Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Oh, a nice steamy candlelit shower. What a way to start the morning. Too bad I was in the shower by myself and I had to use candles to see cuz we had no power! I woke up this morning at 6:30 to the dog barking at something outside. I glance over at my alarm clock & it is blank. Great, must have come unplugged. I get up, go to the kitchen to check the time on the microwave, blank. Panic sets in as I realize I had a shut off notice and I haven’t paid it yet. I franticly look through the pile of mail on the kitchen counter and find the bill. Pay before May 24th to avoid extra fees. OH GREAT! CRAP! That’s an extra $145 I don’t have to get my power back on. I try to call the electric company; they don’t open for another 30 minutes. I sit & stew in my own stupidity for the half hour, while stewing I can hear the neighbors yelling at each other “Hey- you got power?” Oh, there is hope that my stupidity hasn’t cost me anything extra! At 7 am I get ahold of the power company and find out they haven’t shut me off, I made payment arrangement so they don’t shut me off. YEAH! Atleast I can shower- one good thing about having city water. On my way to work I see all kinds of work trucks at the end of the road. Apparently a tree fell on the line & broke it. Most of the blocks at the top of the hill are on the same grid (3 of the 4 schools are on the same grid), the kids had a 2 hour delay. Gomer was mad, she got up for nothing, she could have slept longer. Lil’Man didn’t know what to do for the 2 hour delay, no power meant no PS2, no cartoons, no computer. He & Beanie ended up playing Uno Attack. When I left Beanie was up 2 games to 1. Gomer talked on the cell phone until it died. They forgot to charge it yesterday.

Oh, remind me to show you a copy of the letter Gomer wrote me. She says it’s for class. She is trying to get me to get her a cell phone. I had to write down 4 reasons why she couldn’t have one, and then she wrote me a letter explaining why she should have one. I found it very hard to come up with 4 different reasons. When I was a kid the only reason I needed was that my parents said no. I might have asked for one reason other than that, but 4? I came up with “you’re 12 years old.” “I’m the mom & I said no” “you would abuse it” & “cuz I’m the mom & don’t need to give you any more reasons”. Do you really think I need to come up with any more reasons why? I don’t.

We didn’t do much this weekend. It was hot. Friday the kids, minus Gomer- she went to Whiskey Creek (no it’s not a creek flowing with whiskey) with a friend, and I went to White Cloud to drop off some paper work, then we drove through the Hardy Dam area, went to Croton, and stopped at their Gparents house so Lil’Man could check his fish trap. He had 6-10 minnows and 2 crayfish. Then we headed home. Dork finally (been gone 3 weeks) made it home Saturday late morning early afternoon. We went down the hill to the arts/craft show. Walked though an old house that was for sale. It is very pretty, lots of details like only turn of the century homes have. Then we went to the Gparents house again. Lil’Man wanted to go fishing. The kids did get to go for a little boat ride when they put the boat in the water. We left there on Saturday with the promise of a grill out & boat rides the next day. So Sunday after church we headed back to Gparents house for grilled goodness and boat rides. The kids had a lot of fun. Dork left again Sunday around 5. The kids & I headed to WalMart after he left and got home around 8. Gomer called shortly after I got changed into my boxers. She didn’t feel well & I needed to come get her. They would meet me half way if I could come get her. So Beanie & I head out to get her. It was about a 35 minute trip- one way. Gomer had way too much sun and was on an antibiotic, I don’t think the 2 things mix very well. Monday we didn’t do much of anything. We did go back to WalMart cuz I forgot something during the first trip. I had evicted the cat on Sunday and needed to get some Odorban to rid my house of his stinkiness. He stopped using his litterbox. I had no other choice but to make him an outside cat. He still has his claws, just no balls, so we are good there! Beanie was so upset, she cried and cried. She thinks he ran away, even though she saw me put him outside and she got to hug & kiss him before I booted him. Then he hung out under the deck for a while before he ventured out into the yard. He will be fine, he’s a big boy & he was an inside/outside cat before we moved. Now he is just an outside cat after being an inside cat for 2 years.

Well I suppose I should get some work done. My boss will be here soon.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

yikes - sorry about the power! At least you got a warm shower right? Isn't it funny that without power the kids have to 'resort' to games? Didn't we just play games to play games? I agree when I was told no that was the end of it there was no lets talk about it etc.... no was no. So whats up with Jeff? did ya get some? poor Jenna - :) I'd have gotten rid of that cat a long time ago. I don't care for indoor animals... not good huh?