Monday, September 24, 2007

I'm not sure a day could be more Monday than today has been.

It started yesterday with the kids fighting with each other. That is a never ending battle and I want it to stop. I know from experience that it will not stop until they have moved out of my house and they don't see each other on a daily basis. This morning it was because the youngest made that she wasn't woken up early enough (there were tears involved here). I tried at 6:45, Jordyn tried at 7 & 7:20. The dogs got into a fight this morning over their food so Jordyn swatted them across their bums and yelled at them, which made Jenna (my youngest) come running across the house. Once in the living room, she stepped on a skateboard that was on the wood floor so it went rolling causing her to be sprawled across the floor on top of the skateboard. More tears. Then my son about blew a gasket when I asked him to humor his mother and take a sweatshirt with him to school. He ended up throwing a box of full of stuff to be taken to Goodwill and now there are shoes all over my dining room. My son has anger issues that he inherited from his father, such a lovely trait.

Speaking of the X, I had words with him yesterday, after one of my son's fits of rage. That time it was because I decided to get rid of the entertainment center. I had carpet installed in part of my living room yesterday and the entertainment center was unstable on the carpet, so I had the guys take it to the curb. I then put the tv, cable box and dvd player on top of the iguana's house. This house of the iguana's is more sturdy then my house! He is just conceived that the weight of the tv is going to cause it to break and come crashing down on his beloved pet and kill it. After I got my son in his room and calmed down a bit, I called his dad to tell him he had better deal with his son. I am tired of being the only one that acts like the parent. I told him that he has the kids he needs to spend time with them and to stop ditching them at his mom's or his brother's house. I went on to tell him that his cows and his friends should not be more important than his own children, it was at this point that he hung up on me. He called me back later (prolly thinking I needed time to cool off so I would stop yelling at him, but that didn't happen) and I gave it to him again. I really wish I hadn't of had children with someone so dysfunctional and mentally unstable. I love my kids and I do not regret anything about them other than my choice in who their father is. I work that much more to be a better parent for my kids. I try very hard to be a positive upbeat role model for them. I just hope they don't follow in his footsteps.

1 comment:

Little Wing said...

Chelle, I guess you just do what you can and hope for the best.
I hope it gets better.