Friday, June 29, 2007

It's been a while, I know. I'm sorry. I really haven't had much time to post anything. The X decided he couldn't hack it out of state, so he's back in the area again. Still no income for him coming in so that means no child support. That sucks. He does do what he can for me though. The water pump on my truck exploded the other day & he did replace it for me, along with the brake pads, rotators & shocks. I of course paid for the parts, he did the hard dirty work. I just hope I made it clear enought to him that there is no way in hell I will be taking him back into my life the way he wants me to. Been there, done that, NEVER again.

I have to go in for a mammogram next week. I'm 33 and going in for my 2nd mammogram. That really sucks. Breast cancer has been the killer of every female that has died on my mom's side of the family except for one. That one would be my mom and she died from another form of cancer involving the lymph nodes. I have a swollen lymph node and found a lump- both in the left breast area. 2 years ago I had a baseline mammogram done and they found some questionable lumps. Turns out they were just cysts but it was still a scary process. The waiting & not knowing is what really freaks me out. I have 3 kids that really need me. They love their dad & all but they know who to turn to when they really need something other than a good time. To top it all off, I don't have any health insurance. I found the lump a month ago and has been putting it off. I really don't want to find out I have something and then if/when I can get insurance they won't cover it because it is a pre-existing condition. That would really suck.


Little Wing said...

You are in my prayers.

Little Wing said...

Please tell me the lump wasn't mallignant.