and he is going to check on my house for me too, wonder if he will feed the lizard for us too?
I found out this morning that I also need to get my dryer fixed. It heats stuff up but doesn't tumble them. So now I have a bunch of cloths hanging up in my bathroom drying, how lovely is that? Hopefully I just need a new belt. I'm sure I have a lovely site this morning though. After figuring out that it wasn't tumbling I shut the door to the dryer & then proceeded to kick it. That didn't help so I started jumping up & down whining "my dryer is broke". Not only did my kids look at me funny but the dogs did too.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what we should do while on vacation? Yes Jennifer this is directed towards you. I will talk to my kids tonight to see what they want to do, but we don't live over there so we don't know all of our options. I do want us to go out & party like rock stars though. It just might be like 30 something year old has been rock stars, but rock stars all the same!
Okay, gotta go. Work to be done & no one else here to do it. Luv Ya.
I have to:
1 Get my truck fixed
2 Renew the tabs on my license plate
3 Find homes for 4 puppies (1 female & 3 males) and a home for the Momma too
4 I have an appointment with the city on Monday regarding my property assessment
(they more than doubled it this time!)
5 I need to rip out the carpet in my dining room but before I do that I have to
make sure I have enough hardwood flooring to cover my dining room.
6 I also have a couch I need to drag to the curb for the garage man to take away.
I have already upgraded my cell service so I won't get roaming charges while I am goine. & I have found homes for 4 of the puppies to date. I also have a dog sitter lined up for Kotta while we are gone- Thank you Charlie!- and he is going to check on my house for me too, wonder if he will feed the lizard for us too?
I found out this morning that I also need to get my dryer fixed. It heats stuff up but doesn't tumble them. So now I have a bunch of cloths hanging up in my bathroom drying, how lovely is that? Hopefully I just need a new belt. I'm sure I have a lovely site this morning though. After figuring out that it wasn't tumbling I shut the door to the dryer & then proceeded to kick it. That didn't help so I started jumping up & down whining "my dryer is broke". Not only did my kids look at me funny but the dogs did too.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what we should do while on vacation? Yes Jennifer this is directed towards you. I will talk to my kids tonight to see what they want to do, but we don't live over there so we don't know all of our options. I do want us to go out & party like rock stars though. It just might be like 30 something year old has been rock stars, but rock stars all the same!
Okay, gotta go. Work to be done & no one else here to do it. Luv Ya.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Okay, really it's Sunday morning- but it's my saturday night. It's about 3 am, I got out of work early (like 10:30) and Kyndra (another girl that works at the Whiskey & drives with me to work) went to the bar to have fun & party like rock stars. (just kidding- we just had a few) Seeing how its been a long while since I had any, a few got me a bit buzzed. I really want to work at the bar we visited instead of the one I work at. I talked to one of the girls thats works there & she said she makes about 150-200 a night (much better than my 60-100 I make). Maybe I really should put in my app there. Anyway, a few beers, a uv bomb, a slippery nipple, 2 watermelon pucker shots later I'm feeling better good. (& Mike, you look pretty damn hot in that picture by the way- I might totally deny this statement in a sober state of mind later, but you really look good in that picture!)
All I can hear right now are puppies whining and it is really driving me crazy! But I guess that is better than having puupy's poo all over my dining room.
I got a new computer this week. It's an HP 1700 with a 19" flat panel monitor. I really like it. I can watch my missed episodes of Grey's so much easier now.
off subject, but how the hell can a guy make $220k off of one bass fishing tournment? I met a guy at the bar tonight that says he was a pro fisher and just won that amount of money last week in Texas at some fishing tournment. It's supposed to be on FSN in 3 weeks. I have no idea if I even get that channel. Guess I had better find out. He did buy the 2 shots of watermelon pucker & I got his number. Too bad he is only 24 years old. I feel so old next to though. I could have babysat him.
