Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Here we are the day before Thanksgiving. Nothing much has been going on around here. The kids have a half day of school today, was suposed to have no school but that was changed about 2 weeks ago. I don't have to work Thursday or Friday either- nice long weekend at home with the kids. Ol'Mans been out of town for the past 3 weeks and he flies in tomorrow night. That is causing much excitement around the house. The kids really miss their dad. The dog has been lost without him, she will be so excited! She will have to have her reunion outside cuz I just know she will be so excited she will piss her pants (if she were wearing any that is) and I don't want it in my carpets!

I broke the news to the kids last night that Santa is only going to bring each of them one present this year. Ya know, due to all of the other deserving kids out there this year he is just needed in other parts of the world so much more this year & cuz they have so much crap already that they don't take care of. I don't think they bought that excuse. I did tell they that they will still get some cloths & stuff from me but Santa is only doing 1 gift this year. Beanie didn't like that idea what so ever. She has been very touchy (cry at the drop of a hat) while her daddy has been gone, and she started crying. Saying something about how Santa won't bring her what she wants or something. She is hard to understand when she is crying. I told her to figure out what it is she really wants and to let me know so I can tell Santa. She is the only one of my 3 that still believes. I've tried every excuse on the other 2 but they don't buy it. Gomer told me that she saw me carrying the presents done the hall one year. They've also figured out that Santa & I have the same wrapping paper. I told them that Santa doesn't wrap the presents, that he brings them over & then I have to wrap them and that is why Santa & I have the same paper & why Gomer saw me carrying them down the hall. That didn't work. I just hope they don't ruin it for Beanie. She will be crushed if she were to find out now.

I think this year for family presents I will be making the gifts. I am too broke to go buy stuff. Plus that gives me an excuse to bake. I love to bake but don't like having all of the goodies at my house cuz I would eat them all.

I am hungry now, so I think I am going to go find a Subway. Or McDee's depending on how bad the roads are!

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