Thursday, June 01, 2006

I was so rudely awoken last night by the cat, ya know the one I evicted on Sunday. He thought it was due time for him to be let back into the house. Just before I sent the kids to bed, he was hanging out around the slider trying to meow his way back into the house. At 3 am he took different measures. He would jump up and attach himself to the screen on my window. There was just enough light that I could make out his black body spread eagle against my window screen. He still has his claws so I was worried about him ripping the screen. He kept jumping onto the screen on 2 out of 3 windows in my room. He finally quit around 5 am. I am so getting a squirt gun and shooting his ass the next time he does that! I'm not too friendly when I am woken up in the middle of the night. I did discover that the school across the street gets the food delivery at 5am though. And the garbage is picked up around the same time. They are not very nice to the neighbors that are still sleeping at that time. I am so looking forward to the weekend! I wanna be around adults that don't make me work or ask me insurance questions!

Ok Duchess, here's my input on your poll. 1.) I think Nick Lachey is a hottie & I would do him. I do think he & Jessica should try to work things out. It's too bad the media makes it so hard for famous couples to stay together. 2.) so does this body need to be a replacement for mine or one to have trapped in my bedroom for my pleasure? If it's a replacement for mine, then I would want Emmanuelle Vaugier's body. If it is a body for my pleasure then I would want Keith Anderson. But a girl can only dream! I don't think diet & excerise alone will get me Emmanuelle's body! And only dreaming will get me Keith's!

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