Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Had lunch today with a vender, he took a few gals from another office & I to an italian chain resterant. The food, as always, was very good. On our way out I saw this woman with her mother & her child having lunch. I so wanted to tell this woman that the g-string sticking out the top of the jeans had gone out of style about 80 pounds ago. But I didn't. I was nice- kind of. I had to point it out to one of the other gals though. I figure, if I have to see something nasty then so does someone else. Aren't I nice? The other gals were to busy talking about how the belt on my skirt was longer than my actual skirt & the male vender was busy talking about how "you've got legs".

I'm done painting my living room now, just need to get a few spots touched up. Next is the carpet, hopefully it will be installed this week yet. I still have to go get some tile for in front of the slider & the entryway and I need another bucket of mud so I can finish texturing the dining room walls. I just can't wait until it's all done. It is going to look so nice!

My 15 year class reunion is coming up this summer too and I am busy planning that too. So between my 40+ hour a week day job, 16 hour a weekend night job, fixing up my house and raising my 3 kids I also am squeezing in the class reunion planning. That might give you an idea of why my posts are so few & far between.

The X is living out of state now, like 6 states away. He still thinks that I need to drop everything I am doing to talk to him whenever he calls or I-M's me. I don't think so buddy. I might have more motivation to be nicer to him if he would actually pay some support. $100 in the past 3 months for 3 kids just doesn't cut it.

Ok, gotta get back to work now. Bye.


Anonymous said...

Chell, I really admire you for how hard you work to take care of your kids. It can't be easy.

Little Wing said...

Chell post a new blog already!!!!!!!!! :)

Little Wing said...

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ..........ding me when you post!!!!!!! :):):)

JQ75 said...

Wow $11/month/kid, seems kinda low. I pay $670/month/child, and I'm not rich.

I have never been a deadbeat, but had all kinds of enforcement actions pulled on me.

Don't you have a support order?

You can get it taken from wages or seized assets or a IRS hold. There are all kinds of ways.

You can find my email in my profile if you'd like to discuss it further.