Monday, October 22, 2007

Okay, the day of my last post my X had called me. I was taking our oldest daughter and her friend to the Cute is What We Aim For/Plain White T's/Gym Class Hero's/Fall Out Boy concert that night, the X was taking the other 2 kids for the night. The kids had a half day of school that day. In the morning I had instructed the younger two that they were to come straight home from school, do any homework, eat lunch and do their chores because their dad was coming to get them. About an hour after they should have been home I get ahold of my oldest (now 14, she had a birthday on Tuesday). My son is with a friend of his at another friend's house, and my youngest never came home from school. Great! I told her to go find them. Then, not even 10 minutes later the X calls me to tell me he is on his way to get the kids and that they had better be ready to go. So I call my oldest back. The kids are not home by the time their dad gets there. So he call me. Like I can wiggle my nose and make them appear! Geeze. We get into it. I simply said that I guess I am going to have to hire a sitter for the kids because they don't listen to me from miles away at work nor do they listen to their older sister. He states that maybe I should just find a different job. Me, find a different job?! To which I reply "Why don't you find A JOB so I don't have to work TWO JOBS! Or why don't you just be there with the kids when they get home from school and make sure they do the stuff they are supposed to?" His reply "I don't have a vehicle...." at this point I hung up on him. Funny how he always has a vehicle to drive whenever he wants one but uses it as an excuse whenever I ask him to do something out of his way for his children. He is so behind on his child support to his other children that the state took away his driver's license and he has 2 warrents for his arrest for the back support. Soon he will have 3 warrents. There is an order for my 3 kids for support, like I ever see a dime of that! He is ordered to pay a whooping $70 a month for all 3 kids. I hate the system, it seems to work in every females advantage except mine. Maybe because I don't work it, I don't know.

I've got to get to work now, but I will post more later. Here are a few things I will blog about: Fall Out Boy Concert, motorboating, the bar job, basketball game.

1 comment:

Little Wing said...

Chelle, I just don't even begin to understand why he only has to pay 70.00!!!!
That is just insane!
Thank you so much for the kind comment. I am going to leave the blog open for right now, I just don't have time to go private.
Come on over and visit, and thanks for the support.