It was my friend Jamie's birthday today & I totally surprised her when I showed up at the bar. My x sis in law was there too (we are great friends even though my ex is an complete & utter ass). Let me fill you in a little on my ex. He now has a girlfriend (f** buddy) that is 12!!!! years older then him!!! 12 YEARS!! That is so gross! My youngest two have met her. My oldest would have told her dad off (very similar to how she told him off this morning- which my xsil & I found extremely funny!)
Okay I am rumbling & I am buzzed. I really should get the dogs to bed & then go there myself. Kyndra is coming back in the morning to drive me back to my truck. My ex brother in law drove us home. No drunk driving for me, thank you very much.
G'Night ya'll.
All I can hear right now are puppies whining and it is really driving me crazy! But I guess that is better than having puupy's poo all over my dining room.
I got a new computer this week. It's an HP 1700 with a 19" flat panel monitor. I really like it. I can watch my missed episodes of Grey's so much easier now.
off subject, but how the hell can a guy make $220k off of one bass fishing tournment? I met a guy at the bar tonight that says he was a pro fisher and just won that amount of money last week in Texas at some fishing tournment. It's supposed to be on FSN in 3 weeks. I have no idea if I even get that channel. Guess I had better find out. He did buy the 2 shots of watermelon pucker & I got his number. Too bad he is only 24 years old. I feel so old next to though. I could have babysat him.
It was my friend Jamie's birthday today & I totally surprised her when I showed up at the bar. My x sis in law was there too (we are great friends even though my ex is an complete & utter ass). Let me fill you in a little on my ex. He now has a girlfriend (f** buddy) that is 12!!!! years older then him!!! 12 YEARS!! That is so gross! My youngest two have met her. My oldest would have told her dad off (very similar to how she told him off this morning- which my xsil & I found extremely funny!)
Okay I am rumbling & I am buzzed. I really should get the dogs to bed & then go there myself. Kyndra is coming back in the morning to drive me back to my truck. My ex brother in law drove us home. No drunk driving for me, thank you very much.
G'Night ya'll.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
So Tuesday was my birthday. Happy Birthday to me!!! I worked during the day, went to Menards on my way home for primer. (I am going to be redoing my dd's room) I also looked at some new lighting for my living room (that room is getting overhauled too). I found some lights that I really like but I don't think they will match the hunter green carpet that is going in. When the carpet is free you can't complain about the color. I also got some paint chips for my living room. The walls are currenlty a pale light blue and that just will not match the green carpet! On my way home my Dad called me. He wanted me to stop at my Grandma's and check on her. She has the flu and things are coming out of both ends of her body. She is 83 next month and Grandpa is currently in the nursing home so she is there all by herself. I rewashed some laundry for her, got her some fresh water and told her I would stop back by after my dinner with my girlfriends.
Sherry, Renee & I meet up at Smuggler's Cove for dinner. It was the 3 of us girls and our 6 children. We are always out numbered! We had a good time. My Dad called during dinner to let me know that he had been to Grandma's but she was still expecting me to stop by again. Tracy called me too to wish me a Happy Birthday, she sees me 3 days a week and still remembered to call me on my birthday. After dinner I stopped back at Grandma's, switched her laundry around, cleaned up after her cat and then told her I would stop back by in the morning to switch the laundry again. Too bad I forgot to start the darn dryer!
Then it was back to my house for cake & ice cream. Jordyn made the cake, Renee finished it up by making it into a Better then Sex cake! Yummy! Renee's husband Jesse got to my house while we were still having dinner. He made himself comfy on my couch and was watching American Idol when we got there. They got me a pretty silver necklace, some stuff for my hair, a candle and some yummy smelling bath stuff. They (Renee) always get me something good! They are great friends. I really should do something nice for them.
Yesterday morning I went back to Grandma's to switch her laundry around and discovered that I forgot to turn the darn dryer on the night before. I got her some tea, some fresh water and asked her if she had taken medication yet. She hadn't. I asked her if she wanted any imodinium. She about kicked herself. She had some in her cupboard and forgot about it. Hopefully that will help her feel better quicker.
I stopped at Grandma's again yesterday after work and again this morning. She is doing so much better!
