Friday, June 16, 2006

Okay, I will update but I might have to do it in sections. Still at work and pretty busy.

Gomer is having Niki spend the night again tonight. Gomer just called & asked if Lil'Man was going anywhere tonight. According to Gomer, Lil'Man stares at Niki and goes "boing" when he is around her. Can 10 year olds do that? I don't think he does that. But hey, I'm the mom and think my kids are perfect. They are model citizens. Yeah, citizens of San Quentin!

So yesterday all 3 kids came to my work. Their Gma dropped them off at 2:30 & they stayed with me until 5. That was the mosted stressed out 2 1/2 hours of my entire week! My office is small, like 300 square feet small. That's less than 100 square feet for each kid & I need atleast another 100 square feet of buffer space between them and me. They are loud and it makes it hard to hear the people on the other end of the phone. I so admire those that can work with children (other people's children) on a daily basis and remain sane. I know that isn't the job for me and I totally admire those that have the talent and ability to perform that job and that do it well.

Gomer got a new bra & panty set. I haven't seen it yet, but she told me it is black and pink. Those are her current favorite colors. She wants to redo her bedroom to those colors. I just might do it too. We'll see. Anyway, she was trying to tell me what they looked like and she used the word hooker in her discription. I then told her I had to see these panties before she would be allowed to wear them, that I just might have to exchange them for some grannie drawers!

Okay, got to go get food. am getting weak. can't even use the shift key. so weak.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

How old is Jordyn again? Does she know what a hooker is? Where did she get this set? I might want one. LOL! I really cannot wait to see you all... soon!