Friday, February 17, 2006

There has been a lot of excitement in the last 24 hours. To start, I was trying to get out of dodge before the bad weather hit. Lauri and I was going to go visit Jenn and attend Nickie's first birthday party. Happy Birthday little guy! But as always, things happen and I can't go. We got hit last night by an ice storm. Of course they did predict it on the news- but who listens to them they are rarely that correct! All of the trees are encrusted in ice now. It is quite pretty when the sun is shining on it, makes it all sparkly! But the down side is that it makes the weight to heavy for the trees and the branches snap off. As proved by the knee deep pile in my yard!

This should be such fun to clean up! That big branch in the picture on the left bounced, yes bounced, off of my roof. I am really hoping that the beams are not cracked now. I really don't feel paying the $1,000 deductible. However I just found out that since the trees are on the city's property and not mine that they are responsible for any damages to my house! BONUS!!!! We lost power last night around 6pm and the estimated restoration time is SUNDAY AT NOON! I really hope they get the power on before then. My iguana can't be in temteratures lower than 70 degrees. He came to work with me today. I let him out of his tiny temporary shelter to stretch his legs. Here he is staring at the wall. I knew my job was boring but really! He has been the center of attention today however. I have had 3 different families come in, each with 3 kids in tow. The kids have just loved him! I have to check with my dad to see if we can come to his house tonight. He is the only one I can think of that would let us and our animals come over. He is a dog lover and Kotta would be welcomed at his house. He really likes our dog!

Well I do have some work to finish up here before I leave the warmth of my office. I got a new computer today at work so Monday I get to install it and transfer all the data, what fun!

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