Monday, December 12, 2005

My baby is sick

My baby is sick.  She came home on Thursday (yes on her birthday) complaining of a sore throat.  Friday morning she woke up with a fever.   She stayed home with her daddy while I went to work.  I made a doctors appointment for her, got her in at 4:15- so I got to leave work early.  She has all the symptoms of strep throat just no visible signs of it yet.  They did a throat culture and put her on some meds.  Friday night was a very long night.  Her daddy was gone late; I let her sleep with me.  At midnight she sat straight up in bed and started screaming.  Screaming at the top of her lungs, screaming for her Daddy and then for her sister.  She had such a look of terror in her eyes it was scary!   I got her calmed down and back to sleep.  Shortly after that is when her daddy decided to show up.  At sometime between 2:30 and 3 she had another nightmare.  After this one she was too scared to go back to sleep.  She didn’t go back to sleep until after 6 o’clock that night!    Fever induced nightmares are the worst!   Saturday was supposed to be her birthday party with her little girlfriends.  We had to postpone that.  Today she is still running a fever.  I really hope this fever goes away soon.  She is going to end up missing a lot of school.  The doctor’s office called this morning & yep, its strep throat.  I think they should remove her tonsils.  She is so prone to strep throat.   Plus I really hate seeing her without her normal energy.

Well, my day has now slipped away from me & it is now time for me to log out of the computer & go home.  I fill you in on the rest tomorrow.

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