Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I've made it through 2 Fridays without a breakdown. I think my luck has taken a turn for the better.

I put in my notice at the bar, last Saturday was my last night there. I am going to miss it, I already know. They did leave it so I can come back if I want to. I prolly will end up going back.

More staff changes at the day job. I just don't understand how someone could steal money from their employer and think that no one will find out. I really don't understand how anyone could steal from an employer that is as great as the one I have. Go figure, takes a lot of strange people to make the world go round.

5 more months until the kids & I take off for Disney. I think I am more excited than they are!

On the radio this morning they were talking about the movie "The Bucket List" and what was on their own bucket lists. That made me think of what should be on mine. So here it is:
1. See my kids graduate from High School & College, succeed in what they choose to do.
2. See my kids find the loves of their lives, get married & have babies.
3. Find the guy that makes my heart race, the one that I would find myself missing when we are apart for just a few hours, the one that makes me feel special and beautiful when I am just puttering around the house in my pj's with my hair pulled back in a ponytail from the night before.
4. Go to Scotland and research my family history

It's a short list, but that's all I want. Shouldn't be too hard now should it?

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