Thursday, August 16, 2007

Tomorrow I should get the official word on the lumps in my breast. Today they are a bit sore and I have been laying off the caffeine, I can feel where the cysts are without touching them.

We are in full swing for the class reunion now. Only 10 days away. I've heard from others that some think the price is too much. $40 a family for a pig roast. We are having a laulu theme and will be having inflatable jumping toys (like the moom walk, big toys you climb into and jump around on). No one has to bring a dish to pass, table serve or even a beverage! We will have it all there. I guess I just don't see why people are complaining. I just have to remember that we will never please everyone.

This past weekend we lost our first classmate. He was in a single car crash, hit a tree and had fatal injuries. We are 33 now, I guess that's a long run to have not lost someone. A donation, in the name of our class, will be made to help cover funeral expenses.

I will post again tomorrow to update you on my appointment.


JQ75 said...

Hope your offical news is great, and the pain subsides.

Keep focused on the reunion and have a great time (ignore the complainers). Sounds like it should be a lot of fun.

Actually 33 is a long run. My class was huge and I think we lost somebody right around graduation...

Little Wing said...

I am expecting the official word to be good news.
The class reunion sounds like a LOT of fun! It really does!

Your class must have been small????