Tuesday, February 14, 2006

New Info!!!!

Okay, I’ve been told to update.

Here is what has happened since I last blogged.

Wednesday:  I have no recollection of Wednesday.  Oh such memorable days I have!
Thursday: Must have been a repeat of Wednesday.
Friday:  Oh I remember Friday!  Started out as a normal day.  Got to work on time (okay maybe not a normal day!) was hard at work (whatever!), received a phone call at about 11:30ish from Jeff. He was sick.  Thought he was dying sick.  You know, the kind of sick that only a man can experience.  He is on a new medication for his Bi-polarism and I guess one of the possible side effects is that your liver could decide to stop functioning.  He had Hep A back in 1999 or 2000 (I can’t remember Wednesday- do you really expect me to remember when he had Hep A?)  He felt just as horrible on Friday as he did back then.  He spent over 3 hours unable to leave the bathroom out of fear of sharting the bed (that would have ticked me off if he had done that too!)  So he called his mommy.  She told him to call the doctor that ordered the new meds.  When he called that doctor they decided that he either A) had the flu or B) his liver was shutting down.  So he needed to go to ER ASAP!  He calls his friend Travis, who drives him to the nearest ER (15 minutes away).  He calls me after he has all this in motion.  Guess he didn’t like my response earlier when he IM’d me to tell me he couldn’t leave the bathroom.  I merely suggested that he take some Pepto to see if that would help.  So at 11:45 I leave work to drive the hour drive to the ER that he was at.  By the time I get there he is already in a treatment room, but hasn’t been seen yet.  Seeing how the room has a very nice flat panel tv and I am usually stuck in the dungeon my boss calls an office, I decide to catch up on my soaps.  Finally someone comes in to see him, a PA no less.  They decide to hook him up to an IV seeing how he is a bit dehydrated, they run some blood work and take a chest x-ray (to rule out a perforated stomach ulcer).  Turns out he has the intestinal flu!  See, maybe he should have taken the Pepto!  Would have saved him lots of money.  Once the IV was empty they let him go home.  Oh yeah, they also gave him a shot of morphine & some anti-sick-to-the-tummy medicine when they hooked up the IV.   They give him orders to drink only clear liquids and to eat no solids for 24 hours. So when we get home he goes straight to the kitchen and comes out with a glass of Dr Pepper.  When did that become a clear liquid?  Then he proceeds to eat about 5 pieces of toast.  Once Gomer got home from Volleyball practice she & I went to my brother’s to pick up the other 2.  My SIL was nice enough to come pickup the younger 2 so they would not be home by themselves after school.  Gomer & I left, apparently we told Jeff that we would be right back.  I thought he knew me better then to think that I would be “right back” from my brother’s house.  GO FIGURE!  After being at my brother’s for 2.5 hours, Jeff calls.  He wants to know when I am going to be back.  He is thirsty and he is on the couch.  Um, sink is in the kitchen- it has hot & cold running clear liquid!  Go help yourself there big boy!  But no….he has to wait until I get home, another hour or so later.  I was in no hurry.  When I had my tubes tied, he left me home alone with 3 kids, all under the age of 6 at that time.  When I had my tonsils out last year, again I was home alone with 3 kids & no voice for a week!  Aren’t I the lucky one?!    Men!  Why do they turn into such babies when they are sick?

Saturday:  Gomer & I went to GR to go shopping. She needed different underwear for Volleyball.  According to the coach they are to go commando or wear a thong.  I think I might have blogged about this already.  I bought her some “no line” panties for $9 a pair at Kohl’s.  (See Sunday for what I found at Wal*Mart).  We also got her a new pair of knee pads, a new pair of $10 clearance jeans at Kohl’s and a pair of gym pants.  What happened to actually getting something for yourself when you go cloths shopping?  We went to Olga’s for a late lunch.  Gomer had never eaten there before.  She didn’t like that lamb, she had a burger.   Saturday night we had “Family Fun Night” at church.  We went to that, minus Jeff.  It was a lot of fun, the next one is next month.  It will also be the 2nd Saturday of the month.   There was a poker game going on at one table and the rolling of the dice at another, what a fun church we have!  Anyway, when we got home (plus an extra kid- Gomer had a friend/cousin come home w/ us) Jeff was not there.  The cell phone & Travis’ cell phone was there.  So I ran(drove) down to the local pub to see if he was there.  His cousin Josh DJ’s there & said he had left 10 minutes earlier.  By the time Jeff decided to come home I had locked the door on him.  Geez, I had to leave work early the day before because he was so sick he thought he was dying yet he was able to go to the bar w/o even giving me the respect of letting me know where he was?!  Whatever loser enjoy the cold!  I did let him in, the dog was going to wake up the entire house if I didn’t.

Sunday: Went to church, came home, went to Wal*Mart.  Found the same panties at Wallyworld that I paid $9 for at Kohl’s for under $3.  She got 2 more pairs.  I had to get her some tall socks too & wasn’t going to buy them at the mall, got 6 pairs in a bag for under $7!  Went home and lounged around until Extreme Home Make-over came on, and then I watched Desperate Housewives & Grey’s Anatomy.  I love that show, it was so good!  After that I watched Sex in the City and then went to sleep.

I’ve got to get going  home so I will update more tomorrow, if my day isn’t as busy as it has been the last few days!

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