Okay, I've got a dilemma. I've just been told about a different job. I'm not looking for a different job, but if something better, shinier, newer was thrown at me I just might want that shinier job. The new job is about 20 minutes closer to my home, and it offers
extensive benefits. I'm all about
extensive benefits seeing how I don't have any currently! So, here's the dilema. Do I send in my resume? Well, that's a no brainer. Of couse I send in my resume. But what do I do when it comes time to interviewing? Or a job offer? Do I just wait to cross that bridge when I get to it? I love my job- for the most part. My boss is great, he gives me lots of freedom and independence. He would have a hard time finding someone else to fill my shoes if I were to leave. I think he would have to find 2 people to do the job I do. I would feel bad leaving too. I don't want him to think that I applied because I don't like my job. I would be applying because
I NEED THE MONEY & THE EXTENSIVE BENEFITS! But I also don't want him to think that I am applying just to have him offer me more money to stay with him. Ugh! What does a girl do?! Please tell me what you think, please voice your opinion. Thank you.