Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Just a quick update

So much going on but where to begin?  I guess I will start with what I am most ticked off about.  Jeff’s x girlfriend in Lakeview, the one that he lived with while we were not together, keeps trying to screw him over.  The day he told her he was leaving she told him she was pregnant.  We/I thought she was lying- trying to get him to stay.  Well, in April she gave birth to a girl.  Now she is going after him for child support.  In the process she is telling the courts all kinds of lies.  She is telling them that Jeff owns half of a company (his friend Travis owns this company- not Jeff).  Now I am in danger of losing my state assistants, she or the county that she is living in and telling all of these lies to, have now told my county that Jeff owns part of this company and that he is making all kinds of money.  Now they are investigating my case, worse case scenario would be I would lose my benefits for a year and have to pay back over $4,000 in benefits.  I am so ticked!  Jeff does not own any part of any business and Travis is willing to get them whatever paperwork they need to prove it.  Jeff has not made any money in over a year, trust me I know- I have had to support him & 3 kids all on my own measly pay!    I will just be so ticked off if this doesn’t go the way it should.  I have done nothing wrong & yet I am getting the shaft!   I just found out that they lowered my food stamps by $100 a month!  I don’t understand how they could do that, I did get a raise but it wasn’t that big and it didn’t exceed the amount they indicated on my last statement that I am to notify them if my wages increase.  Plus Jeff is now ordered to pay child support to above mentioned pain in the rear and I included that court paper.  Geesh, maybe I’ll just have to get a second job- one that will allow me to get benefits working part time and then I can just tell the state to shove it!  It is more of a pain than anything!  But $243 a month for food is better than nothing!  I guess we are just going to go on a diet, or it’s going to be Wal*Mart brand mac & cheese everyday!  I’m going to have to start clipping coupons and collecting store ads before I go shopping.  Wal*Mart honors anyone’s ads.  I need to win the lotto, atleast enough to pay off my house.  Then I would have more money from my check to pay for other stuff.

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