Thursday, January 03, 2008

Sometimes you just wanna go "GGGRRRR!!!!" If my boss was here right now things might be better. He is gone on vacation right now & I am in charge. Being in charge sucks!

My dad owns & runs a family business that has been around for over 100 years. He was considering selling, but has now changed his mind. He asked me the other day how much I make a year. I told him, then told him what I would need to leave my boss (funny, but just paid medical and the same $$ per year would get me to leave). When I asked him why he said he was just thinking. Right now if he were to ask me to come work for him I would do it. Forget the paid medical. I wouldn't have this headache!

My boss told the other girls before he left on vacation that I am the manager. That everything goes through me. I guess someone missed that memo, cuz she is deciding her own schedule. I told him when he had her start going from office to office that I need someone at my office that is dependable and will be here when told to be here. Funny how that isn't happening.

I am a bit concerned about tomorrow. It's Friday. My truck has broken down the last two fridays in a row. 2 weeks ago it was the wheel bearings, last week a broken tie-rod. I can't afford anything to break this week!

1 comment:

Little Wing said...

I hope you made it thru Friday with no break down!!!!!