Friday, April 28, 2006


Okay, Today has just been a busy day from hell!  I haven’t had time to breathe let alone get anything done!  I really don’t want to take work home but I think this is the only way I will not fall desperately behind.  I am about ready to put a sign on my door that reads “Cash payments are not accepted after I have already gone to the bank!”  

I had to go to a client’s house today and get some pictures.  I don’t think they have ever thrown anything away!  They had all kinds of stuff.  They even had a mannequin sitting in a chair in their living room!  She was holding a sign of some sort.  I was a little overwhelmed when  I walked in the door.  They had a stand up doll in the dining room dressed in a U of M cheerleading outfit, they had a taller than life sized wooden Indian in the side room, next to a bunch of “trees”.  It was quite the experience.  

Okay, I’ve really got to get some stuff done before I try to get out of here.  I really need to go out tonight too.  This week has been very stressful.  I didn’t even mention all of the crap that has gone on this week.  A very brief rundown:  City didn’t notate that I had mailed in a payment (I called & told them) they shut off my water anyway (it was off for less than 12 hours), couldn’t find the dog, couldn’t find my oldest daughter (she wasn’t where she told me she would be)- this was all within 2 hours on Wednesday.  Thursday was pretty normal- extremely busy at work though. Today- our other office is moving today.  The oh so lovely phone company messed up the moving order!  Surprise surprise!  They have no phone, internet or fax til Monday afternoon now.  Boss is pissed!  I have had a stream of people coming into my office today, all after I got back for the before mentioned clients- all paying cash.  I went to the bank while I was out driving back from the clients.  Now Dork is back in town & wants me to pick him up on my way home.  Well that is only 15 miles or so out of my way and gas isn’t cheap ya know!    & He is whining because I want to go out tonight.  It’s not my fault he has been gone for 7 days.  I’m not the one that left.  

Okay day from Hell is almost over.  It is 3 minutes to 5 right now.  I have 5 files to take home to work on.  I hate homework!

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