Friday, November 11, 2005

Call the Medics we've got a bad wheel!

The poor doggie, she hurt her widdle foot. Sometimes I think she is such a baby! A few nights ago when she was out doing her nightly pooing she hurt her foot. After she is done pooing she does this strange scratch thing, where she scratches at the ground with all four feet at the same time. While she was performing this little ritual she backed up onto the cement and then yelped in pain. The next morning she wouldn’t put any weight on her back foot. Gomer & I had to pin her down to check out what was going on. I held her mouth closed while Gomer checked out the paw. Yep, she sliced her pad. After hopping her up on doggie vicadin she seems to be doing better. Last night she finally walked on all fours again. Then this morning after I got out of the shower I found her on my bed, watching tv! Guess she just likes to veg out too when she’s not feeling well! You can’t see it in the picture very well, but she’s got the remote with her too. Silly doggie! & I thought Gomer was the Remote Queen in my house!

Beanie is a bit upset with me this morning. She just has to have these fuzzy Bratz posters from her school book order. It’s due today. Well, she didn’t tell me until bedtime last night that she needed $4.95 for this poster thing. Let me just tell you, if I can’t use my debit or credit card I don’t buy it. I am not a cash carrying person. I opened a new bank account about 6 months ago & I still have to purchase my checks, so right now it is strictly cash or card. I have a dollar in my purse, that’s it for the moment. She was not happy. I told her to find something in Lil’Man’s book order- his is due next Friday, that would give me time to go get some cash. I could have sent $4.95 in nickels, dime & pennies but I don’t think her teacher would appreciate that too much! Bean was ready to raid the coin jar however. Guess I will have to keep my eyes open for fuzzy Bratz posters in the stores.

Tomorrow we have to go to a funeral. Ol’Man’s step Grandma died on Monday & her service is Saturday. I hate going to funerals. Granted I grew up around them (my family has owned a funeral home for over 100 years) and never really minded them. But after my mom died I really don’t like going to them. It always reminds me of her. Plus this is just a goofy family I don’t know if I want to submit my kids to the drama. One son isn’t even going to be there, he didn’t want to cut his Cobo vacation short- atleast that is the story I’ve been told. She did go relatively quickly, she had been in poor health for a long time but had a stroke on Sunday. That pretty much did her in. I don’t mean to sound cruel, but she is better off now. She was in so much pain, she had lung cancer, kidney problems, heart problems, and was a diabetic.

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