Friday, September 14, 2007

I so want this week to be over. I work in insurance. My boss has 3 offices in 3 different cities in 3 different counties. He has told me that when he isn't available, on vacation or whatever, that I am in charge- I am the boss. Well I don't wanna be the boss! He is on vacation this week- again. By years end he will have taken 5 one week long vacations. Must be nice to be the owner. I run the busiest of the 3 locations and until recently I've done it all by myself. I now have someone that comes in 4 days a week to help me out- which I am greatful for. This week has been hell. Major hell. The gal that runs office #1 (mine is office #2) called in sick on monday. No biggie, but she never called me. She called office #1 and left a message on the voice mail. The gal that comes in to help her is new and doesn't really know what to do. So I had to send the gal that works with me there once she was done with her sick kid. Tuesday went pretty smooth. Wednesday the new gal was to be working in office #3 helping out. At about 3pm I find out that she never showed up. She called office #3 to let her know that her kid has strep and she won't be there, but again, no one called me. Yesterday the girl that works with me was scheduled to work at office #3 for the day and that day went smooth. Today. Today is hell. The gal that runs office #1 started her monthly and is in megga pain, so she called in. Then she went on a cigarette run (cuz they are oh so important!) and now her car won't start, I guess she was going to try to come in. Oh yeah, she didn't call me. The gal that works with me had to take her pregnant 17 year old to sign up for adult ed this morning (she's been too sick to go to school) and called to tell me she was going to be late. Then the new gal that's at office #1 called me with questions and told me that Heather was sick today and not coming in. So I called my helper gal and told her to go to office #1 when she was done signing up her kid.

See why I'm stressed! I can't wait for my boss to get back. I so want to tell him I want 2 weeks of vacation a year now instead of just 1 and that I get 1 mental health day for each week he is gone on vacation.

Tonight at the bar prolly won't be much better either. Basicly everyone asked for this weekend off but not everyone got it. So I'm worried that the ones that didn't get it will be pissy and complaining and that's not fun to work with. And the manager had to call in a gal that used to work there, well she stood around there and complained all the time, to work/stand this weekend. I'm supposed to bartend on Saturday too. I'm looking forward to that, which means I'll prolly get pulled to wait tables instead seeing how she is 1 short on the wait staff for Saturday.

I'm sorry, I'm usually a glass half full kind of gal and this post has been very negative. But it is helping me, being able to vent and all. Thanks!


Little Wing said...

Ok in one word....COMPENSATION!
You should make way more money when the boss is gone, I would discuss it with the boss!

chellfire said...

I make way more money than anyone else that works for him or anyone that has ever worked for him already. I'm trying to take him into getting that house in Mexico that he & his family really wants, so I can use it too. He said if/when he got one he would use it as an incentive reward and send that person (me) there (airfare included).

Little Wing said...

Ok now THAT would be cool!