Friday, November 10, 2006

Having a teenaged daughter is going to be the death of me. I will be the first to admit that I was by no means a prefect daughter, but I don't remember giving my mom this much attitude when I was 13. My parents set the rules and I followed them. No dating until I was 16. & then I didn't even have my first real date until I was almost 17, 5 days shy of my 17th birthday. Granted I should have dated more then cuz that first real date, I ended up marrying him. No make-up until I was 16. I didn't even sneak make up to school to put it on there. My mom didn't wear much make up, so I never really had that "hey you need to wear make up every day to be beautiful" atmostphere around me as a child. My mom was beautiful without any make up on and she was told that daily by my dad, so I grew up thinking that I didn't need it either. I still don't wear much make up now. My make up supplies consist of eye shadow, mascara, 1 eye liner pencil and some lip gloss. That's it. That's all it's ever been. So tell me why does my 13 year old think she needs to wear make up? Yeah she has some acne, she inherited her dad's skin type- poor baby! But wearing make up will only make it worse.

She has also discovered boys. All of her girlfriends have boyfriends. One would think that at 13 it would be harmless to allow her to have a boyfriend. It's not like they are going to go out on a date or anything, just stolen kisses inbetween classes and holding hands, right? At 13, I didn't know anyone my age that had already had sex. My daughter knows a girl in her grade that has had sex already! What is this world coming too?! Some of my girlfriends started having sex our freshman year. That is too young. At the time we all thought we were pretty grown up, after all we were freshman. But now that my baby girl is getting close to that age, no. I will transfer her to an all girls school if I have too. Maybe I'll send her to live with her Uncle David for a while. He can straighten her out for me.

She needs to realize that I am telling her what she can and cannot do is for her own good, not just because I am mean. Sometimes I do feel like a hypocrite. She wants to wear some of the same things that I wear. How can I tell her she can't have a thong when I am standing there in mine telling her no? I didn't get my first thong until after I had her. I was 20, she's 13. Big difference! At 13 I wore whatever my mom bought me. I had no real choice in the matter. Atleast she gets to pick out her own undercloths. Okay, enough about my daughters underware.

With 4 years between my girls, I will have to repeat this all over again, 4 years from now. With Beanie though, it might be sooner. She's a girly-girl where Gomer is more of a tomboy. UGhh. Why didn't I have all boys?!


Jennifer said...

Honestly I think all girls when born at the hospital need to come with a warning label. Jordyn is a good girl - she just needs a positive male role model who helps set the limits - just my thoughts. I cannot believe what you are telling me though. To me she is just still a sweet little girl whom I adore... Hopefully its just a phase but I would put the rules out and stick with them. Is there anyway to compromise??? I am not looking forward to all of this with Cassidy.. granted David will stomp on it and she'll end up in a "nunnery" ha, love that word.. yep, send her, Uncle David will ship her up! Think we'll get Justin too? LOL

chellfire said...

Oh God, hopefully not at that same time! I think that was half of my problem, letting her "go with" Justin during the summer. I guess I opened up the gate to Hell on that one! Now no one that that the wrong way, I'm not saying anything bad about Gomer or Justin now.

mt_detroit said...

Thank god I'll never have a teenage daughter!

Why get a thong unless you plan to show it to someone. 13 is too young!

But then again I knew a girl that had a baby in 6th grade. She had 2 by the end of Junior High. But she didn't wear a thong!!