Friday, September 01, 2006

Ok, so it's been a while (a week) since my last post. Not a whole lot has happened during that time either. Just been working and running back & forth to football & cheerleading practice. Gomer had decided not to join basketball this year. But then she was on the fence about it because they needed 2 more girls to join the team. I’m not sure where she stands on it now. It’s her decision and I can’t make her join or not join. She prefers volleyball. I just enjoy watching her play, doesn’t matter what the sport is, I just enjoy watching her. The more fun she has the more I enjoy watching her. I love the look she gets on her face when she does something good and she knows it’s good. I should cheer louder for her, but she has asked that we not do that, it’s embarrassing ya know.

I love to watch Lil’Man play football too. He gets so pumped up. He loves to play. He loves to tackle is more like it. He doesn’t like to play offense cuz he can’t tackle and he doesn’t want to be tackled. I told him to just run faster then. He wants to play basketball this winter too, that will be a first for that sport. He is still thinking about baseball. He has played it in for the past 2 or 3 years but he was very bored with it this year. His new teacher this year is the JV or Varsity coach for the High School boys and he told him it gets more fun as the kids get better, that he won’t be spending as much time just standing around. I had told him that before, but who am I? Just Mom, that’s all & Mom doesn’t know squat about sports, apparently. Oh well, he gets to decided and he has till spring.

Beanie is cheerleading for the first time this fall. She seems to love it. She is doing cheers all the time, much to her siblings’ disgust. For a first year, she is doing very well. Better than some that have been at it for 2 years or more! I don’t know if she will be interested in basketball this winter if it is offered to her grade. I think that it is and she has said before that she wants to play. We’ll see- if/when info is sent home from school. She is still doing Girl Scouts this year too. Hey, if you need cookies in the spring or nuts in the fall you know how to get ahold of me!

The kids are going with their Dad this Sunday and are spending the night with him. I told him they have to be home by 5pm on Monday. Their first day of school is on Tuesday and I want them fed, bathed, cloths laid out, bags ready, and in bed by 9! I’ve been trying to get them up earlier all of this week, but that is a hard battle. I really hope that Tuesday isn’t WWIII in my house! I will have Sunday afternoon to Monday evening all to my self, what is one to do?

Tonight we are going to be going to help my brother out. They are doing hay tonight. It’s been cut and raked; now it’s baling and hauling. It’s a great workout, but it is murder on your skin if you don’t wear long cloths. I’ve picked hay out of my forearms before for a month after having helped him! But dang it, I’d better lose some weight this time. Last time I didn’t, I was so disappointed.

Oh last weekend my girls and I went into Grant for their festival. Sherry was in the dunk dank. Here’s a picture for your enjoyment.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Go Sherry!!!!
7 days and I'm in MICHIGAN!!!!!