Friday, January 20, 2006

I know it's not whiny Wednesday but .....

I know it’s not whiney day, but I just need to whine a little bit today.

I am hot, not the “wow is she gorgeous” kind of way but in the “wow I’d like to take my top off” kind of way.
My necklace is bothering me today.  I don’t always accessorize but decided to today and this wire “choker” style necklace is bothering me.  (Jenn it’s the one I bought at Wal-Mart when I was there visiting you.)  
I don’t like it when I wear shoes that I can’t kick off during the day.  I wore boots today, really cool heeled boots that make me even taller then I already am, but I have to unzip them to take them off.  If a client came in I am either stuck at my desk so they don’t know I am shoeless or I would have to pull them on & zip them up as quickly as possible.

Okay, that’s it.  I’m done whinnying.  I could go on.  Gomer has made me mad.  She decided that her younger siblings needed an email address so she set them up with one to share.  Without asking for my permission!  I think 8 & 10 is too young to have an email address.  

Lil’Man said the funniest thing the other day.  Just he & I were in the truck, Gomer was at church with a friend & Beanie was spending the night at Gma’s house.  Anyway, he asked if he could play the computer when we got home, I told him no.  He asked why, I told him cuz I wanted to spend some time with him & asked if he wanted to spend some time with me.  His reply was “no”.  Well!  I then told him I could get me a different son to spend time with.  He told me “no you can’t you had your tubes tied and you don’t have the money to adopt one either.”  Geeze, when did he learn all of this stuff?!  I told him I could pick up a new one off of the street. He looked around and told me I couldn’t do that either cuz there were no kids out.  Guess he has an answer for everything!  

Beanie was driving me crazy last night.  She was so full of energy; she was dancing & spinning all over the place.  And she was non-stop chatter!  She had a field trip today to the museum in GR so she had to pack a lunch.  So off to the store we go.  I’ve shopped with this child enough to know that in order to avoid spending hours in there getting 4 items she needs to decide what she is getting before we leave the house.  I made her write a list.  We left the store in 25 minutes, not bad for a shopping trip with her.  Of course she has to pick out the highest priced items, not the bargain shopper is she.

Well tonight we will more than likely go to Fremont to Jason & Mel’s house.  Then tomorrow night the kids are going to Gma’s for the night while I have a girl’s night.  It will start with a Spa Party at my house. Nothing like a little pampering before heading out to the bar!    I am so looking forward to Saturday night.  It had better not snow as much as they are saying it might.  They are talking about 6 inches in 8 hours or something like that.  Seeing how we only have a dusting of snow right now & its mid January I’d say we are doing just fine.  For a girl that lives in Michigan I don’t care for the snow all that much!  It’s not really the snow as much as it’s the slippery driving and the cold that I don’t like.

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