Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Pre-Whiny Wednesday

I know it’s not Whiny Wednesday yet I NEED a release!  I am going to spend the next minute bitching about my job.  This is not pointed to anyone just general bitching.

I am up to my navel in files.  I left 1.5 hours early yesterday and returned to a mess on my desk.  I now have a ton more to do then when I left yesterday and I took work home with me last night too.  I have a new client that wants things yesterday and I won’t have it until tomorrow at the earliest.  I have 14 new client files that all need something done to them.  I am in need of 8 pictures of new houses that we are now insuring and I am waiting on my boss to get those done.  I have quotes sitting on my desk that need to be done and then call the people back.  I have another appointment for another new client this afternoon, so that is going to add another file to my pile.  It would be very nice if my phone would stop ringing long enough for me to get something done.  I have sales reps stopping in my office all the time, there is only 1 of them that I actually like (Dana) & when she stops in we chat for at least an hour!  Katie, Dana & I are going to have a girls night sometime, soon I hope!   I have the computer guy calling me bitching because he hasn’t been paid yet.  He did the work on the 1st, it’s now the 7th.  BIG DEAL!  I waited over a week for him to come and install the crap and we are still waiting on him to fix his mess up at the other office.  Boss Guy said he would have the check waiting for him at the other office.  Geez, you try to help a friend out by sending work his way and you get crapped on for it.  As soon as this work is done we are finding a new computer guy.  I vote throwing a dart at an open phone book might get us someone better!  Phone’s ringing again. Ok, I’m back- now client file #14 has another policy to be added.  Does my work ever end?!  

I guess I will have to finish later.  I am too busy today to finish now.

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