Last night while attempting to scrap the paint off of the paneling in my daughter's room, I removed a cork board that was on the wall when I bought the house. I then discovered why the cork board was on the wall. There were 3 holes in the wall! It looked like someone's knee, head and fist went through it. Just the nice little surprises I find in this house. So now I am going to be removing the paneling and replacing it with drywall. So much for an easy project! I will post some before and after pictures once it is all done.
Sherry, Renee & I meet up at Smuggler's Cove for dinner. It was the 3 of us girls and our 6 children. We are always out numbered! We had a good time. My Dad called during dinner to let me know that he had been to Grandma's but she was still expecting me to stop by again. Tracy called me too to wish me a Happy Birthday, she sees me 3 days a week and still remembered to call me on my birthday. After dinner I stopped back at Grandma's, switched her laundry around, cleaned up after her cat and then told her I would stop back by in the morning to switch the laundry again. Too bad I forgot to start the darn dryer!
Then it was back to my house for cake & ice cream. Jordyn made the cake, Renee finished it up by making it into a Better then Sex cake! Yummy! Renee's husband Jesse got to my house while we were still having dinner. He made himself comfy on my couch and was watching American Idol when we got there. They got me a pretty silver necklace, some stuff for my hair, a candle and some yummy smelling bath stuff. They (Renee) always get me something good! They are great friends. I really should do something nice for them.
Yesterday morning I went back to Grandma's to switch her laundry around and discovered that I forgot to turn the darn dryer on the night before. I got her some tea, some fresh water and asked her if she had taken medication yet. She hadn't. I asked her if she wanted any imodinium. She about kicked herself. She had some in her cupboard and forgot about it. Hopefully that will help her feel better quicker.
I stopped at Grandma's again yesterday after work and again this morning. She is doing so much better!
Last night while attempting to scrap the paint off of the paneling in my daughter's room, I removed a cork board that was on the wall when I bought the house. I then discovered why the cork board was on the wall. There were 3 holes in the wall! It looked like someone's knee, head and fist went through it. Just the nice little surprises I find in this house. So now I am going to be removing the paneling and replacing it with drywall. So much for an easy project! I will post some before and after pictures once it is all done.
Friday, January 26, 2007
That's right! The puppies are finally here. They started their arrival at 4:30 this morning. I had just gotten home and to sleep after my bar job when she had the first one. So much for any sleep! We now have 7 alive pups and only 1 that didn't make it.

If you know of any good homes that will be in need of a puppy in about 8 weeks, let me know. They are a mixed breed, boxer & hound for certain and not quite such yet what the daddy is.
That's right! The puppies are finally here. They started their arrival at 4:30 this morning. I had just gotten home and to sleep after my bar job when she had the first one. So much for any sleep! We now have 7 alive pups and only 1 that didn't make it.

If you know of any good homes that will be in need of a puppy in about 8 weeks, let me know. They are a mixed breed, boxer & hound for certain and not quite such yet what the daddy is.
Friday, January 19, 2007
This post might be TMI for some readers. You can stop reading at anytime and you will not offend me. Just a little warning before you start reading.
All I've been doing for the past few days is sneeze & blow my nose. I am so tired of sneezing and blowing my nose, my nose is tired of my blowing it. It just doesn't enjoy a good blow job apparently. At least I still have my sense of humor. This head cold is draining the life out of me. I literally fell alseep yesterday at work, while I was on the phone! Nothing like taking a little snooze while the car dealership has you on hold. I had my head propped on the phone, closed my eyes for an extended blink and next thing I know I'm doing that head bob thingy. It kind-of scared me. I had to do a quick check to make sure I was still listening to hold music and then decided that all was good. I almost went back to sleep when the receptionist came back on. I have drank nothing but water and OJ for the past 2 days and have put so much vitamin C and Zinc in my body that I'm surprised I'm not peeing pure Vitamin C! I've also been hopped up on Advice Cold & Sinus (Target brand actually) during the day and Nyquil at night. Did you know that they quit putting the deconcestant in Nyquil just so they could keep the product on the shelves. I really don't mind having to go to the RX man to get me some good stuff, really I don't Mr Nyquil Maker. I really don't like waking up in the middle of the night in a drugged stuppor to try to find something to blew my nose into. My poor dog almost had snot in her ear last night cuz her floppy ear was the first thing I found while I was groping around on the floor in the dark.
