Thursday, November 15, 2007

It's a Redneck Holiday!!!!

It's that time of year again around here. The redneck children get a day off of school for a national redneck holiday. It's OPENING DAY OF RIFLE SEASON!! Around these neck of the woods they close school for the event. Some schools are even closing for 2 days this year! The teachers work opening day into their contracts even, it's a big issue- right up there next to health insurance.

The deer population is getting so large around here, they really need to thin the herd. I'm hoping to do my part in that as well. I'm not braking very hard if one were to run out in front of me. I need to get a vehicle that gets better gas mileage and the trade in on my vehicle isn't what I want. The amount I would be paid if it were totaled is what I want, but no dealer will give me that & it would take too long to sell it myself. I found a cute dark green Grand Prix GTP that gets double the gas mileage then my Durango. It gets better gas mileage than the Jetta I was looking at too and parts should be easier to find. So I would go from just over $600 a month in gas to just over $300 a month. That would be much much better.

Two of my kids have birthdays in December, 11 days apart from each other. They have decided to have a joint bday party, but the guest list (including family) is over 70 people! Their dad said he was going to pay for the party. Good thing too, cuz they are having a skating party and the rental of the rink is $175 not including skate rental.

Tonight I am going to go to a bar closer to my home and apply for a job there. I like the bar I work at and the people I work with but things are different now that Tracy is gone. Not really different in a bad way, but I'm just not as happy there now. There is one girl that I love but she is getting kind of pushy. She wants behind the bar so bad, they have put me back there ever other weekend now and she wants one of my nights. This past weekend she wanted one of the tables in my section cuz "her regulars" were sitting there. To me, if someone really wants you to serve them then they will ask you where your section is and then they will sit there. I let her trade me tables cuz I was tired of her asking me & making a big deal out of it. Most of the time that I was there (I left at 11:30 cuz it was slow & I was bored and didn't feel like being there) they were grapping my arm and asking me to get them drinks. Anyways, this weekend is the weekend that I am to be behind the bar, but I'm only back there one night cuz they gave her the other one. I can see why, they want her to be a back up bartender and they need to train her and it should be a slower weekend night so that is why they are doing it. But it kind of bugs me. Then I feel petty for allowing it to bug me. So I'm just going to go apply at a closer, busier bar where I can make more money. Plus I know I will get good references too. Tracy knows the owners and she will give me a great reference and a friend of mine that was married to my cousin that I still consider family is very good friends with the owners and she told me to use her as a reference too. So tonight I am going to go talk to the owner that does the hiring. I am going to offer to work the Wednesday before Thanksgiving as a trial run. They don't even have to pay me, I'll work for tips. How could they refuse free help on the busiest night of the year? I'll keep you posted.

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