Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I love my Grandpa, I really do and I wouldn't trade him for anything. But sometimes he opens his mouth and the whole damn shoe factory goes flying in! Last night we stopped by to drop off a pineapple (my grandma loves fresh pineapples) and to say Hi. Grandpa was sleeping and Grandma asked me to go wake him (they are over 80 and not in the best of health). My oldest 2 follow me in there. Once he is awake he looks at me and tells me that I had scared the hell out of them (with the breast cancer scare- that my children know nothing about!) and then started to ask me questions about it. I prolly had a panicked look on my face, cuz my mind was racing on how I could stop him before he spilled the beans to my kids. I did get him off the subject and my kids haven't, yet anyways, asked me about it. I know I need to tell them before they hear it from someone else, but it's nothing for them to worry about cuz nothing is going to happen from it.

The class reunion is over. It went pretty good. I had quite a few people thank me for doing it. One other girl and I did all the prep work (I basically did most of it, she just helped with some of the little things), 3 other girls helped out with a few of the other stuff. We had about 20 or so of our classmates their plus their spouses and children. We used a laulu theme, had hula hoops, limbo, pineapple bowling, snow cones, soft served ice cream and we had 2 inflatable bouncy toys (does anyone remember the Moonwalk?) It was a huge hit! The reunion wrapped up around 9, then children were taken elsewhere and the adults met up in our hometown at the beer tent. There was a live band there that played our class song for us (Garth Brooks- Friends in Low Places). It was a lot of fun. I had too many beers in too short of a time frame, but had a ton of fun. Too bad class reunions only come around once every 5 years.

Sunday my youngest was baptised. Of course I cried. I do stuff like that when my kids do things. I'm a sap. After church we had lunch at my brother's house. He had to go cut hay from someone and while he was gone we (another couple, myself, my kids and a friend of my daughter's) got out the horses. Let me tell you this. Saddle horns are not all soft & squishy. They are hard. Very very hard. I was riding Walker and Ashley (my daughter's friend) was getting on Millie. Well, Mille decided that she needed to kick Walker in the butt with both of her hind feet. This caused Ashley to go flying and me too. I didn't see what exactly happened to Ash as I was trying hard not to hit the ground. I flew forward in my saddle- cuz that is the direction that Walker's rear was going- I ended up grabbing a fistful of mane with one hand and managed to get my other arm around Walker's neck. There I was, upside down clinging to a horse like a strange necklace. I did manage to right myself and get back in the saddle and seated on the horse the way I was supposed to and never once did I hit the ground or need someone to help me up. I was pretty proud of myself there. Now, 3 days later, I have a massive bruise on my left inner thigh from the saddle horn and last night I found another bruise on my side. I've decided that I don't really care for Walker or Millie much now. I'll stick to the other horse.


Little Wing said...

Chelle you are such a great writer!
You can take me right along with you when you talk about these things!
Cracking up over ' Friends in lower places' being the class song, I LOVE it!
Wow, horses, how cool! But not cool about Millie deciding to kick Walker in the butt with you on him!
Oh and I am just a big sap myself, I can cry about anything! Happy tears, sad tears, doesn't matter, the release just feels good!

chellfire said...

Thanks for thinking I'm a good writer. I don't feel like I can quite express it the same in print as I can in speech, cuz in speech I can also act it out- that makes it funnier!