The sneezing, it has to stop! If I weren't so vigulent with my Keigels I would be in need of Depends right now! No, I can't just sneeze once, I have to sneeze a minium of 5 times before I am done. & If one had a weak bladder muscle one would be wetting oneself in that process!
Does anyone have any suggestions as what to take for this cold? The Target brand Advil Cold & Sinus works for about 3 hours, but I still have to blow about every 20 to 30 minutes. I want something that is going to allow me to breath through my nose again and something that will allow the skin around my nose to heal. Hell, I'm next door to Rite Aid, so why don't I just go over and ask the RX man during my lunch what he suggests.
Oh, and still no puppies. The poor girl looks like she is going to explode!
All I've been doing for the past few days is sneeze & blow my nose. I am so tired of sneezing and blowing my nose, my nose is tired of my blowing it. It just doesn't enjoy a good blow job apparently. At least I still have my sense of humor. This head cold is draining the life out of me. I literally fell alseep yesterday at work, while I was on the phone! Nothing like taking a little snooze while the car dealership has you on hold. I had my head propped on the phone, closed my eyes for an extended blink and next thing I know I'm doing that head bob thingy. It kind-of scared me. I had to do a quick check to make sure I was still listening to hold music and then decided that all was good. I almost went back to sleep when the receptionist came back on. I have drank nothing but water and OJ for the past 2 days and have put so much vitamin C and Zinc in my body that I'm surprised I'm not peeing pure Vitamin C! I've also been hopped up on Advice Cold & Sinus (Target brand actually) during the day and Nyquil at night. Did you know that they quit putting the deconcestant in Nyquil just so they could keep the product on the shelves. I really don't mind having to go to the RX man to get me some good stuff, really I don't Mr Nyquil Maker. I really don't like waking up in the middle of the night in a drugged stuppor to try to find something to blew my nose into. My poor dog almost had snot in her ear last night cuz her floppy ear was the first thing I found while I was groping around on the floor in the dark.
The sneezing, it has to stop! If I weren't so vigulent with my Keigels I would be in need of Depends right now! No, I can't just sneeze once, I have to sneeze a minium of 5 times before I am done. & If one had a weak bladder muscle one would be wetting oneself in that process!
Does anyone have any suggestions as what to take for this cold? The Target brand Advil Cold & Sinus works for about 3 hours, but I still have to blow about every 20 to 30 minutes. I want something that is going to allow me to breath through my nose again and something that will allow the skin around my nose to heal. Hell, I'm next door to Rite Aid, so why don't I just go over and ask the RX man during my lunch what he suggests.
Oh, and still no puppies. The poor girl looks like she is going to explode!
Thursday, January 04, 2007
4 weeks ago we rescued a dog. She was near death when we found her, she would not have made it through the night. I had to carry her to my house to get her warm. She had a nasty wound on her head that made me decide to make zero attempts to find her "owners". Now 4 weeks later she is happy, healthy, loved and named Emma. How does she reward me? By being pregnant! Yep, she's pregnant. She should have pups in about 2 weeks (that means she was pregnant when I found her). I just hope the pups are okay. I took her to the vet before we knew and she had some shots and I treated her for fleas too. 
Isn't she cute? So if anyone wants a boxer mixed with who the heck knows what, get ahold of me. I'll have some pups looking for a home in about 2 months.
Just so she doesn't feel left out, here is a picture of my other dog. She is a Blue Heeler named Kotta.

Isn't she cute? So if anyone wants a boxer mixed with who the heck knows what, get ahold of me. I'll have some pups looking for a home in about 2 months.
Just so she doesn't feel left out, here is a picture of my other dog. She is a Blue Heeler named Kotta.

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