Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Welcome Alexis Lynn!!!!

There’s a new baby in town!

Cassie had her baby Monday morning around 9:30. She showed no signs of labor at the shower, not a one. She was rubbing her belly saying she had 25 days at the most left, she was due in 11 days and her doctor wouldn’t let her go more than 2 weeks over. Little did we know she had less than 24 hours! Welcome Alexis Lynn! She is bound to be a beautiful individual. Her momma is very beautiful, both on the outside and on the inside. It’s rare to find a person like that anymore. I’ve never met the daddy, but I have seen his picture, he isn’t bad to look at either. Alexis is destined to have dark hair and olive coloring. Lucky baby! I can’t wait to see her, I love babies. They are so nice to hold and to smell. What I love the most now is that I can hand them back when they get fussy or stinky! I make an awesome aunt! But an even better mom, to my own children. Go here: and then click on the 13th, then select ALEXIS L to see a picture of the newest little one in the family.

We went to Gomer’s volleyball game last night. It had been rescheduled due to Grant no having school on Monday. It rained so much in such a short amount of time that some of the road in the school district were washed out, so they cancelled school. My niece plays for Grant’s 8th grade team, so we stayed after Gomer’s game to watch her. She didn’t really look like she really wanted to be playing. If the ball came to her & she didn’t have to move her feet to get it, then she would hit the ball. When she hit it, she did a good job. Gomer did a good job, she really likes volleyball. There is a league she could enter after this season is done, I am thinking of signing her up. But she hasn’t told me she wants to play yet. I think it would be a great opportunity for her; it would really help her polish her skills and learn new ones. But if she doesn’t want to join the league I can’t force her.

Lil’Man will be playing baseball soon. I can’t wait for it to start, that means I can cut his hair again! He hates getting his hair cut, so I was letting him grow it out for the winter. His head sweats so much it’s gross. He would wake up in the morning during the summer with a dripping head before I gave him a buzz cut. Now with the shaggy style that is oh so popular with the boys now, he wants to grow it out. I think it is an excuse to not have the clippers touch his head.

Beanie has joined Awana’s at a local church with one of her school friends. I’m all for her learning more about God and going to church. We go every Sunday. But this Awana thing costs money. After visiting for 3 times she is a “member” and has to purchase a vest and a book. That was $16. Then she came home with a paper about some games that they will be doing. This really is a competition with other churches; they are on Saturdays for the next 2 months from 9 to noon thirty. If she were to participate, we would have to give up a lot of things we would otherwise be doing on Saturday mornings. Like the school carnival, being able to go to OK for Spring Break (if I have the money which doesn’t’ look good), going to Gomer’s volleyball invitational, etc..

Oh great…. I just realized that the volleyball invitational and the school carnival are on the same day at the same time. How am I going to do that?

Well I should get back to work.

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