Tuesday, June 06, 2006

My cat has a new friend. Remember I evicted him last week. Well last night he was running around with a gray tiger cat. Friendly little thing. I think it's a she. I don't think 2 male cats would hang together like that. But my boy cat had his "friends" removed about 3 years ago so I don't have to worry about him repopulating the neighborhood. I had to get him fixed, he has no thumbs to put his condom on with, and well, he's a cat. They are much like human men as they don't think with the head to the extreme north end of their body. Besides, it took one time that he pointed that little thing at me & 2 days later he was fixed! He was lying on his back on my lap & I was scratching his belly. I look down at him and about dumped him on the floor from shock. Dork thought it was the funniest thing ever. He about wet himself from laughing so hard. I was mortified! After I recovered from the shock, I though about the 2 cats that had woken me up a few nights earlier. For being so tiny, those boys must really know what they are doing cuz that female was making so much noise! But anyway but to my cat & his new friend. I made the mistake of making a comment last night in the ear shot of my 2 youngest kids. I said, "Oh Carley must be trying to get some tonight." Lil'Man looks at me and asks "Some what?" "Umm. Nothing." Oops guess I had better look & see how is in the room before I open my big ol mouth next time!

Okay Jenn. At this late date we are going to have a hard time finding a camp ground with openings. Here is what I found out last night. The parade is at noon on Saturday July 1. The fireworks are the same day around 10ish, dusk whatever. The best viewing spot is out on the water in a boat. I don't have a big enough boat to fit everyone & their kids. To get a good spot on the ground we would have to be there early. So the camping can take place whatever night you would like it to. Sherry is going to get back with me about Dan's schedule. Jen A has her daughter that weekend, she is working on Monday (Kae is w/ her dad that day) then she has Kae on Tuesday and is back to work for the rest of the week and can't take any time off. & I have yet to know Jen to leave her daughter w/ a sitter while she has her for the weekend.
I think our best bet is going to be camping in some back 40 for the night. We can be close to a lake still and we wouldn't have to pay for a site. But we won't have any electric or potties either. I can't remember where I went w/ Darcey & she can't remember how to get there either. Neither of us want to or have the number to call the guy we went with either.
So just let me know what day you want to camp & I will work on the rest.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Michelle - eewwwwww gross!!!! I may never get a cat now!!!!!!!!!!!

We'll use Lauris' moms land for camping - granted, I'm taking a lot for granted.... hope they still love me!!!!!!!!!!