Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Oh, My little man is growing up!

Oh, I think my son is growing up! This morning he actually asked me if his cloths matched! This is the child that could care less if his cloths fit correctly let alone match each other. His cloths of choice is usually whatever is lying on his floor, he doesn’t even care if they are clean. He is such a boy!

Beanie has decided that this Saturday is the day we are having her belated birthday party. She had strep throat and we had to cancel her party before. Now I think I have strep throat. Go figure. I’ll just have to not breathe on them or drink out of their cups.

Gomer has an ingrown toe nail. It is really bad. The doctor said it has curved into the side of her toe. He was going to remove it, got all gowned up, had the needles out and everything. Having the needles in Gomer’s eye sight was were he made his mistake. She freaked out and would not let him touch her foot. Grandma had taken her, now Grandma refuses to take her back. I’ll have to set an appointment, take the time off of work and take her in myself. She will hate that trip cuz Momma doesn’t put up with her bullcrap! She just finished the antibiotic they put her on. The toe was infected- so gross! But Volleyball is coming up and she will need it fixed before then. I just got off the phone with the doctor’s office & it is going to be removed on Friday the 13th. I hope that isn’t a bad sign!

I’ve been busy lately helping my friend Jennifer (another friend from HS) get her new place ready to live in. She has been living with a friend of hers that is the worst house keeper in the universe! Really bad, worse than anyone else ever! Yes Jenn- even worse than your mom when you were growing up- that was clutter this is gross! Her friend & her family has been out of town (her husband took a job in a different state) and Jennifer and her daughter have been there alone. She has found dirty diapers under piles of junk, that is how bad this girl’s housekeeping skills are! Anyway, Jennifer has purchased a mobile home for dirt cheap. So I have been helping her clean and paint- ya’know getting it ready to live in. The people that lived in it before (they handed the title over to the park to pay for their back lot rent) left all kinds of junk behind. The bathroom is beyond disgusting. The floor, we discovered, has a hole rotted in it. Now we have to put in a new sub floor. And we found that some of the pipes leak. I think that is just from being shut up for the winter without having the lines drained. Ol’Man is over there fixing things for her. I really think once we are done it will be a very nice place for her. It is 3 bedrooms (one will be the computer room), a living room and dining room, bathroom, kitchen and laundry area. It is really good sized and besides the hole in the bathroom floor very sound. I am glad that she is finally going to be able to have her own place, where she doesn’t have to worry about roommates!
Once this project is done, we will start on a project at my house. We are going to put in hardwood floors in the living room and dining room. I also want to replace the step that is in my living room that leads to the dining room. I have to wait on my brother for that one. He has to take down the black walnut tree in his yard first. Once it is down we are going to cut it in half- long ways- debark it, and make it into a step. I think it will look so cool. I want to tile the landing that is at the door when you come in. I’ve already picked out the tile, it has a matching boarder tile too. It is pebbles.
It’s not the best picture, but it gives you an idea of what it looks like. The big tiles would go across the top of the landing and the pebbles would go around the edges, on the raise.

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