Friday, September 14, 2007

My youngest brought this home the other day. This is what it's all about.

Incase you can't read what it says: "What makes me feel important..." she wrote "My Mom" and then drew a picture of the two of us, me in apparently a blue catsuit with my hair in a ponytail and her in a pink catsuit with her hair in a ponytail.

"Three People I admire and why..." she wrote "dad, because he helps me" and drew a picture of him helping her up off the ground, "Mom, she is here for me" and drew a picture of her standing next to/behind me with someone standing in front of us, and "Sister, cause she is nice to me" and drew a picture of the two of them.

This one is my oldest's favorite. She got a big kick out of the bully kicking her shins.

1 comment:

Little Wing said...

Oh those are priceless! I would have them framed, I am serious!
Way too good for the refrigerator!!!!