Monday, April 30, 2007

So I guess I am averaging one new post about every three weeks. Sorry about that.
Lots have been going on but nothing is going on all at the same time. I've been working alot, took one day off of the bar job last week due to a major headache/headcold. I've been training a new girl at the day job for the past 2 weeks. I'm glad that is done but for a while it was nice to not be the only one in my office and to have someone else tell me how busy my office is and how I need a second person there all the time. She thinks I am super woman for being able to get everything done. Little does she know that I feel like I am barely scrapping by!

My house is torn up right now too. I am in a very slow process of having hardwood flooring installed in my dining room. I've removed the carpet and moved the hardwood pieces in from the garage. So to date I have a few piles of wood in my dining room yet can't use my dining room. I have carpet waiting to be installed in my living room but don't want that done until the hardwood is done. I also have a new to me bedroom suite on its way, the dining room set that I inherited from my mother and a piano coming. I want my floors done first! I am so tired of having my house torn up too it isn't even funny!

On a happy note, my Dad married the second most wonderful woman he could ever be married to. The first most wonderful he was already married to (my mom) and had 26 wonderful years together before she passed away. All I can say about his wedding is that it's about fricking time! They were dating for 6 years. They got married in a very private cermony on Saturday.

Now on a sad note, my uncle (my dad's oldest brother) died yesterday. He was 65. He had cancer. I hate cancer. Cancer sucks. My grandparents are not doing well. They are in their mid 80's and are not in good health. I am just afraid that losing their child is going to be a huge strain on them. I'm afraid that I will be losing them too before the year is up.

Okay, gotta go before I make myself into a sobbing mess.


Anonymous said...

I like your blog, Chell. Sorry about your Uncle, you are so right, Cancer sucks big time.
I can relate to your house being tore up, I just had new carpeting and tile put in mine, what a mess!

mt_detroit said...

wow, sounds like you have been busy.

sorry about your uncle. Cancer got my grandma and my brother in law.